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GeekNights Thursday - Busses

Tonight on GeekNights, we discuss busses, possibly the worst form of transportation. In the news, the pirate bay has been shut down again, this time possibly for good, dim people are suing Adblock, adblocking software is escalating the war on ads (though this is not new to people who actually know things), and Internt ads are mostly clicked on by bots likely run by organized crime, making the whole thing a giant money laundering scam. (See also some free-to-play games).

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  • Listened to first half of this episode on my commute. Just sent you boys and invite to a new source for your TV shows.
  • I rode the Bolt Bus one time to visit you guys once. I didn't live as far out in Virginia as I live now, but it took me 6.5 hours from my door in Tysons Corner to your door in Queens, and it only take 4.5 (4 hours if I push 80 the whole whole way) to drive. The seats were also built for someone who was 5'8" at best so I was supremely uncomfortable. Even though I had a return ticket on the bus, I paid to ride the Amtrak home. Then for a long while I only drove, but now NYC has decided they fucking hate cars coming in from the outside and the tolls are getting too expensive. Might be driving to Hamilton and riding NJT from now on.
  • The bus for us takes about a long as driving to most conventions. But that's because.

    1. It picks us up close to our apartments
    2. It drops us of basically at the conventions themselves
    3. It takes the same roads we would take
    4. It leaves every half-hour or hour (sometimes more), so we basically leave whenever we want.

  • Might be driving to Hamilton and riding NJT from now on.

    This is what I do, except when I go to Princeton Junction because I'm a Moron.

  • Cremlian said:

    This is what I do.

  • Busses here are usually pretty good, but that's mostly because often they don't follow the same roads we do, they mostly run on their own dedicated routes called Busways, that go at freeway speed almost all the time, and regular traffic can't access. Once you get out to the suburbs, there's rarely traffic to speak of that would slow them down.
  • Most buses I've been on recently had an automated voice that announced major bus stops.
  • edited December 2014
    I pretty much only take buses when I'm traveling at least one state away, but it typically goes pretty well. Someone charters private buses between RIT and MA every break and I always take them. Fuck Greyhound though. Fuck everything about Greyhound. I'm not going to pay almost a hundred dollars to spend 11.5 hours traveling from Boston to Rochester and also get sick. And there's no goddamn reason to charge $15 or whatever if the name on the credit card doesn't match the name of the traveler. Die in a fire. /rant

    EDIT: Apparently fake HTML tags are still hidden.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • As for your comment on genericon, I will bring my portable table top convention if someone has space for me to sleep/get a shower.
  • Oh, you guys are heading to Genericon? I think we're already putting up Karl, but I might be able to find crash space for other people.
  • Oh, you guys are heading to Genericon? I think we're already putting up Karl, but I might be able to find crash space for other people.

    We're considering it. They've invited us every year, but we never went. Is it worth going?
  • Apreche said:

    We're considering it. They've invited us every year, but we never went. Is it worth going?
    If they pay for it? Sure. Otherwise, not so much.

    I mean, I guess it's a place where they have tables and you can play a bunch of games. But I wouldn't pay for it.

  • RymRym
    edited December 2014

    If they pay for it? Sure. Otherwise, not so much.

    I mean, I guess it's a place where they have tables and you can play a bunch of games. But I wouldn't pay for it.

    A lot of cons are willing to pay for us. Offered money has basically no bearing on whether we go or not. It comes down to:

    1. Do we WANT to go? (usually no)

    2. Are other of our friends going who we can't see easily another way?

    3. Are the panel rooms large and well attended enough to be worth it?

    4. Do we owe someone a favor and have to attend/perform?

    5. Will we reach a reasonably large new audience for GeekNights?

    6. Is it a pony con?

    7. Does it overlap with a PAX?

    Post edited by Rym on
  • I think number seven should be higher on your list.
  • Banta said:

    I think number seven should be higher on your list.

    The list is in no particular order. ;^)
  • Conventions have started offering me stuff to perform but, since I love performing, none of it really matters unless it lowers the financial burden on my attendance.
  • That video... That made my day.

    "You're mad because you got a bullshit job, and you're late to that bullshit job."
  • Rym said:

    That video... That made my day.

    "You're mad because you got a bullshit job, and you're late to that bullshit job."

    NYC 4 life.
  • Rym said:

    A lot of cons are willing to pay for us. Offered money has basically no bearing on whether we go or not. It comes down to:

    1. Do we WANT to go? (usually no)

    2. Are other of our friends going who we can't see easily another way?

    3. Are the panel rooms large and well attended enough to be worth it?

    4. Do we owe someone a favor and have to attend/perform?

    5. Will we reach a reasonably large new audience for GeekNights?

    6. Is it a pony con?

    7. Does it overlap with a PAX?

    I guess #5 is the most compelling reason to go. Depends on your definition of "reasonably large," but RPI is full of your target demographic.

  • The San Diego MTS is ok as long as you sit towards the front of the buss or trolly. The further back you go the smellier the people are and the more likely you are to see napping hobos. The police regularly sweep the trolly stops and pick up a surprising number of meth heads despite it being the twentyet time they've done it. This is why I carry hand sanitizer when I commute... And two knives.

    Also despite the fact that I can use the MTS to get to any job I need to it hard to convince people in this town of that and hire me.
  • Do they really ask specifically if you have a car? Most of the time I only see reliable transportation as requirement unless its for a job the specifically requires a car.
  • Dazzle369 said:
    The font makes it look like the text says "Keep on beliebing".

  • Do they really ask specifically if you have a car? Most of the time I only see reliable transportation as requirement unless its for a job the specifically requires a car.

    The last guy I talked to specifically asked if I had a car, and I had to swear up and down thar I could get places and the car situation was not an obstacle. I thought I was going to have to show the guy the buss and trolly routs on my phone.
  • Imagine if there was someone around like Malcolm X today, on Fox news.
  • Do they really ask specifically if you have a car? Most of the time I only see reliable transportation as requirement unless its for a job the specifically requires a car.

    Most employers don't consider public transportation to be "reliable" but if you can prove they didn't hire you because you have to use public transportation then you've got a case for discrimination.
  • Rym, in your hypothetical money laundering app microtransaction scenario, how would you actually execute it? So you've got your drug cash, how do you turn it into digital cash to buy your fake app stuff?
  • Starfox said:

    Rym, in your hypothetical money laundering app microtransaction scenario, how would you actually execute it? So you've got your drug cash, how do you turn it into digital cash to buy your fake app stuff?

    1) Sell drugs -> Get dirty money
    2) Go to a bunch of different stores and buy iTunes/Google Play gift cards with cash.
    3) Create a whole bunch of different accounts that you access via VPN.
    4) Create a crappy game app that costs money and has in-app purchases. It will probably profit on its own.
    5) Make sure the company that has the game app is in a country with a good tax situation.
    6) use all the gift cards to buy things in that app, thus cleaning it and sending it to the right place.
  • Ah, the gift cards. I forget you can buy e-store stuff like that, because I never buy e-store stuff.
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