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edited June 2007 in Everything Else
I just got a digital camera, so I signed up for Flickr. Right now I only have a few test pictures (my car, my parents cat, my hamster).


  • So are Scion's good cars? I don't know anyone who has one.
  • I like mine. I get between 29-33 mpg when driving around town and 34-36 mpg on the highway. The car is zippy (Translation: you need to get the rpm up to really get moving, but what do you expect from a 1.5 liter engine). It handles great. It also holds a lot more then one would think. I have fit 3 sun 3500 enterprise servers in it with the back seats down.

    It's an all around great little car, and far better then my old piece of shite 99 Alero.
  • A mobile server farm, now there's an idea.
  • But how fast can you cram those servers in? Can you get all three loaded up before the guy at the ISP knows you've stolen them?
  • It took less then 10 minutes to load the 3500s! And it took even less time loading 8 Store-Edges into it on another trip.
  • If you didn't know yet - Flickr launched a test version of their new "Home Site". I really like the redesign and the new features, even though there only are very few.
  • edited September 2008
    I just got a digital camera, so I signed up forFlickr. Right now I only have a few test pictures (my car, my parents cat, my hamster).
    No! Sosauce! Sign up for sosauce too! I helped make it! I'll friend you!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • sosauce, eh? Interesting...

    It shall be tried.
  • I just got a digital camera, so I signed up forFlickr. Right now I only have a few test pictures (my car, my parents cat, my hamster).
    No! Sosauce! Sign up forsosaucetoo! I helped make it! I'll friend you!
    Well with over 1000 pictures at Flickr and Flickr Export for iPhoto I'm kinda set with them now. What sort of storage and tagging features does Sosauce have? I am a member but last time I was there it was iffy when using safari (runs faster and uses less memory on my computer then firefox 3).
  • We are optimized for FF3. Safari is the one browser that we haven't got completely supported yet.

    We are currently working on our exporter. I'll have to ask Howard about the specifics if you want them.

    But yeah, kinda hard to compete with flickr. The thing with Sosauce is that it has a bunch of other content creation features and ties them all together.

    All right, I'll stop with the pitch now. But this is where I work! Hee! (I need to put pictures of my own up.)
  • I'm just getting the upgraded version of Flickr worth it? I'm usually wary of the things that you have to pay to use each month.
  • I'm just getting the upgraded version of Flickr worth it? I'm usually wary of the things that you have to pay to use each month.
    Upgraded Flickr? Are you talking about Flickr Pro? It's $25 a year. It's totally worth it because you have no more limits on your Flickring, and it's almost free.
  • I have a Flickr account already (having already had a yahoo account I just decided, eh, why not), and I got a camera about a month ago, so now I think I will begin to upload photos.
  • I'm just getting the upgraded version of Flickr worth it? I'm usually wary of the things that you have to pay to use each month.
    Upgraded Flickr? Are you talking about Flickr Pro? It's $25 a year. It's totally worth it because you have no more limits on your Flickring, and it's almost free.
    Yep. I've got my phone automatically uploading every picture it takes, so it's definitely worth it.
  • edited July 2009
    automatically uploading every picture it takes
    You may one day regret doing that.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • automatically uploading every picture it takes
    You may one day regret doing that.
    Agreed - I've somehow managed to acquire myself a stalker, and it was not immediately apparent how to set all my photos to private, without going through them all(500+) one by one
  • Agreed - I've somehow managed to acquire myself a stalker, and it was not immediately apparent how to set all my photos to private, without going through them all(500+) one by one
    Uh, it's pretty obvious how to do that. The only secret is that you have to go to the organize menu anytime you wan to perform batch operations.

    Also, making your photos private on Flickr sort of defeats the purpose. The point of Flickr is to share your photos. If you aren't sharing them, just keep them on your hard drive and use some sort of photo gallery software like iPhoto, Windows Photo Gallery, or F-Spot.
  • edited July 2009
    Uh, it's pretty obvious how to do that. The only secret is that you have to go to the organize menu anytime you wan to perform batch operations.
    That's a fair cop, but for some reason it took me a minute to work it out. I'm running on fumes, but that's really no excuse.
    Also, making your photos private on Flickr sort of defeats the purpose. The point of Flickr is to share your photos. If you aren't sharing them, just keep them on your hard drive and use some sort of photo gallery software like iPhoto, Windows Photo Gallery, or F-Spot.
    I am sharing them - I just don't want to share them with the mass public right now, because as I said, I've managed to accidentally acquire myself a stalker. The people I want to see my photos, I give them access through various means, the people who I don't allow to see them, don't. The only difference is that they're temporarily not publicly available.

