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What do you enjoy that you shouldn't?

edited March 2007 in Everything Else
What things do you enjoy that you really shouldn't? I'll start with two examples:

Podcast: CAGcast - the podcast from Cheapassgamer. I've never been a big video game fan. The only system I own is a DS. This podcast is only about 5% DS news. Nonetheless, I love the podcast. The hosts have a real good dynamic, the humor is funny and the stories about CheapyD living in Japan are really entertaining. You know a show is good when I still look forward to it even though most of the subject matter isn't relevant to me.

Video Game: Freedom Wings (Nintendo DS). It's a role playing game combined with an air combat game. And let me tell you, both stink on their own. As a matter of fact, the whole game pretty much stinks. Yet for some reason I'm enjoying it. I think this is because progress is quite quick. I feel that I'm accomplishing a lot in a short period of time, which is satisfying. However, once everything is "liberated," I suspect this title will hit the shelf forever.


  • Pork rinds.
    I second that. ^_^
  • edited March 2007
    Pork Rinds are pretty nasty.

    As for what I enjoy that I shouldn't? I don't think there is such a thing. Who is to say who should enjoy what? I don't think there is a such thing as should or should not when it comes to liking something. You like things for reasons. As long as you enjoy something, and have a reason for enjoying it, then you should enjoy it. If you enjoy something, but don't know the reason, you should figure out the reason.

    I guess this question could be interpreted as "What do you enjoy that most people seem to think is crap?" It could also be interpreted as "What do you enjoy that you consciously think is crap, but it makes you feel good?"

    If that is the question, then I think the answers are pretty easy. I kind of like playing BattleLore, even though everyone else seems to think it's a worthless game. I recognize that it isn't a deep and complex strategy game. There isn't that much to it. Despite that, I have fun playing it.

    The other answer is obviously Initial D. I like Initial D a lot. I like the first season of the anime the most, but I like the entire manga and the second stage as well. I haven't watched the third or fourth stages, but I will some day. The majority of high brow anime fans put down Initial D. I understand why they don't like it, but I love this show.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • If you enjoy something, but don't know the reason, you [i]should[/i] figure out the reason.
    GASP! Improper formatting from the forum overlord himself? Nobody will believe me, I need to take a screenshot.
  • If you enjoy something, but don't know the reason, you[i]should[/i]figure out the reason.
    GASP! Improper formatting from the forum overlord himself? Nobody will believe me, I need to take a screenshot.
    I was in a BBCode mindset and my button was set to HTML. Nobody's perfect.
  • edited March 2007
    Man... you guys can be so freakin hypersensitive.

    I was just talking about stuff you like that on paper you shouldn't like. (thus my example of a videogame podcast when I don't generally enjoy videogames.)

    I wasn't talking about some philosophical concept of wants and desires, and man's ability to define those wants. Sheesh.
    If you enjoy something, but don't know the reason, youshouldfigure out the reason.
    Uhh... dude... didn't you read my original post? I stated exactly why I liked those things that I was not expecting to like. Sheesh again. I noticed, Scott, that you didn't do this yourself with your two examples.

    That sound in the distance is the sound of the fun being sucked out of this thread.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • You should know by now that you have to speak very precisely. Even if you aren't saying something serious, I can't know what you mean if you don't communicate your idea effectively.
  • I like women who are diagnosed with OCD and are 2D. I can't help it. Oh Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham! You rock my world.
  • I took the question as asking if we enjoy things that potentially bad for you - a girlfriend who is a crack addict, a 12 pack of beer each and every night, OCD women :), etc. I would classify the other things mentioned as "guilty pleasures."

    One of my favorite guilty pleasures is "Gigantor." I go back to the black-and-white version of the anime that I watched during my youth. I enjoy it because:
    It was the first sci-fi/anime related TV show I can remember.
    The hero, Jimmy Sparks, was all of 12 years old or so but could legally drive a car and fly a jet.
    It also brings me back to the simpler, more innocent days of my youth.
  • I enjoy MD Geist. (Or enjoy making fun of it)
  • I enjoy the pain of others

    well that sounds kind of callus... I mean sometimes pain is funny right?
  • edited March 2007
    I am a huge pro wrestling fan, hence my username and avatar. Most "normal" geeks seem to despise most athletic things, but I like pro wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts(those of you who liked the concept of the Barge should check out a UFC event sometime), and I'll watch the big 5 sports(baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer) if I have a chance and the game isn't too boring.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • Grey's Anatomy, its my guilty pleasure.
  • edited March 2007
    Grey's Anatomy, its my guilty pleasure.
    I'm so with you on that one. I'm a sucker for any medical show. The same is true of House.

