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What do I get my geek son for the holidays?

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
I've got a 13-year-old son. He is a geek like me. I am stuck for a good idea one what to get him this year. I typically get him one large item in the several hundred dollar range and lots of smaller things. I don't particularly want to start trying to track down a Wii and he hasn't been doing much console gaming lately anyway. Some of his likes: World or Warcraft, MySpace, YouTube, Bleach, Naruto, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, reading, soccer, etc. We have all the older systems. He just got a new computer. He has an ipod. He has a mobile phone. What else do kids need these days? Do kids have fun with Flickr? Maybe a camera would be good. Any thoughts?



  • A digital camera might be a good idea. You can get very good ones (5 mgpxls with image-stabilization) for <$200, or get decent ones for around $100.

    Naruto has DVD sets out. Boxed-sets of anime are always good. If he likes Naruto, however, I can't recommend any anime with a 100% guarantee since I thought Naruto got terrible after the first ten or so episodes when the 'tournament' started. Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo are both great, but may be aimed at a slightly older crowd depending on your child's maturity level.

    Buying music purchase cards for i-Tunes is never a bad idea.

    Gamer accessories for the PC are good too, gaming mouses and keyboards and such.
  • Does he have a DS? For the smaller things, manga ahoy.
  • edited December 2006
    As a 16 year old speaking here, don't buy him a box set of anime, because he's probably pirating them. (Sorry, but it's true.)
    Same thing goes for manga. The DS is a great idea, or even a PSP, cause you can put manga on it. No Itunes cards either. I personally wouldn't care that much about a camera, but you are the parent.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • If you want to get him anime, buy a discount box set of an old classic that he won't likely be finding on teh torrentz. Escaflowne, Evangelion, and many other great old shows can be had for very little money.
  • All good responses so far, but I am mainly looking for a big item. I have lots of ideas for little items. Manga, iTunes cards, t-shirts, etc. I need a big item. He has a DS, but one of the hinges is broken. Still works fine. Maybe I'll replace it, but that seems like a lame present.

    So, Vhdblood, what would you care about?

    We are going to see Panic! this weekend, so I can't count those tickets as a holiday present. Is a Wii the only thing the kids really want this Christmas? Is it possible to find one?
  • If he has any interest in music, a mid-range digital keyboard is always a good gift.
  • Or a guitar....
  • Bicycle is a good idea. You should also include a tube of sunscreen and some dark sunglasses so he doesn't get sunburned by leaving the house... :)
  • No way on the bicycle, unless he's really athletic. Ummmm, I was thinking about what I might want, and it occurred to me that the Wii is about it (I already got one). I would of course love a new computer, but he already has one of those. Does he have an MP3 player, because I have gotten addicted to podcasts, and my little MP3 player is like god now.
  • edited December 2006
    You can't forget the geeky apparel from ThinkGeek.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Maybe you could get him into board/card gaming. I convinced my parents to buy me Munchkin Impossible, a party'ish card RPG. Ton'o'fun.
  • I have to counter the comment against the bike. If he's the least bit interested in seeing the outdoors, get him a good bike that he can use to get himself around.
  • He got a bike for his birthday. He has an ipod. He has a couple of the Munchkin games. I usually buy boardgames for myself and he plays them with me. ThinkGeek looks interesting, I'll take a closer look at that site.

    Thanks for the thoughts, but keep them coming.
  • Your kid obviously has everything. Donate a few hundred bucks to Child's Play and give him the receipt.
  • Money, if you don't know what to give someone give them money.
  • Yep, my kid has just about everything. Sounds like the Wii is the answer, but I didn't want it to be.

    We've already placed an order for the local Child's Play hospital in San Diego.

    thanks again,
  • Have you thought about airsoft?

    Video production? Get him a video camera and some good editing software.

    Massive quantities of manga? Go crazy and buy a volume or two of anything you think your son might like.
  • Gift cards are less personal but if you are having trouble coming up with something.. or toss out his computer monitor and get him a digital video projector :^)
  • If your son is into digital art or drawing, a Wacom tablet is pretty useful/fun.
  • I just realized. If he's only got a computer, you can go for a laptop.
  • Yesssss, tablet is good. I bought mine myself for my birthday when I was a kid. *strokes it*. But only if he's really into digital art, other wise it's a total waste. Even if he's only sort of into it, it'd be pretty wasteful.

    Sound system? I know all the boys I knew at that age were absolutely enamoured with speakers, subwoofers, etc.

    Also, dude, this kid has so much stuff. D:
  • Get him one of those video projectors and a good quality screen. Also purchase a spare bulb as they only last about 1,000 hours.
  • edited December 2006
    Not to sound like the "get off my lawn" guy here, but do kids just have too much crap these days? When I was growing up, my family didn't have much money and I didn't get a whole lot of gadgets. I had to make the most of what I had, which is why I spent so much time on my crappy 286 learning it inside and out. When you have too many things at a formative age, does it mean you don't fully use or appreciate any of them? Do you become the kind of person who enjoys lots and lots of different things but is never really t3h 1337 at any one of them? As an adult, I still don't rush out and buy everything I want, because building anticipation for specific things while holding out for them makes it more fun. I'll let my Wiicitement build for another year or so, and that way it will be 10x better when I get it. Cheaper, too, and with the bugs worked out.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Not to sound like the "get off my lawn" guy here, but do kids just have to much crap these days? When I was growing up, my family didn't have much money and I didn't get a whole lot of gadgets. I had to make the most of what I had, which is why I spent so much time on my crappy 286 learning it inside and out. When you have too many things at a formative age, does it mean you don't fully use or appreciate any of them? Do you become the kind of person who enjoys lots and lots of different things but is never really t3h 1337 at any one of them? As an adult, I still don't rush out and buy everything I want, because building anticipation for specific things while holding out for them makes it more fun. I'll let my Wiicitement build for another year or so, and that way it will be 10x better when I get it. Cheaper, too, and with the bugs worked out.
    Yeah, I don't want to tell this guy how to parent. I also don't want his kid to have less stuff. I can tell you that as a kid I wanted nothing more to have all that stuff. However, it wasn't until very recently that I had as many thing as this kid does. I really think he doesn't need any more stuff.
  • edited December 2006
    Thanks for saying this. I've been sitting on the sidelines thinking the same thing. But... it aint my life.

    You did say that he likes soccer. If you've got the cash, you could always get him this.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • This is getting off topic, but I just want to clarify something. He doesn't have all that stuff at his house. His mother and I are divorced. All the game consoles stay at my house when my son is in school. Summer and Holiday breaks he gets to take a system home. Also, several of his devices are ones I have passed on to him when I have upgraded. He has my old laptop, ipod, and mobile phone. He just got the laptop a few months back. Before that he was using the family desktop and his access was restricted. I wanted him to be able to use a computer in his room, so I got myself a new laptop. He had to buy my old one from me with money he had saved up. Before that all he had for digital entertainment at home was his DS. He also reads books and manga non-stop and plays outside with his friends every day. He isn't a completely spoiled kid with all the latest gadgets. Also, we usually wait 6 months after a console release before picking it up. That was my plan for the Wii and then even later for the PS3. He usually only gets a brand new awesome thing at Christmas, hence the question posed in this thread.

    Thanks for the ideas. I like several of them.

  • OK, since Jason was heading in this direction...

    (This only works if you are in snow country, otherwise substitute a lawnmower)

    Buy him a shovel and an order of business cards.

    Help him set up a business shoveling walkways for neighbors.
    Teach him the value of a dollar.
    Be his first customer.
  • I like your style of parenting, gj
  • Does he have a 360?
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