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What do you enjoy that you shouldn't?



  • And I WOULD move to America, but the pages I need for Visa's and tickets stop loading part way through.

    I'm a citizen of the US so I could move there any time I want but I think its just easier to up my ADSL plan, or download less.
  • Heh. I kid. The thing I enjoy that I shouldn't is being Australian. I shouldn't enjoy it, because we get dicked with technology and games. and its 35 degrees c at 2100 hours. I still want to play Grandia III. Ooh! I imported Phoenix Wright today!
    I don't really want to move to America. That place scares me.

    Our internet costs near $90 AUD, and is 1.5megabit and is limited to 20GB from 6-24 and 20GB from 0-6. Or something like that.
  • Our internet costs near $90 AUD, and is 1.5megabit and is limited to 20GB from 6-24 and 20GB from 0-6. Or something like that.
    I love my ISP, I shall whore them now: Internode
  • and its 35 degrees c at 2100 hours.
    I'll trade you - our HIGH today is -15C (5F). Some spring we're having.
  • edited March 2007
    I love my ISP, I shall whore them now:Internode
    Works out to roughly the same price for effect given that where I live we cannot get above 1.5 (Which happily costs the exact same price...). We get some discounts for having our phone go through as well. My ISP is iinet. I actually really like them. Most reliable ISP in WA, IMHO. I was really just saying the limits of our Internet for the benefit of our American friends :P
    edit: let me rephrase: "for the benefit of our friends in America" - Much better :)
    Post edited by deaf-mute on
  • For make benefit glorious nation of America!
    I don't really want to move to America. That place scares me.
    Ah, the smell of xenophobia in the morning.
  • Possibly my worst guilty pleasure is Veronica Mars. Also occasionally Professional Wrasslin'.

    I likely have worse, but they are too guilty to be shared.
  • I likely have worse, but they aretoo guilty to be shared.
  • I enjoy a TV show that is so embarrassing that only my wife knows about it...
  • 2 months ago, I would have said World of Warcraft.

    Now I'd have to go with The Sims 2.

    Apparently I'm a popularity contest. I only play ridiculously popular games. It's a wonder I don't have a Wii.
  • edited March 2007
    I likely have worse, but they aretoo guilty to be shared.

    I plead the fifth, your honor.
    Post edited by Aido on
  • hmm.. I'm totally straight but I seem to unusually enjoy gender-bending and cross-dressing anime and manga like Ranma, Pretty Face, W-Juliet, Minto na Bokura, Ouran High Host Club.. I think I'll try not to think too hard about this :O
  • 2 months ago, I would have said World of Warcraft.

    Now I'd have to go with The Sims 2.

    Apparently I'm a popularity contest. I only play ridiculously popular games. It's a wonder I don't have a Wii.
    Oh, right. I'm guilty of the WoW bit too.

    Actually, I've enjoyed a fair number of MMO's, including Star Wars Galaxies, the clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks.
  • I hope you don't mean SWG 2, the Revenge of the Game-Destroying Marketing Ploys. The game may have been a little skill-happy early on, but the massive revamp years later was just sad.

    I stopped playing WoW shortly after TBC. I did not expect them to throw all concept of balance out the window. Then again, they prefaced it by ruining PvP with the 2.1 patch.

    I'm probably just bitter because I play a warrior. =Þ
  • I hope you don't mean SWG 2, the Revenge of the Game-Destroying Marketing Ploys. The game may have been a little skill-happy early on, but the massive revamp years later was just sad.

    I stopped playing WoW shortly after TBC. I did not expect them to throw all concept of balance out the window. Then again, they prefaced it by ruining PvP with the 2.1 patch.

    I'm probably just bitter because I play a warrior. =Þ
    Actually, I'm also a warrior, and we just got a bit of a buff in the current patch, and druids got a much needed down-tuning.

