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Dwarf Fortress

edited September 2006 in Video Games

Dwarf Fortress is a potential uber-game. It's a bizarre combination of old-school and new-school games, offering what looks like an amazing level of complexity with the stunning graphics of... ASCII. Yeah, it's like Nethack. From what I can tell, you start as a dwarf with 7 friends at the foot of a cliff, and you need to tunnel out a mine and start preparing to survive the winter. So it's a strategy title ala Oregon Trail meets Lord of the Rings? Well, no, since you can also strike out and explore the persistent world as an adventurer not unlike in Oblivion. Or you can lead your squad of dwarves and take over other fortresses like in a tactical strategy game or something.

I haven't tried it yet - I'm a combination of terrified at how unapproachable this game is, and paralyzed by the fact that I'm on a Mac and haven't bothered to switch to Windows to try it. I'm still totally chuffed though; the amount of promise that this game offers is just amazing, and it sounds SO COOL. Almost a shame that you need to play for a good 5-10 hours to get the hang of it (at least from what I hear).

So, I therefore turn it over to you the forum. Anyone here have the constitution to give Dwarf Warriors a go? I think I may... later. I'll post an update if I do. I'm fascinated just reading about it though...


  • That game is... incredible. The depth is staggering. If it had a better visual appearance and a mouse interface, i'd drop some serious money to pick up the final product. But despite it's rough appearance, it's still a hell of a game. It may well consume me...
  • Yeah... no kidding. I got it installed, and after 115 failed world generation attempts, I finally got one to... well, I guess compile would be the best term. Anyways, I started an Adventure mode, moved the @ character around a bit, got scared and ran away.

    I can only imagine what would become of this game if it had a real interface...
  • I've hardly used Adventure mode yet, Fortress mode is where it's at. My little guys have dug into the mountain, built a few workshops and found an underground river. They'll have to build a flood control system so the fort doesn't get drowned every year. It's very confusing at the start, but there are quite a few tutorials online, I recommend them if you want to understand the game without being overwhelmed.

    I've been playing for hours, with the dwarves living in communal accommodation, sitting on thrones made of talc, etc., and yet you can reach a point where you have an internal currency and economy, nobles, professional military... holy crap! I've waited a long time for a game like this.
  • Ok, this game wins the award for "most obtuse interface ever". I got the game to start, succesfully generated a world and started a new dwarven fortress. From that point on I didn't have a single clue as to what to do. I was too afraid to actually perform any actions in the menus until I knew what they meant. After about a minute of stumblind around the menus in fear, I deleted the game. I'm sure there might be an awesome game in there somewhere, but will someone please put a usable interface on it? At least in nethack I can walk around and fight some monsters, in this I can't do anything.
  • You can't do anything in this game because you aren't nearly awesome enough. Once you become more awesome, you'll come to realise that the interface is actually quite reasonable, for an ASCII game. Meh, your loss.

    If anyone wants some help getting started, there are tutorials on the wiki and on the Penny Arcade forums. Have at it.
  • You can't do anything in this game because you aren't nearly awesome enough. Once you become more awesome, you'll come to realise that the interface is actually quite reasonable, for an ASCII game. Meh, your loss.

    If anyone wants some help getting started, there are tutorialson the wikiand on thePenny Arcade forums. Have at it.
    It's really just not worth the effort. I have other things to do besides spend hours learning this game.
  • Apreche = if it's not cool in the first 5 minutes screw that!
  • edited September 2006
    Apreche = if it's not cool in the first 5 minutes screw that!
    You damn right. This will only change sometime in the future if I am able to acquire enough moneys to maintain my current lifestyle without spending 8 hours a day at work.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Your damn right.
    Gotcha! Finally!
  • You're damn right.
    Gotcha! Finally!
    Double Gotcha! I win!
  • There's nothing wrong with saying "You damn right" since I'm quoting Shaft. So shut your mouth. You dig?
  • That was a horrid concurrance of bad spelling and grammar by Scott^2...

    As for the game, good god... I normally LOVE games like this, but this is just too much. The investment this game requires to glean any enjoyment out of it is far greater than I am willing or able to put forth. It's far too complex with a vastly inadequate interface. Information is presented in a terribly obtuse way, to the point that it seems like you'll spend more time interfacing than you will actually playing.

    This game could be amazing, but it needs a workable gui that could provide subtle clues and graphical help to get people started. There is no sublety to ASCII. There is no way to hint at states or information without showing the hard numbers. There's no way to provide flavour other than through expositive text.

    This game plus a well-made gui would probably eat what's left of my free time. As it stands, however, I can't see myself spending the time it would take to enjoy it. WoW has less of a time investment...
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