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  • And, also, he brought her to Facebook, which she had never used before. They had been friends, or need I publish more to make a point of this?
  • Now that you have slandered her as well by typecasting her, would a lawsuit help? I will make a copy of this page and consult a lawyer to find out the technicalities behind a libel suit.
    You're welcome to join this forum and say whatever you like (within the confines of the law), but threatening frivolous lawsuits is generally frowned upon, and is one of the hallmarks of the teenage Internet drama king/queen.

    This whole thing reeks of silly personal drama. I won't close the thread just yet, as I couldn't care less and I find the whole thing vaguely amusing, but I'd suggest that you all air your petty drama elsewhere if you don't want it to be subject to the scrutiny of the forum and the Internet at large. Nothing anyone posts here will be deleted without a court order, which, in this case, I find highly unlikely.

    So, self-censor if you don't want the world to see. Otherwise, I foresee some unhappy teenagers.
  • My rule is this: if I'm putting myself out there, I'm also accepting the consequences of doing so. Someone turns into a stalker? Deal with it swiftly and definitively. If you're not willing to do that, don't put yourself out there.

    On topic, Flickr is a totally awesome way to share your photos with people. I don't use it nearly as much as I should, though, so I've never paid for the Pro service. Maybe I'll have to cook more and document the process.

    I'm not sure that I'd bother with auto-uploading. I often take several pictures of the same thing (as you should) and choose the best of them to upload. I don't need to dump all of my crap photos onto Flickr for all the world to see.
  • Thank you, Rym, though I am not a teenager, I am, as I said a friend of the person in question, and it rankles me to see her so miscast. It was just getting to be a little outrageous to see the level of presumption on a woman you all don't even know.

    I apologize, but to have Apreche use that term was a little harsh.
  • edited July 2009
    Dammit, Rym, and I had this nice post ripping apart her every "point. XD It would have just been trolling, but I wanted to see her reaction. Oh well. ^_^J

    Yeah, seriously kid, don't try and threaten with lawsuits if you can't follow through, especially if there wasn't any slander in the first place. In case you didn't know, the internet is pretty much the wild west when it comes to freedom of speech.
    Your stalker sent me a crazy e-mail. It's pretty clear that they have a problem. I told them to seek professional help.
    Need I get the e-mail and make it public?
    I would actually be very interested in seeing both sides of that email. ^_^ Email it to me if you like.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on

  • On topic, Flickr is a totally awesome way to share your photos with people. I don't use it nearly as much as I should, though, so I've never paid for the Pro service. Maybe I'll have to cook more and document the process.

    I'm not sure that I'd bother with auto-uploading. I often take several pictures of the same thing (as you should) and choose the best of them to upload. I don't need to dump all of my crap photos onto Flickr for all the world to see.
    I enjoy using Flickr immensely, though I also find I don't use it enough.

    (Now off to the gaming topics.)
  • I'm not sure that I'd bother with auto-uploading. I often take several pictures of the same thing (as you should) and choose the best of them to upload. I don't need to dump all of my crap photos onto Flickr for all the world to see.
    I find it easier to go *click* *click* and then delete them from flickr later than take a bunch of pictures and keep forgetting to upload only the good ones.
  • edited July 2009
    Edit: She already backed down... so forget it.

    But anyway... Flickr... I have one. I should use it more though. I have a crap-ton of photos from family events that I need to share with my relatives, which brings the question: how useful is it really? At least for people who may not quite as tech savvy as I am, (i.e. my grandparents) who wish to see said photos. I guess it'd be easier to order prints for them...
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • I apologize, but to have Apreche use that term was a little harsh.
    Here is the e-mail that I sent.
    The fact that you sent a complete stranger a crazy e-mail like this shows that you definitely have a problem. I suggest you seek professional help.
    What I said in that e-mail was not harsh. It was entirely true. The fact that your friend would send such an e-mail to a complete stranger is a very strong sign that something is not right. Even if your friend is not crazy, certainly she is engaging in extremely awkward social behaviors that are contributing to perceptions of her that may or may not be true. From going to many anime conventions and engaging with many nerd communities I have a great deal of experience with people who are socially awkward.

    I'm just a guy with a podcast and a forum. I was only interested in discussing the merits or sharing or not sharing photos on Flickr. I don't care about your friend, or you, or any of your drama. As they say, save the drama for your mama. All I'm saying is that if your friend thinks that sending that kind of e-mail to a complete stranger is appropriate and normal behavior, she probably does need some help.

    However, I would like to thank you and your friend for providing us with an entertaining story to tell.
  • I'm not sure that I'd bother with auto-uploading. I often take several pictures of the same thing (as you should) and choose the best of them to upload. I don't need to dump all of my crap photos onto Flickr for all the world to see.
    I find it easier to go *click* *click* and then delete them from flickr later than take a bunch of pictures and keep forgetting to upload only the good ones.
    I take a *lot* of crap pictures, so it's easier for me to upload only the good ones.

    Does anyone on the forums make use of Shutterfly? I have a coworker who's really getting serious about her photography, and the actual physical photo albums that you can get from them are pretty quality.

  • Does anyone on the forums make use of Shutterfly? I have a coworker who's really getting serious about her photography, and the actual physical photo albums that you can get from them are pretty quality.
    I've never heard of them until now. Personally, I don't see the reason to get photo albums printed up anymore. Getting individual photos printed up for desks, walls, etc. is still very much necessary. For browsing an album, though, give me digital.

