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School Exchange

edited March 2007 in Everything Else
Hi guy's,

I am thinking of going to the US next year in a student exchange program. Do you have any idea where it would be best to go to school in the US? I would prefer one of the northern States. Do you think I should go 3, 6 or 10 Months?

Till today I was thinking of New York State and a 6 Months stay (I could still do 10 Months if I wanted to). It would be cool if you guys could help me! Thanks in advance!


  • edited March 2007
    Wisconsin. Wisconnnnnnnnnsinnnnnn...
    Is this a high school foreign exchange program, or college? Did you have any particular schools in mind? If it's college, do you know what you want to study?
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • No it's a high school exchange. Well I'll think about Wisconsin ;)

    What high school subjects should I choose ?
  • Why, you should come to Charlotte, North Carolina.

    The weather brings daily precarious fun! Our sprawling community's notorious urban planning is second to none!

    Our schools are fantastic, and authentically classic,
    With teachers of great notorious skill, not to mention parents with passionate, unyeiding will!
    Enjoy flagrantly decisive school board decisions, complete sudden system-wide bureaucratic incisions!

    Our student population reflects a diverse racial background, with a standard of education that is so unarguably sound!
    Because of this fact, the whole system puts on quite an interesting act!
    A culminating real-life, if you will, socio-economic trial, insinuating such fine curriculum that will leave on your face a broad grinning smile!

    So in response to your question (if I may guess this right) my New Zealand friend, than an exchange program here in Carolina, I would most zealously recommend.

    ...need a host family?
  • edited March 2007
    I'm a German friend ;)

    And I may be looking for a host family..


    I can choose 3 States from 1 Region (see map) and they will try to send me to one of them.

    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • Ha ha Utah sucks.
  • I thought Utah would be glad to have the sheep come to them for brainwashing instead of sending their brainwashed youth all over the country to brainwash others.
  • I would chose Virginia. and from Virginia the best and more diverse schools are located in Northern Virginia - Fairfax. However, if you are coming to really study I would recomend Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Technology. That one is definitely the best in Virginia.
  • I would chose Virginia. and from Virginia the best and more diverse schools are located in Northern Virginia - Fairfax.
    Oh yeah? So is that how it is, we're gonna plug our local schools systems? Well we have...Swann vs. C.M.S. Bam!

    Actually New England may be a better place to get a good feel of the American society; the south will probably leave you alittle upset. It is all relative though, it really depends on what sort of school you want to be enrolled in. We do have some really fantastic programs here at my high school and over all the system is not too bad. We have a German immersion school in the area, so lots of people I now am in class with actually did an exchange in Germany back when they were wee lads in elementary school.

    I'd shy away from middle America.
  • East coast, baby. New York is a hoppin' state.
  • Stay the hell away from Ohio. We don't want any of you weirdo Germans here with your fresh, funky attitudes, electropop, black spandex, un-American studdels, saurkraut farts, dodgy facial hair, lederhosen, and abstract art!
  • Somewhere where they won't shoot you?
  • Texas but only in Austin. I can't vouch for any other cities in Texas.
  • I'd say you should come down here to LA, but if you want a northern state than your time would probably be best spent in New York.
  • Thanks for all the reply's!

    This may sound harsh, but I wouldn't want to go anywhere south of Missouri. I don't think I can choose school at all, they just give me one! I have to go with this program because I wouldn't get a visa to America any other way. Like I said, if I were to go to New York I would have to choose 2 more States out of the same Region (blue). So I could say: New York, North Carolina and Washington.... Or I would just take New England and Wisconsin. Wisssssconsssssin....

    Keep it up! Tell me your 3 States ;) Or tell me where I can get a visa !
  • Ok, the best places close to New York are, at least for me:

    Virginia, if only because is close to Washington DC. I would not recomend Washington DC, since it has a high violence rate. It is kind of dangerous in some places.

    The next one would be... Pennsilvania? I guess. I went to Jersey only once and it did not catch my eye. No offense to any people from Jersey, maybe it was the really bad day and the horrible weather. There are some pretty gloomy parts over there.

    How to get a visa? Well, that is kind of hard unless you work and have and sponsor it is gonna be kind of hard to get one. If you are a manor then your parents have to do it for you.

    Good luck!
  • Hmm...

    Well, if I do the School Exchange with them then I get a visa. But I was maybe thinking of trying to find my own host family, that way I would be sure where I was going.

    I just hope I don't land with some nut jobs ;)
  • One thing to bear in mind is that individual states are (for the most part) very large and filled with vastly different people depending on where you look.