    As for Galaxies, are you referring to the Combat Rebalance, that totally changed the way combat worked in every conceivable fashion? And later turned the game into EQ 2 by introducing classes based on the core characters? I played a little from that era, but by then, I was pretty much done with the game.
  • I heard about the warrior buff, I should probably check it out. Still, they need to admit that they were completely wrong. Until Dec 2006, warriors were the only tanks, and everyone was happy. Suddenly, they got it into their heads that druids, paladins, and shamans should be tanking too. The enormous shifts in druid bear armor shouldn't be happening outside of a beta. It'd be like if Wizards of the Coast said "you know what? we're going to go ahead and double the hit points of rangers in D&D. Apparently, all this time, we were off by 100%. Actually, let's triple them. Still not enough? Let's quadruple it. Nope? Hmm."

    The changes to the system in patch 2.1, TBC, and subsequent patches, were probably more extreme than all game balance changes from 1.0 until that point. What the hell were they thinking? The game was going to change so much with new content, that how could they even think they could predict how the rules should change?

    Actually, it's pretty obvious to me; they didn't beta test TBC long enough, not by a long shot. Despite coming out a year later than it was supposed to, it wasn't done.

    In the case of SWG, who violently and ridiculously changed their system to try to accommodate people, it's pretty clear why the game failed. Yet, somehow, Blizzard decided they wanted to be MORE like that. Never mind that the relative stability of their system was a major selling point of the game. It was relatively free of gross inequalities. It felt fair. The fact that they decided to quadruple the armor rating of one class, with the specific purpose of allowing that class, who already was excellent at multiple roles, to hijack the primary and only role of another class (incidentally, the most numerically popular class in the game). I don't really care if they reneged on it. The fact that they did it shook my faith in Blizzard apart. It'd be like if the President (a hypothetical *good* one) started to invade China, then pulled out a month later because it wasn't a good idea; that doesn't mean he isn't a fucking moron.
  • As for what I enjoy that I shouldn't? I don't think there is such a thing. Who is to say who should enjoy what? I don't think there is a such thing as should or should not when it comes to liking something.
    Says the man who continually yells at people for liking things he thinks are shit.
  • I enjoy Professional Wrestling quite a bit. I always find it entertaining, and I just stare at the TV slack-jawed with my brain shut off.

    There used to be a budget brand of chips that I enjoy a lot, though everyone else who has tried it thinks it's vile. I could never get enough of it.

    I have a friend whose guilty pleasure is to enjoy teenage girly movies about becoming a princess. I often give him a hard time about it.
  • I love ice cream very, very much. If I take a bite, I can't stop eating. That is definitely something I shouldn't.

    On the topic of what people like, but off the thread topic, I have to share this: I have a part time job as a tour guide at the Viking Ships Museum here in Oslo. Today I got a request to give a personal tour for Shakira who is performing here tonight. I accepted of course - I need the money. I'm really not into Shakira as a performer. However, I was very positively surprised to learn that she is a very, very intelligent woman who really study a lot. She knows maybe more than me on European history, and had even read up on Norwegian history and viking culture for the visit! She asked a lot of informed and interesting questions, and we had very interesting discussions. I should not get involved with an international artist from the other side of the world, and I won't. But damn! That woman could easily seduce me with her brains if she wanted to! (Her sex appeal is otherwise over-rated).
  • I love ice cream very, very much. If I take a bite, I can't stop eating. That is definitely something I shouldn't.
    Hallelujah, Brother Fluff.

    I took a lot of crap when I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh on a regular basis a couple of years back. And when I kept reading Anne Rice novels. My job as an erotic dancer, too. That was bad.

  • I took a lot of crap when I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh on a regular basis a couple of years back. And when I kept reading Anne Rice novels.
    I was never embarassed by Anne Rice, but I've taken some crap from reading Stephen King novels.

  • I took a lot of crap when I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh on a regular basis a couple of years back. And when I kept reading Anne Rice novels.
    I was never embarassed by Anne Rice, but I've taken some crap from reading Stephen King novels.
    I gave my friend some crap for reading that Anne Rice porn novel, but then this is the same girl that reads JAG fan fiction.
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