So I recently got Overwatch, but I don't have anyone to play with. Anyone on here want to pass me their usernames so we can group up? I'm Valron#1306
NeoCloud#1345 is my battle net ID
So I setup my desktop last night and downloaded the game overnight. Going to try to jump on this evening after working out. Battletag is Knoxinator#1324.
Added everybody here that posted their ID. I'm JoshBytes#1365. Got to play a few matches with ThatGent earlier today. We got a few wins in then lost steam near the end of it all.
I'll be playing this game as well! I'll be adding everyone who has shared their ID here, but mine is VentureJ#1389
Sent you a request Churba. I'm JoshBytes#1365. Anyone else feel free to add me also.
Also, since I just added Scott, I'm Naoza#1311. Having friends in this game can't be understated as you can occasionally get a free pack by watching a friend win. Which for me usually means waiting un
Also from Marvel, in Secret Avengers #13, pointed out quite explicitly as being a statement about gamergate by the writer, Ales Kot:
Apparently I missed Saga #13 being released last month. The comiXology app should give notifications of comics being released from your purchase history.
Can somebody tell me who those two kids firing Spitballs in the latest JL8 (#135) are supposed to be?
I have Heisig's book myself (though the german edition) and I am not a big fan of it really. While his idea presenting Kanji by the radicals, then building a large number of Kanji out of those radical
Voter registration survey by the Faith and Freedom Coalition.
I can't connect. I must have forge build #1326+ (4096 fix). I used the Tekkit Launcher. What else do I need to do?
Mage Knight, the board game is ranked BGG #13.
Mage Knight, the board game is ranked BGG #13.