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Die in a Fire

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
Who should die in a fire? This question is intended to be limited to public figures.

I believe the following people should die in a fire: Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Kevin Federline, Paris Hilton, and the guy who invented voice mail.

I would normally include Carrottop and Gallagher, but they haven't recently done anything to rouse my ire. In fact, Carrottop has been in some self-deprecating roles in shows like Family Guy that have made me much less desirous of his violent demise.

The voice mail guy however, needs to take one for the team.


  • No one should have to die in a fire.

    What do you have against the people on your list?
  • edited January 2007
    Satan. owayt.

    Naw, more like... well, Osama Bin Laden. That'd cause a ruckus.
    Post edited by Brineshrimp on
  • edited January 2007
    No one should have to die in a fire.

    What do you have against the people on your list?
    Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity for lowering the level of discourse, propagating propaganda, and general poor form. In the case of Limbaugh the additional sin of disseminating bad science. I actually heard him propose that ozone cannot be "destroyed" by CFCs because "mass can't be created or destroyed", showing a basic misunderstanding of both the physics he was trying to apply and the chemistry he was ignoring.

    Federline and Hilton for being the most boorish oafs I can imagine right now.

    Voice mail guy for inflicting so much suffering on the world.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I'll agree that Hanity should not be on national radio. He bugs the hell out of me!

    O'Reilly I have not watched in years...

    Limbaugh often uses satire on his radio show. I don't want to see him gone because he is the one talk radio guy that is fun to listen too.

    Federline... Who is he?

    Hilton... I don't consider her very attractive but... boobies is boobies...

    Who is the "voice mail" guy?
  • edited January 2007

    Limbaugh often uses satire on his radio show. I don't want to see him gone because he is the one talk radio guy that is fun to listen too.

    Limbaugh likes to say he uses satire. What he really means is that he was wrong and won't admit it. I shouldn't be able to say, "It's raining outside." and upon being challenged with, "Actually it's sunny outside." say, "Well, I was using satire." The example I qouted is just one of many in which Limbaugh uses very BAD science to mislead listeners. We shouldn't allow him to get away with it by calling it "satire".

    Federline... Who is he?

    Britney Spears' soon-to-be ex.

    Who is the "voice mail" guy?
    There actually is one guy that can lay claim to the development of call waiting and voice mail hell. I saw a program about him on the Discovery Channel. I actively sought to forget his name so that I wouldn't be tempted to track him down and kill him. I believe that, depending on which jurisdiction tried me, I could successfully use the defense of justifiable homicide. However, it's not worth a conviction to test that belief.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Arsonists, owayt.
  • Any and all Scientologists.

    Young-earth Creationists.

    Every member of the Kansas school board that voted to have Intelligent Design be taught alongisde evolution in a scientific classroom.
  • Any and all Scientologists.
    Young-earth Creationists.
    Every member of the Kansas school board that voted to have Intelligent Design be taught alongisde evolution in a scientific classroom.
    Amen to that!
  • Perhaps. . . Jack Thompson?!!
  • All zombies can die in a fire!
  • Shane Warne.
  • People who don't understand capitalization or commas.
  • Ann Coulter

    I can think of few people so foul as to deserve a slow and painful death.

    Iran's President

    Cause it seems inevitable anyhow. Probably a nuclear one.

    Matthew Hale

    One church, one hate, one less racist.
  • Johhny Storm, owayt.
  • Joe:
    Eat something. Besides, Limbaugh is awesome. At the very least, he's funny. If you want to put the hate out on conservative talkshow hosts, go after Mark LeVinne. That guy irritates ME.

    *sound of me being consumed by flames*

    To prove useful to the thread as a whole: Earnest Hemingway. I HATED The Old Man And The Sea, as well as Hills Like White Elephants.
    Do fictional characters count?
  • ills Like White Elephants.
    What do you think Hills Like White Elephants was about? ^_~

    Besides, The Sun Also Rises is a pretty good book. It's no Monte Cristo, but it's good.
  • ills Like White Elephants.
    What do you thinkHills Like White Elephantswas about? ^_~
    It would seem to me that it was about a couple (and not a very close couple at that) going to Spain to get an abortion. The moral issues aside, I hated Hemingway's style, or lack thereof. There was almost nothing to it. It's like reading an AIM chat log.
  • *Professional writer places head in hands and weeps over the last comment.
  • Rooster: Limbaugh is awesome?

    And I should eat something? Sounds to me like you've been drinking something.

    Oh yeah - Danny Bonaduce should die in a fire.
  • Joe: Boy, you'll go after anyone, won't you? I'm underage, man. Besides, it's a bit early for that regardless. Yes Limbaugh is awesome. He has more personality in his three hours than NPR has in an entire day of programming. Apart from that, he makes good points and is informative. What more can we ask from journalism?
  • edited January 2007
    I seem to remember that the first thing you said to me was that I should "eat something." A response in the same tone is not "going after" you.

    I agree Limbaugh has personality. He has a personality that makes me wish he would die in a fire.

    Who said anything about NPR?

    Are you using your age to explain why you think Limbaugh is awesome?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited January 2007
    Frankly, I think Limbaugh can be a fucking retard. But that doesn't mean he isn't awesome by geek definition. He has utter, conceited confidence that he is right at all times, and he is willing to take on opposition and defend himself. That makes a person awesome -- the lack of self-doubt. Scrym have the same attitude, this geeksomenessity.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Jason: Agreeing with you in part: I wish to goodness I had a fraction of his self confidence.

    Scrym has the same attitude, but he has much more support for it.
  • Frankly, I think Limbaugh can be a fucking retard. But that doesn't mean he isn't awesome by geek definition. He has utter, conceited confidence that he is right at all times, and he is willing to take on opposition and defend himself. That makes a person awesome -- the lack of self-doubt. Scrym have the same attitude, this geeksomenessity.
    You don't win broadcaster of the year awards and Marconi awards (are they the same thing) for being mediocre!
  • You don't go on a sex tour in the Dominican Republic without your Viagra!
  • John fucking Steinbeck can die in a fucking fire, and he can take all his ridiculously depressing books along with him in his funerary bonfire when rereading them causes him to commit suicide.
  • John fucking Steinbeck can die in a fucking fire, and he can take all his ridiculously depressing books along with him in his funerary bonfire when rereading them causes him to commit suicide.
    You would have to dig him up first. Oh, and raise him from the dead too.
  • edited January 2007
    John fucking Steinbeck can die in a fucking fire, and he can take all his ridiculously depressing books along with him in his funerary bonfire when rereading them causes him to commit suicide.
    You would have to dig him up first. Oh, and raise him from the dead too.
    Every author of every book I was forced to read in school. Not so much for the book but for the fact that I had to sit through the idiots in my class trying understand anything other than Dolly Magazine.
    Post edited by tuttle88 on
  • It's not the author's fault, is it? Also, if idiots try to understand things, they might morph from idiot to geek.
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