    EDIT: Hitman Hart: UFC, back in the day when Royce Gracie was king, was the shiznit.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Hitman Hart: UFC, back in the day when Royce Gracie was king, was the shiznit.
    You don't like the newer style UFC? I think it's frankly, a lot better, you have more skilled, cross trained fighters, and the rules actually enhance the sport rather than drag it down. The gloves, especially, are very good for the fighters.
  • Season one of The OC on DVD. I'm not even going to try to defend it.
  • edited March 2007
    Hitman Hart: UFC, back in the day when Royce Gracie was king, was the shiznit.
    You don't like the newer style UFC? I think it's frankly, a lot better, you have more skilled, cross trained fighters, and the rules actually enhance the sport rather than drag it down. The gloves, especially, are very good for the fighters.
    While I like the idea of cross-training, in that it can make a fight more balanced, I dislike it because it's made a lot of the fights too bland for my tastes. I liked watching matches between master grapplers and master strikers, because it was fun to watch two masterful fighters try to keep the fight in their arena. I also disliked the time limit that was imposed, specifically because it hampered fighters like Royce Gracie, who relied upon submission and tiring out an opponent.

    It just seems to me that the newer UFC is becoming a bit more, well, pro-wrestling style entertainment. It's still fun to watch, but I liked the old way far more.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Any type of big-time fighting entertainment other than boxing is kind of meh. Nothing beats the barge. I don't care about personalities. I don't care about made up storylines. I don't care about characters and acting. If I'm going to watch live action fighting, I want one of two things. I either want a badass kung-fu movie where the choreography blows me away or I want an actual violent battle where people actually try to hurt each other. Anything else is just two almost-naked guys grabbing each other.
  • The Hyper Police manga.

  • It just seems to me that the newer UFC is becoming a bit more, well, pro-wrestling style entertainment. It's still fun to watch, but I liked the old way far more.
    I agree. UFC is quite boring now. It consists mostly of grapplers and nothing much else. There's really no more variety in the fighting.
  • G Gundam
  • Any type of big-time fighting entertainment other than boxing is kind of meh. Nothing beats the barge. I don't care about personalities. I don't care about made up storylines. I don't care about characters and acting. If I'm going to watch live action fighting, I want one of two things. I either want a badass kung-fu movie where the choreography blows me away or I want an actual violent battle where people actually try to hurt each other. Anything else is just two almost-naked guys grabbing each other.
    That was the old UFC; pretty much no-holds barred guys beating the crap out of each other. Some pretty vicious looking stuff, really.
  • The same is true of House.
    I lost track of House but I want to get back into it only I keep going over my download limit...not that I download television programs.
  • I keep going over my download limit...
    Do those exist? Holy crap, I would be so screwed if I had a limit. What kind of service caps your usage?
  • I keep going over my download limit...
    Do those exist? Holy crap, I would be so screwed if I had a limit. What kind of service caps your usage?
    Almost all service outside the US.
  • Sweet evil Jesus! How have there not been revolts with torches and pitchforks?
  • Sweet evil Jesus! How have there not been revolts with torches and pitchforks?
    They can't get on Google maps long enough to find a torch and pitchfork store, and they run out of bandwidth before they can finish buying them on Amazon...
  • And I WOULD move to America, but the pages I need for Visa's and tickets stop loading part way through.

  • It just seems to me that the newer UFC is becoming a bit more, well, pro-wrestling style entertainment. It's still fun to watch, but I liked the old way far more.
    I agree. UFC is quite boring now. It consists mostly of grapplers and nothing much else. There's really no more variety in the fighting.
    I disagree, UFC turned the corner and now most of the better fighters are stronger on the feet whether from boxing or kickboxing. True, Randy is a ground and pounder, but by God he's 43, he shouldn't be constantly standing in there with young heavyweights, but then you have a guy like Chuck Liddel. And Scot, you will like UFC if you watch it, it is real, to the best of my knowledge there has never been a worked(fake) fight in the company. It is literally 2 men in an 8 sided cage punching, kicking, throwing, wrestling, and contorting each other. It is not pit fighting, there are rules and regulations, but it is by far more interesting than boxing. Grab UFC 47 on Netflix if you're looking for a show to try, almost all the fights stayed on the feet.
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