PSA: Forbes is not a real website. It's the equivalent of someone's LiveJournal. Do not post their shit here.
This is the first Nintendo console I'll actually not buy. Going to wait for it to prove itself, or the news to really win me over as we learn more about it. If I didn't already have access to the 20 or so games worth a play on Wii U, it'd be a completely different story though.
3rd parties? Good luck. Your best case scenario is the 3rd party support you saw on the Wii. Some nice titles here and there, but largely shovelware. The Wii sold like hotcakes. If NX comes even close to those numbers, the 3rd parties will be lining up, but will it be the 3rd party support you want?
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. If it does well I'm sure there will be good 3rd party games for it, but probably more that are specific to the NX or altered versions rather than the same big budget titles you see on pc, Xboz and ps4. I'm sure I'll buy one eventually, but I'm still waiting on a good Wii U price drop so I can play first party titles before that happens.
Since it is supposed to be a portable console as well, I do like the potential for there being good same-room individual screen multiplayer that we wanted on the Wii U, but that would require everyone to actually have their own console to play that way rather than just enough Wii U gamepads or GBA's. Not a big deal if it's popular enough, but sucks if you just wanted to go to your buddy's house to play Four Swords NX or whatever. Of course we could have had that with 3DS+Wii U connectivity for years now, but I digress.
PSA: Forbes is not a real website. It's the equivalent of someone's LiveJournal. Do not post their shit here.
Every website is posting the same story. Who cares.
P.S. I actually heard the news first on , and it was announced as 'I know a guy who knows a guy'. So any article is just a confirmation that an NDA was broken.
PSA: Forbes is not a real website. It's the equivalent of someone's LiveJournal. Do not post their shit here.
Every website is posting the same story. Who cares.
P.S. I actually heard the news first on , and it was announced as 'I know a guy who knows a guy'. So any article is just a confirmation that an NDA was broken.
That is how bad news starts, someone reports something wrong but believable, then other sites dog pile on the same story for clicks. Still a bad news story, chances of being true is about 15%.
This is the first Nintendo console I'll actually not buy. Going to wait for it to prove itself, or the news to really win me over as we learn more about it. If I didn't already have access to the 20 or so games worth a play on Wii U, it'd be a completely different story though.
3rd parties? Good luck. Your best case scenario is the 3rd party support you saw on the Wii. Some nice titles here and there, but largely shovelware. The Wii sold like hotcakes. If NX comes even close to those numbers, the 3rd parties will be lining up, but will it be the 3rd party support you want?
They're a finance magazine, not a blog site.
Since it is supposed to be a portable console as well, I do like the potential for there being good same-room individual screen multiplayer that we wanted on the Wii U, but that would require everyone to actually have their own console to play that way rather than just enough Wii U gamepads or GBA's. Not a big deal if it's popular enough, but sucks if you just wanted to go to your buddy's house to play Four Swords NX or whatever. Of course we could have had that with 3DS+Wii U connectivity for years now, but I digress.
P.S. I actually heard the news first on , and it was announced as 'I know a guy who knows a guy'. So any article is just a confirmation that an NDA was broken.