  • Does anyone on the forums make use of Shutterfly? I have a coworker who's really getting serious about her photography, and the actual physical photo albums that you can get from them are pretty quality.
    I've never heard of them until now. Personally, I don't see the reason to get photo albums printed up anymore. Getting individual photos printed up for desks, walls, etc. is still very much necessary. For browsing an album, though, give me digital.
    I'm a fan of those digital picture frames. It's a neat way to let somebody like my mom browse a bunch of pictures without having to use the big scary web.
  • edited July 2009
    I said a friend of the person in question, and it rankles me to see her so miscast.
    I'm aware, and you have my sincererest apologies. Thank you for not getting involved more than was nessassary.

    Edit - Also, the people in this forum have my sincereest apologies for bringing my problems into this arena. it is something I should have kept outside, and dealt with privately. Once again, my apologies.
    Someone turns into a stalker? Deal with it swiftly and definitively. If you're not willing to do that, don't put yourself out there.
    I have done so. I attempted to be kind, as she was a friend initialy before her behavior became as it is, however, I have now made it very clear that any further attempts at contacting me, my family or friends, or any attepts at information gathering, and I will not hesitate in contacting the appropriate authorities.
    I said a friend of the person in question, and it rankles me to see her so miscast.
    Ma'am, with all due respect, I belive that you do not know the full story. For example, I will bet you were not informed about how in slightly less than a week, she left no less than 48 messages on my voicemail, hunting down information about me and then sending me comments on whatever she found? Or how after I made it clear that I had blocked her out of being able to easily view my content on certain sites, she decided to circumvent that, just because I didn't tell her why I was going to london in the short amount of time after she asked? She has hardly been miscast, and in any case, as I have made clear to her, If she doesn't stay away, I will be sure to contact the authorities.

    Discussion on that particular topic is now over.
    Post edited by Churba on

  • Does anyone on the forums make use of Shutterfly? I have a coworker who's really getting serious about her photography, and the actual physical photo albums that you can get from them are pretty quality.
    I've never heard of them until now. Personally, I don't see the reason to get photo albums printed up anymore. Getting individual photos printed up for desks, walls, etc. is still very much necessary. For browsing an album, though, give me digital.
    I'm a fan of those digital picture frames. It's a neat way to let somebody like my mom browse a bunch of pictures without having to use the big scary web.
    The digital picture frames are very good. They're especially nice when you put a TON of photos in them and they change photos very slowly. Then if people come over, lots of surprising things show up and make for good moments. However, it won't change so rapidly as to steal everyone's attention.

    Also, things which let you look at photos on the TV, like the Wii, are very good.
  • I will bet you were not informed about how in slightly less than a week, she left no less than 48 messages on my voicemail
    Dude, how do you know my mom?
  • I will bet you were not informed about how in slightly less than a week, she left no less than 48 messages on my voicemail
    Dude, how do you know my mom?
    I think most of us know your mom...intimately.

  • edited July 2009
    I said a friend of the person in question, and it rankles me to see her so miscast.
    Ma'am, with all due respect, I belive that you do not know the full story. For example, I will bet you were not informed about how in slightly less than a week, she left no less than 48 messages on my voicemail, hunting down information about me and then sending me comments on whatever she found? Or how after I made it clear that I had blocked her out of being able to easily view my content on certain sites, she decided to circumvent that, just because I didn't tell her why I was going to london in the short amount of time after she asked? She has hardly been miscast, and in any case, as I have made clear to her, If she doesn't stay away, I will be sure to contact the authorities.

    Discussion on that particular topic is now over.
    I think she was sincerely unaware of the number of times she called you. From what she has relayed to me of her side of the story, she sincerely believed you were rejecting her. She does suffer from a severe form of PMS, and can go into bouts of depression. That is the only problem I am aware of with her.

    As for the London issue you refer to, is it possible that she just drew an inappropriate inference again? (She is prone to do this too often because she is extremely creative and jumps to rapid conclusions.) I do wish you would be patient with her. She is a very nice person, just very emotional. I think the threat of involving the authorities on both our parts is uncalled for.

    I, too, offer my apologies to the members of this forum, and to you, as well, Churba. I do ask that you would trust her. She does things a little backwards at times, but she cares about you, and really isn't a wicked person.
    Post edited by BladedBeauty on
  • I will suggest one final time that you kids move your drama somewhere more private.
  • I think most of us know your mom...intimately.
    That was a nice slow pitch right over the plate.
  • You know, I generally don't pay attention to several thread topics, on banal topics like Flickr! but now I know I'm missing all the real action! Yea, Please if you going to have a some highly amusing melodrama could you make a thread called "I have a cute Stalker" or "There is someone out to get me" or "Angst: The melodramatic Musical". So I know to come to that topic ^_^.
  • edited July 2009
    You know, I generally don't pay attention to several thread topics, on banal topics like Flickr! but now I know I'm missing all the real action! Yea, Please if you going to have a some highly amusing melodrama could you make a thread called "I have a cute Stalker" or "There is someone out to get me" or "Angst: The melodramatic Musical". So I know to come to that topic ^_^.
    It occurs to me that I've read a manga with a similar plot. Sadly, it ends quite bloodily.
    I will suggest one final time that you kids move your drama somewhere more private.
    Indeed. Amusing as it is, Enough drama. Let's please get back to our regularly scheduled banter.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I will suggest one final time that you kids move your drama somewhere more private.
    I've already said I'm not going to discuss it any further.
    Let's please get back to our regularly scheduled banter.
    Yes, please.
  • And now, for something completely different: A Scotsman, on a horse, on Flickr.
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