    Other than that - I don't care what the point is. I have a legitimate reason not to share them with the wider public at this time, and an equally legitimate reason to keep them there to give access to them to people who I want to be able to see my photos.

    Edit: Clarified final sentance.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2009
    Also, making your photos private on Flickr sort of defeats the purpose. The point of Flickr is to share your photos. If you aren't sharing them, just keep them on your hard drive and use some sort of photo gallery software like iPhoto, Windows Photo Gallery, or F-Spot.
    The point of having a flickr fro me is two fold. Firstly sharing pictures (possibly with only family and friends). Secondly backing up pictures. You can't have enough back ups of pictures. Even if something catastrophic happened to my apt. my pictures would be safe.
    Post edited by Cramit on
  • Even if you had a stalker, I don't see how them having pictures of you can harm you in any way. There are very few pictures that I would want to keep private. For example, you might want to keep a legally incriminating photo private. You may also want to keep a nude photo private. Or maybe you want to keep a photo private that holds a secret, like perhaps a picture of you playing golf on a day when you told your wife you had to work, and it was the anniversary.

    In those sorts of cases, especially the legally incriminating case, you should not put those pictures on Flickr, even if you set them to private. You're only creating the risk of them being shared and getting no benefit whatsoever.

    Also, if you are only interested in keeping your photos backed up, and have no interest in sharing, there are many better ways to go about that than Flickr. The simplest way would just be an external hard drive. The odds of your internal and external hard drives both dying simultaneously are ludicrously low. Best part is you don't have to wait while your full resolution photos slowly get uploaded to Flickr.

    Basically, if you aren't sharing your photos, Flickr is the wrong tool for the job.
  • edited July 2009
    Even if you had a stalker, I don't see how them having pictures of you can harm you in any way.
    But there is the probelm - it's not an issue of harm, I just don't want them in the hands of the person in question. Otherwise, Flickr does exactly what I want it to do for a trivial amount of money, apart from this new problem that has arisen.
    However, I will note that you can garner quite a bit of information from my flickr, because I use it to share with my family and friends.
    Basically, if you aren't sharing your photos, Flickr is the wrong tool for the job.
    Again, I am sharing them, I'm just temporarily being rather choosy about who I share them with.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That is rather weird. I think Apreche made a good point. What makes you think any harm could be done? I had a stalker once. Scary experience. But he is right because Flickr is a public photo sharing environment, it is the wrong place to put something you intend to keep private.
  • edited July 2009
    That is rather weird. I think Apreche made a good point. What makes you think any harm could be done? I had a stalker once. Scary experience. But he is right because Flickr is a public photo sharing environment, it is the wrong place to put something you intend to keep private.
    I take it you didn't read what I'd written in the post immediately before yours.
    it's not an issue of harm, I just don't want them in the hands of the person in question.
    I had a stalker once. Scary experience.
    Then you should understand why I don't want my photos or information(as I mentioned, you can glean quite a bit of information from my flickr, and I've also clamped down on other sources of information about me) in the hands of this person.
    Flickr is a public photo sharing environment
    If were the case, then why would they even provide the option to make things private? Scott didn't say it was a site intended for sharing your photos, he did not state that it must be sharing with the public, and again, I repeat, I am sharing my photos, I'm just being temporarily more restrictive in who I share them with.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Even though having a real stalker is a scary and dangerous situation, you are being overly paranoid. Having your Flickr photos be shared normally isn't going to make any difference for the stalker person. If they are actually a dangerous stalker, no amount of information hiding is really going to make any difference, especially if you are just hiding tame things like Flickr photos. If the stalker isn't dangerous, then you should just take care of them yourself. If they are dangerous, you should just notify the authorities. Being overly paranoid is only going to harm you without providing any real protection. Much like how increasing airport security after 9/11 only makes life for law-abiding citizens more difficult, but does nothing to actually protect against terrorism.
  • Even though having a real stalker is a scary and dangerous situation, you are being overly paranoid. Having your Flickr photos be shared normally isn't going to make any difference for the stalker person. If they are actually a dangerous stalker, no amount of information hiding is really going to make any difference, especially if you are just hiding tame things like Flickr photos. If the stalker isn't dangerous, then you should just take care of them yourself. If they are dangerous, you should just notify the authorities. Being overly paranoid is only going to harm you without providing any real protection. Much like how increasing airport security after 9/11 only makes life for law-abiding citizens more difficult, but does nothing to actually protect against terrorism.
    It's less about increasing my Security level than my comfort level. Harm isn't an issue - considering this particular person's experience, physical stature and training(or lack thereof), among other factors, she'd have to catch me on my worst day and her best to do me any non-trivial harm.
    Were this not the case, I would have already notified the authorities - as for taking care of the situation myself, I have already done so at this point to the best of my ability, but I'm not omnipresent, so I just have to hunker down a little and wait them out.

