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Bicycle Thieves

edited October 2009 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, Rym discusses the finer points of how he got his bike back from the basement of the Alamo.


  • Insurance and/or just paying a random junkie a tenner to fish a bicycle out of the canal? Sunday show is great.
  • More like confronting the dude what stole it, scaring him into running away, and then hacksawing the bike free from the chain he'd used to lock it up. Bonus points for trailing him to his den. ^_~
  • edited October 2009
    scaring him into running away,
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Insurance and/or just paying a random junkie a tenner to fish a bicycle out of the canal? Sunday show is great.
    Ah, Amsterdam, such a wonderful place.
  • Oh, I forgot to mention a story, I told it on a geekchat once. Either way, it perfectly echoes Rym's statement of "Stealing bikes is easy". What the thieves did was quite cunning, they got a truck, went to town, and started loading in bicycles under the guise of collecting rent bikes. Nobody thought it was weird.
  • Oh, I forgot to mention a story, I told it on a geekchat once. Either way, it perfectly echoes Rym's statement of "Stealing bikes is easy". What the thieves did was quite cunning, they got a truck, went to town, and started loading in bicycles under the guise of collecting rent bikes. Nobody thought it was weird.
    I was thinking about that the other day, If I got some old, dirty work-clothes, a high visibility vest, and printed Yorkshire council logos on them, wear regular clothes underneath - I could carry my massive bolt-cutters around town, find a slightly out of the way bike, cut it free and carry it off, then strip the old work clothes, so you're in normal street clothes, dump or conceal the work clothes, and hey presto, new bike. If someone sees you, they'll probably assume you're working for the council, cutting loose an illegally chained bike, which happens from time to time.
  • edited October 2009
    I know where you find funny videos. In funny places ;)

    I'm glad Rym got to meet a celebrity. Bubs from The Wire obviously stole his bike. This whole bicycle story leads me to ask a question: what was the genesis of the phrase "African-American gentleman," and why is it NEVER used in the context of a nice story?

    I think that your move to bluff was a good idea. Acting in control is a good defense against the type of person who live to intimidate.
    Post edited by VichusSmith on
  • It's a gooood story. =D
  • I think that your move to bluff was a good idea.
    My bluff was to put him off guard long enough to prepare some Monkey Steals the Peach.
  • Are you going to post the pictures?
  • Are you going to post the pictures?
    As soon as I get a chance to upload them.
  • Has someone pointed out that the reason you wouldn't confront someone cutting through a bike chain is that they may be dangerous and they definitely have a hacksaw?
  • I would like to use an old punk phrase to describe how to deal with those people of a lower socio-economic class and intelligent. You "put the boots to them" or you and some buddies dress in dark clothing, put on some steel toe caps and then, *put the boots to them*
  • This episode cracked us up. Especially the part where the guy just ran instead of doing anything else that wouldn't make him seem totally guilty. It also reminded me of this video from years ago.
    Neistat Brothers fake stealing bikes in NY. No one really does anything about it. If I remember correctly, someone actually comes forward to help.
  • And this is why I buy the $70 bike from walmart.
  • Great story. It made the drive to and from home really nice. And it's funny how Scott had a little bike story too! Oh yeah, two related videos:


  • If you haven't already seen this classic, you should certainly take a look now. ^_~
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    If you haven't already seen this classic, you should certainly take a look now. ^_~
    Indeed it is my friend, indeed it is.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • If you haven't already seen this classic, you should certainly take a look now. ^_~
    Why is that ginger kid listening to the crotch of the dude with the mutton chops?
  • If you haven't already seen this classic, you should certainly take a look now. ^_~
    Why is that ginger kid listening to the crotch of the dude with the mutton chops?
    Why does their have to be a question posed about a relatively unimportant piece of artwork?
  • If you haven't already seen this classic, you should certainly take a look now. ^_~
    Why is that ginger kid listening to the crotch of the dude with the mutton chops?
    Why does their have to be a question posed about a relatively unimportant part of a piece of artwork? Why not go download the movie to answer your question?
  • Why does their have to be a question posed about a relatively unimportant piece of artwork?
    Because it just seemed odd to me.
    Why does their have to be a question posed about a relatively unimportant part of a piece of artwork? Why not go download the movie to answer your question?
    I've seen it before. It doesn't really provide an answer to this most important question, most unfortunately.
  • By the way, I fully back the commie plot for Detroit Weed City as the current state of things seems closer to Fallout 3 than it should be.
  • edited November 2009
    Scott has a set of teacups. Yeah, every straight guy I know has a set of teacups.

    Also, some of us can't look at College Humor during the day because we have work blockages. At night we are too tired and/or living in the non-net world.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Scott has a set of teacups. Yeah, every straight guy I know has a set of teacups.
    I have Teacups. Two of them. They hold about 20 ounces. What's so bad about that?
  • edited November 2009
    Scott has a set of teacups. Yeah, every straight guy I know has a set of teacups.
    I have Teacups. Two of them. They hold about 20 ounces. What's so bad about that?
    Two is not a set. Scott said he had a whole set. Also, you're in England. Teacups in England are like coffee mugs in the U.S., i.e. pretty neutral. I guess that's because your whole country is a little fruity.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2009
    Two is not a set. Scott said he had a whole set. Also, you're in England. Teacups in England are like coffee mugs in the U.S., i.e. pretty neutral. I guess that's because your whole country is a little fruity.
    As an Australian, I must protest lumping me in with the English, among whom Bad teeth and Xenophobia are the rule, not the exception - I'm descended from the Irish, and if there must be a sterotype I'm an alcoholic criminal who likes to get in fights, thank you very much.

    And anyway, two is a set if they match, and these ones absolutely do, because I nicked them both from the same Starbucks.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have two sets of teacups. What's the problem with teacups?
  • edited November 2009
    I have two sets of teacups. What's the problem with teacups?
    Jesus Christ, there's nothing wrong with teacups. I'm just trying to make a stupid joke that, in the U.S. at least, owning a set of teacups is not the most hetero-male thing you can do.
    And anyway, two is a set if they match, and these ones absolutely do, because I nicked them both from the same Starbucks.
    Nicking them detracts at least somewhat from their gayness. Anyway, aren't you bi?
    As an Australian, I must protest lumping me in with the English
    I didn't lump you in with them. You did when you moved there. What the hell were you thinking? Move to the States before you get rogered to death.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Move to the States so you can bag Sonic's sister.
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