    Take New York as an example. New York includes the following:

    New York City:

    One of the biggest, densest, most important urban centers in the world, it is unique from the rest of the state. Almost half of the population of the ENTIRE state lives in New York City, and indeed the New York Metropolitan Area has more people in it than the rest of the state combined. There is fantastic mass transit and lots to do.

    Upstate New York:

    While technically in the same state, the rest of New York is vastly different from the New York City area. The cities up there are -much- smaller (the next largest city, Buffalo, has less than 400 000 residents and about a million in its metro area), and travel is much more car-centric. You won't find nearly the same scale of entertainment options as New York City, and in general it's very different from typical representations of New York.

    Not to say that it's -bad-, just know that upstate New York and New York City are completely different from one another.

    The Boonies:

    Large portions of New York are effectively untamed wilderness with small hamlets nestled among the trees. Pete can tell you more about those places. ^_~
  • You know kiwi, I'd be really interested in hearing about what your schooling is like in Germany. An old friend of mine returned to Switzerland a few years ago, but hes pretty spotty on giving an idea of the caliber of education he receives.
  • I have allready asked Rym and Scott if they could do a Show with me on School Systems ^^
  • You may also want to consider West Hartford, Connecticut. It has a good school system. It's in a suburban place. And it's 2 hours to two major and important cities New York and Boston.

    If you are thinking about going down to Washington DC, you'll at least have people you know from the forum living there. Same with New York state and city.
  • Going from what Apreche says, Wisconsin is not too different from New York, just on a smaller scale. Milwaukee is New York City, Madison is Buffalo. I have personally never been there, but people I know who have say upstate New York is pretty much like Wisconsin.
  • Just a quick update. I have been running around my school for last few months asking teachers and students if it makes any sense to go to the US. The end result is that I would have to redo 11 grade (which isn't that bad because other states in Germany have 13 grades and the one I'm in only 12). So thats what I have been thinking about.

    Second, to choose a state I would have to pay +600$ so I guess I'll just go the random way. In the end one year would cost about 6000€.

    Third, I need a Laptop!
  • Well, just in case you get placed in Maryland, here's some info for 'ya!

    I live on Kent Island, which is across the bay bridge from Annapolis (Maryland's Capital). There are two section of Maryland, that are COMPLETELY different, the Eastern Shore, and the Western Shore. To put it simply:
    Eastern Shore=farm land
    Western Shore=metropolis

    That might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but that is the best I can categorize it... Although the Eastern Shore is more rural, there is a LOT of building taking place. Kent Island has a GREAT high school, which is new and built recently. ^.^ The only problem is that it takes a LONG time to get anywhere. To go to the movies, it's a 30 minute trip for me.
  • Come to Alabama, we is having teh good skools!!!

    Actually, even though Alabama ranks 49th in the country in education, the public school system in the wiregrass area(Enterprise, Ozark, Dothan, and Daleville) tends to have extremely highly rated schools. Ft. Rucker subsidizes them since there aren't any schools past the 6th grade on post, so military brats have to go somewhere. Enterprise High School, while I was attending, Was ranked in the top 100 schools in the nation. Our graduation rate was something like 87%, our JROTC unit is one of only 5 in the nation to hold honor unit with distinction for over 40 years, and our jrotc Blue Knights drill team ranks in the top 3 in the nation, our Belles of the Blue Knights girl's drill team ranks in the top two of the nation consistently, and our rifle team ranks in the top 5 in the nation. Alos, out cheerleaders tend to rank in the top 3 or 4 in the region.
  • My advice would be to wait a couple of years and do it through your college. I was able to go to Japan for a summer and it was far easier than if I had tried to go in high school.

    That being said the Washington D.C. area (Smithsonian museums, all kinds of neat government buildings, the US Mint, etc.)or the New York City area (proximity to FRC people, culture galore, being to NYC, etc.) would be my recommendations.
  • and our rifle team ranks in the top 5 in the nation
    First, lol you have rifle team!

    Second, I am thinking of going to college instead too.
  • Yeah, I would recommend avoiding the death trapa that is D.C. Go to NYC.
  • edited April 2007
    Most schools with jrotc units worth a damn have them. Canadian schools have curling teams. Curling is one step away from simply cleaning the ice rink. If you are going to call something on ice a sport, make it hockey, or give figure skaters chainsaws...
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • Yeah, I would recommend avoiding the death trapa that is D.C.
    Hey there buddy, now wait a second. What do you have against D.C?
  • Ft. Rucker
    This is hands down the funniest thing I have read today.
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