    However, this doesn't make me any more comfortable having my photos in this person's possession - frankly, the fact that she already has the small few she was able to glean from a few old sources and what has been admitted to regarding them makes my skin crawl, and I'd rather not make that any worse.

    As a complete unrelated aside - seriously, fuck airport security. That's the one thing I don't miss about flying anymore, having to deal with those wankers every day, multiple times a day.

  • However, this doesn't make me any more comfortable having my photos in this person's possession - frankly, the fact that she already has the small few she was able to glean from a few old sources and what has been admitted to regarding them makes my skin crawl, and I'd rather not make that any worse.
    Why does it make you uncomfortable for someone to have photos of you? It might be creepy to think there is someone thinking crazy thoughts about you. But whether they have photos or not isn't causing any harm, so what's the difference?
  • edited July 2009
    Why does it make you uncomfortable for someone to have photos of you? It might be creepy to think there is someone thinking crazy thoughts about you. But whether they have photos or not isn't causing any harm, so what's the difference?
    None, for the most part. My discomfort on this particular issue is a purely personal, in all honesty, without any effect on the world at large, or even the world in my immediate vicinity. I'm probably just being paranoid and over-sensitive about it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop, because as I mentioned above, I am uncomfortable with that person having my photos.

    But my feelings don't really matter in this issue. Who I chose to share my photos with, the manner I chose to share them in, and my reasons for distributing them(or not) in any fashion is purely my prerogative. If Flickr is giving me the facility to keep my photos private, and I decide this is something I want to do for whatever reason, Why shouldn't I? I have every right to do it, and just as the public at large viewing my photos doesn't do me any harm, the public at large not viewing my photos does not do them any harm.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • RymRym
    edited July 2009
    Who I chose to share my photos with, the manner I chose to share them in, and my reasons for distributing them(or not) in any fashion is purely my prerogative. If Flickr is giving me the facility to keep my photos private, and I decide this is something I want to do for whatever reason, Why shouldn't I? I have every right to do it, and just as the public at large viewing my photos doesn't do me any harm, the public at large not viewing my photos does not do them any harm.
    You're perfectly correct in that you have the right, and no one can really tell you otherwise. It doesn't bother me one whit.

    I do feel, however, that your particular rationale for this is deeply flawed. There are many perfectly good reasons for not sharing photos, but yours is, in the vernacular, mad weak.

    You're basically letting an annoying and, in your own words, harmless stalker dictate your actions and decisions. Would you have shared the pictures if this person didn't exist? If so, then you're letting them affect your life, and you need to take some action.

    There are three options when dealing with "stalkers." Either ignore them 100%, confront them and end it, or seek legal remedy. Anything less will simply prolong the situation, give it more time to quietly escalate, and leave you in a state where you're letting it affect your life.
    considering this particular person's experience, physical stature and training(or lack thereof), among other factors, she'd have to catch me on my worst day and her best to do me any non-trivial harm.
    Judging from the above, you're definitely letting this affect you. That's a strange sort of analysis you have right there.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Your stalker sent me a crazy e-mail. It's pretty clear that they have a problem. I told them to seek professional help.
  • edited July 2009
    The crazy e-mail came from my best friend who wanted me to find out what was going on. I came to this forum because I wanted to help her, (besides the topic matter of this forum is of interest).

    That was horribly harsh of you. She was trusting a stranger as much as she had trusted Churba initially, but now he is slandering her. Need I get the e-mail and make it public? The only reason why she copied those photos from Facebook was to make a portrait of the young man in question, nothing more, nothing less. As to why this should make his "flesh crawl" is beyond my reasoning. As for him going to such thorough extremes as cutting off contact from someone he spoke to so frequently, and returned the words "I love you" to is also beyond my ken.

    Now that you have slandered her as well by typecasting her, would a lawsuit help? I will make a copy of this page and consult a lawyer to find out the technicalities behind a libel suit.

    She is no stalker, though she has gone through quite a bit in her life. May I assure everyone that they were exchanging words quite a bit. She just was horrified at what she read in this forum and wanted to exonerate herself. Obviously, Churba is venting quite a bit, but to consider her any kind of threat, a woman who lives across the Atlantic Ocean from him and doesn't have the physical resources to reach him, well that is a little beyond reason.

    I told her not to contact you, but she was hoping someone would understand.

    As a mod you can close this account, which I am certain you will, but hopefully you will leave this post. I think she deserves some understanding here instead of insults.

    Besides, I thought this was a discussion about Flickr, not interpersonal relationships.
    Post edited by BladedBeauty on
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