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Forum Game: Thunderdome

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
I've been thinking for a few days on how Thunderdome could work in a forum without voting and whatnot. And I think I might have got it figured out.

1. Parameters - Two characters are transported to the dome and are forced to fight. They can't leave, they must fight. The dome consists of a grass and dirt field and the dome is filled with air. Characters may bury as low as they want(infinite dirt, no earth's core, no temperature change, breathable) and fly as high as they want(infinite space, no planets or black holes, no temperature change, breathable) but they may not escape. No character can die due to starvation or thirst or suffocation. They must die because of damage inflicted by the opponent. They have absolutely no knowledge of the other character before the fight begins. They may not "bring" any items or weapons if they are not somehow a part of them. One character will be challenged until he loses.

2. Format for posting a new challenger:
Online source describing powers or character: Only needed if obscure, but try to stay away from obscure.
Why he would win: Be as detailed as possible and list as many things as you can think of as to why this character would win. Be sure to really flesh it out.

3. Now, here's where it gets tricky. - The bulk of this game is going to have to rely on the general consensus. After a challenger appears, you have the option to argue for either side. Notice how I said option. This thing is going to work a whole lot better and a whole lot longer if not every single person gets into every single argument. Just keep that in mind. Anyway, general consensus. If the general consensus leans toward one side after a fair amount of argument, then anyone has the power to throw down the hammer and pass judgment. It is absolutely key to the game that this power is used both liberally and fairly. The second that happens, anyone may post a new challenger.

The there is a 100% chance that this thread will go out of control. So, have fun!

For the first battle, we are gonna start really small and really old; Mighty Mouse vs. Atom Ant! Fight!


  • Mighty Mouse would win. Their powers are about equal, except MM can fly, and is bigger. So he should have no real problems dispatching with him easily.
  • I concur. Mighty Mouse FTW.

    Next up: Mighty Mouse vs. Underdog! Fight!
  • Well, I suppose Mighty Mouse could just wait until Underdog's pill wore off then simply take the ring, After which he could beat Underdog in short order.
  • I agree. Mighty Mouse would just fly around and wait. Next up..

    Mighty Mouse vs. Pikachu! Fight!
  • edited January 2007
    Tough one... Both are mouse types but... even though Pikachi knows Thunder, Quick Attack, Volt Tackle and other electric attacks he also gets tired and can only use his attacks so many times. Mighty Mouse could just let him waste his energy and then knock him out

    Next up: Mighty Mouse vs. Bugs Bunny
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I think Bugs Bunny would win if only because of his wit, maybe by leading Mighty Mouse into putting his head into a stove and exploding.
  • Bugs should win. He definitely has more wit than Mighty Mouse. Bugs could probably trick him.
  • Definitely Bugs. Mighty Mouse might be, well, mighty, but Bugs Bunny is a wascawwy wabbit, and using his cleverness, could easily lure Mighty Mouse into a trap.
  • Ok, Bugs defeats Mighty Mouse. Challengers?
  • You can't beat Bugs with violence, as proven by many many many cartoon examples.
  • edited January 2007
    Agreed. Bugs beats Hong Kong Phooey.

    Now...who is craftier than Bugs...

    Bugs vs. Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright! A lawyer verses a rabbit.

    [Edit] Link added. Scroll down and you'll find him. Unfortunately, no one has contributed to his own Wikipedia page.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Can you provide a link for Edgeworth? I have never heard of him or Phoenix Wright.
  • Considering Bugs is a rabbit and not a human, human laws do not apply to him thus making Edgeworth worthless against him.
  • The real question is who will use the Chewbacca defense first?
  • The real question is who will use the Chewbacca defense first?
    Who knows, just as long as they don't use the Picard maneuver.
  • Well lets move on then...

