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Tonight on GeekNights, we review the fantastic Captain Sonar. We're back from PAX West, Rym's back from Utah, and we're ready to return to our regular schedule! The Omegathon Finale was a sequel to the last one, Apple Day both giveth Mario, and taketh away headphone jacks. Downtown Seattle does not have delivery pizza. Pokemon GO enables the lollipop farm even as the player base walks away.
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Also, SLC is not really a city you want to live in most likely. I will say it is good if you like biking/snowboarding/skiing, but the tradeoff of living in UT is not worth it.
I've made this mistake like 6 times. I will never make it again. Sit down pizza only at PAX West.
I know real truffles are fucking delicious and I want to eat them very badly.
I've never had tacos in California or Mexico, but I know they are way better than the tacos elsewhere.
I've never had a croissant in Paris, but I know it's better than the croissant at the NY breakfast place.
The NY pizza is no different.
So actually the question I have is are there pizza places you should avoid in NYC?
You've taken this to a dangerous place. Please retract those words.
Don't get me wrong, I love eating both, but it's just hilarious how people are arguing which poop is better.
Spoilers, I guess.
I've had great pizza in Seattle, but every time in a restaurant and not delivered. The problem is specifically delivery pizza downtown.
I was trying to be diplomatic about it, but since you've thrown the gloves down...
I'd actually have rather had Domino's.
Pizza hut < Papa John's < Domino's
The only winning move is to order sides (pasta, breadsticks, wings).
That's what you get for not including me on the pizza order as you originally intended. Karma has punished you.
There's something to be said about the quality of a pizza if nobody went for a second slice. First thing anyone noticed was that the sausage tasted of mint toothpaste, not sausage mixed with, just mint. Eventually we saw gatherings of granulated sugar on the crust before realizing that it must have been baked with dish soap. It must have been a culinary feat to completely change the flavor of every ingredient on a pizza, not even the cheese was safe.