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Normally this would go in the hype thread, but it is too important for that. If rumors are true

TIE FIGHTER will be available on TOMORROW.


  • Can you guys hear that? It sounds like Rym leaving Australia early to buy it.

    Are you going to need a joystick to play these? I'm not getting a joystick.
  • Does this mean my original copies will work with these?
  • Starfox said:

    Can you guys hear that? It sounds like Rym leaving Australia early to buy it.

    Are you going to need a joystick to play these? I'm not getting a joystick.

    LOL what are you talking about there is an X-Wing and Tie Fighter tournament being held by Chris Roberts at PAX Aus.
  • edited October 2014

    Tomorrow after work, I will crush the rebellion.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Commence the recommending of flight sticks. What do I buy???
  • Matt said:

    Commence the recommending of flight sticks. What do I buy???

    I'm going to play the old version that uses mouse and keyboard.


    I'm going to go to Rym's apartment and try to find/steal the stick he may still have while he's in Australia.
  • I might need to get that game. Never played Tie Fighter. I need some Grim Fandango and Monkey Island 3 and 4 in my life.
  • Tie Fighter was literally jaw dropping in the context of its time, but I doubt that modern, younger gamers with different aesthetic sensibilities will be impressed with it. The gameplay is tight, but not awe inspiring or anything.
  • I wonder if it'll feature the code wheel DRM.
  • Will the multi-player work? If so I assume there will be forum-wide dogfights?
  • edited October 2014

    Will the multi-player work? If so I assume there will be forum-wide dogfights?

    The multi-player was mostly in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and also in X-Wing Alliance, which are curiously not available (yet).
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Apreche said:

    The multi-player was mostly in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and also in X-Wing Alliance, which are curiously not available (yet).
    How does the "matchmaking" work? I assume it's just type an IP?
  • Are they not doing some AVP experiment to get old games to work multiplayer, so I figure if that succeeds we'll get X-Wing vs TIE fighter and X-Wing Alliance
  • Cremlian said:

    Are they not doing some AVP experiment to get old games to work multiplayer, so I figure if that succeeds we'll get X-Wing vs TIE fighter and X-Wing Alliance

    Hopes... dreams...
  • Xwing vs TIE worked using modems for a direct connection. Shouldn't be that hard to add a TCP/IP layer to trick it? At least in my case I played it that way over 56k modems.
  • I tested it before leaving the house this morning. It worked perfectly. Now I REALLY want to go home.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Xwing vs TIE worked using modems for a direct connection. Shouldn't be that hard to add a TCP/IP layer to trick it? At least in my case I played it that way over 56k modems.

    X-Wing vs Tie Fighter had four options for multiplayer - IPX over a LAN, TCP/IP over LAN/WAN, direct modem, and direct serial. TCP/IP still works, albeit a bit janky if you end up with packet loss over the Internet. There's actually a postmortem write-up over at Gamasutra that goes over what they learned from writing the netcode for the game.
  • I don't even want to say this because I might jinx it, but I'm going to do it anyway.

    If can resurrect TIE Fighter, and can also ressurrect old multiplayer like that of AvP or X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter, then that means they can resurrect...

    TRIBES 2?!?!??!?!

  • The second coming? No... it can't be possible!
  • Apreche said:

    I tested it before leaving the house this morning. It worked perfectly. Now I REALLY want to go home.

    Does it work with an xboz controller? Not keen on buying a flightstick.
  • Starfox said:

    Does it work with an xboz controller? Not keen on buying a flightstick.
    I didn't even think to try XBox controller. Even if it did work, there are not enough buttons on there for this game. You need buttons for things like redirecting power from rear shields to forward shields. Also, engaging hyperdrive to exit missions. Your keyboard must be near by.

    When you buy it you actually get two versions 1994 and 1998. The old one uses mouse and keyboard. The new one requires joystick. At least that's what the documentation says.
  • You're right. Now that I think about it, there were a buttload of keyboard commands. Strike foil configuration, single/double/quad lasers, shields fore/aft/balanced, lasers/ions/torpedoes selection, energy levels to shields/weapons/engines, throttle, hyperspace, map, targeting. There was a lot of shit.
  • Starfox said:

    You're right. Now that I think about it, there were a buttload of keyboard commands. Strike foil configuration, single/double/quad lasers, shields fore/aft/balanced, lasers/ions/torpedoes selection, energy levels to shields/weapons/engines, throttle, hyperspace, map, targeting. There was a lot of shit.

    A real game. Like they used to make.
  • Is hyperdrive just used to get out of the mission?
  • Game totally works on my laptop.



    What joystick are we all going to buy?
  • Rym said:


    What joystick are we all going to buy?

    Back in the day I had a CH flightstick pro. Hey look, they have them on amazon and they're... 85 bucks?! Forget that.
  • Is the new game compatable with the old one? I still have my CDROMS of the game and Balance of Power expansion.
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