    Bugs vs. Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Sonic's just too fast. He'd pwn Bugs. I'm siding with the hedgehog.
  • edited January 2007
    Agreed. Barring the use of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic has beaten Shadow, Robotnik, and numerous robot clones of himself (not to mention Chaos itself, but that required the Emeralds). All Bugs has done is surviver hunters and countless other cartoon antics. As far as a fight goes, Sonic's got him beat.

    Next, Sonic vs. Mario, the age-old battle! (unless anyone objects and thinks Bugs can endure)
    EDIT: A fight against Sonic wouldn't be fair for Stewie Griffin.
    Post edited by Rooster on
  • I think you gotta go with Sonic against Mario, aside from Star Powered Mario there is no way he could keep up with Sonic let alone hit him. Sonic would just run circles around him, and in the end just crush him.

    Next: Sonic vs Rock Lee (again barring objection that Mario could endure.)
  • I concur with Sonic defeating Mario. Mario doesn't have the speed, agility or high-damage moves that Sonic has.

    Sonic vs Rock Lee is a tuffy.... I reckon Rock Lee has the upper-hand. He is a purely hand-combat ninja with ridiculous speed ability. He also has the ability to unlock his chakra gates (no I don't watch too much Naruto ^_^), thus increasing his powers. I'm not entirely familiar with all of Sonic's abilities but I believe that Rock Lee would beat Sonic into blue roadkill.
  • edited January 2007
    I agree. Sonic loses, barring objection.

    Next: Rock Lee v. Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln deprives Lee of his right to petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Lee wastes away in custody. Despite the rule that Lee cannot die due to starvation or thirst or suffocation, Lee wastes away and dies because of sadness, despair, and ennui.

    Unless there is an objection.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Yeah I think Lee could handle anyone who would try and arrest him considering they'd be all Civil War era, and I don't think Lincoln could take Lee. Plus Lincoln would die before Lee due to the fact that he's something like 30+ years older then him.
  • edited January 2007
    Nay. Lincoln's magic habeas denial would lock Lee up good and if he couldn't run around outside, Lee would die from sadness in a few weeks.

    I'm thinking of next pitting Lincoln against Roger Taney. His Ex parte Merryman power is almost a match for Lincoln's magic habeas denial.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • No. I've decided. . . Abraham Lincoln v. Moe from the Three Stooges. Fight!
  • edited January 2007
    Slow down, Joe. I'm still not convinced that Lee would lose. The arena is pretty much outside as it is (with grass, dirt and air). Besides, there was no physical damage done (and we all must agree that a ninja could put the hurt on worse than a president. Beaver hats can only do so much damage). Where are they going to imprison Lee(it's just a big arena)? WHO is going to imprison Lee (it's just Lincoln and Lee)? They're both imprisoned as it is (neither can leave). Is Lee now doubly imprisoned? I say Lee wins. But Moe's a good choice.

    Next round: Lee vs. Moe!
    Post edited by Rooster on
  • edited January 2007
    Nay, nay. The rules say: "Characters may bury as low as they want(infinite dirt, no earth's core, no temperature change, breathable)" and Lincoln doesn't need anyone to place Lee in custody. Lincoln's magical denial of habeas sent Lee into a cold, grey underground cell. There doesn't have to be physical damage. The rules don't exclude death by despair. If you'd like, Lee commits suicide.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited January 2007
    Mighty Mouse vs. Atom Ant! Fight!
    Is it sad that I thought of this Mighty Mouse first?
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • A cold, gray underground cell of what? More dirt? Besides, habeas just keeps you from being imprisoned unfairly, suspending it doesn't imprison you automatically. There were more Americans who were not arrested when H.C. was suspended than were. Lincoln would have to drag him down to this cell himself.
  • edited January 2007
    The suspension is Lincoln's magical power. It automatically imprisons the person Lincoln on whom focuses the power and then denies them due process.

    In real life, sure, Lincoln needs someone to enforce an arrest, but in the arena he has this (and only this) magical power.

    I propose that Moe avoids the power by stunning Lincoln by poking him in the eyes.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
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