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First jobs

So I work at Mcdonalds. It really sucks ass. You don't even wanna know about all the grossness that goes on there. So what was some of your first jobs?


  • I'm working my first job this summer. I just got certified as an instructor, so I am teaching a summer sailing program. I figure I'll have fun, but there's always gonna be those two or three kids who are hell to deal with.
  • I guess my first real job where I was paid by an employer other than my family would have been first year in college when I was a tutor in the "math lab". Before that, I was pretty much obligated to be available all the time for farm work including everything from managing livestock (goats, horses, and cattle), crops (beans, wheat, corn, and tobacco), to helping Dad shoe horses.
  • I guess my first real job where I was paid by an employer other than my family would have been first year in college when I was a tutor in the "math lab". Before that, I was pretty much obligated to be available all the time for farm work including everything from managing livestock (goats, horses, and cattle), crops (beans, wheat, corn, and tobacco), to helping Dad shoe horses.
    Didn't you work with one of the first printing presses? Placing all the letters down individually and rolling ink on them?
  • How old is he??????
  • edited June 2007
    Didn't you work with one of the first printing presses? Placing all the letters down individually and rolling ink on them?
    Yeah, but I wasn't paid for it - unless you count a daily portion of gruel and a straw mattress crawling with bugs and mice as payment.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • How old is he??????
    Oh, Grandpa Joe? He is older than time itself.
  • Lollerskating.
  • Oh. Goddess. That must have sucked...
  • edited June 2007
    How old is he??????
    There's been some speculation about the subject in Mathematical Research Letters, but no one has actually proven anything yet.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited June 2007
    There's been some speculation about the subject inMathematical Research Letters, but no one has actually proven anything yet.
    The latest research about it suggests that the Higgs Boson might be the key to unlocking the mystery.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I'm so lost! lol!
  • Grandpa Joe is so old that he sired himself. It was right after the war, back in ought-eight, whens the turnips was-a-just comin' up and the commies were ripe for the pickin'. Back in those days, you could buy rock candy at the druggist for a two-pence, and a mule cost only a whistle and two clam shells.
  • I'm still working at my first job, at a Best Buy. Six years so far, it's paying for college and everything else I own, pretty much
  • My first job was at a Post Office over the Christmas period. The job was alright but the people were stupid.
    Customer: How much to send this card to the US?
    Me: All Christmas cards are $1 overseas.
    Them: What about China?
    Me: Anywhere overseas $1.
    Them: Ok, this one's going to Enlgand.
    Me: $1, all cards going overseas are a dollar.
    Them: New Zealand?
  • First payed work outside of the family was as a tester for EA games. It was a pretty sweet job, but it didn't pay all that much...
  • My first proper job is the same one I have now. Working at a little local supermarket. The pay's not great but it's so convenient that it levels out. Except for the boredom. Also tutoring and commission work since forever. Yay for money!
  • I was a cook at KFC during high school. After a few months, ordinary chicken lost all flavour. On the plus side, I became almost completely immune to minor oil burns.
  • edited June 2007
    My first real job was when I was 14 years old. I worked the summer at my school doing grunt maintenance work. (cleaning floors, mowing lawns, etc.) I think I got about $4 per hour. Needless to say, I've come a long way since then!

    I worked full time every summer from freshman year in high school until I graduated from college. For 6 years I worked at a railroad during the summer. That was a total blast.

    Now compare this to Rym who got to sit on the beach all summer!
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • Summer camp counselor ftw. It's still the best job in the world, the pay is just shit.
  • Peter Piper Pizza. I sliced my index finger once and had to be driven by the assistant manager (who was my cousin's girlfriend at the time and later wife) to the hospital. True story.
  • My first real job was flipping burgers at this snack shop by the local beach. It was actually pretty nice, didn't pay that badly for the type of work and there were lots of girls in bathing suits around most of the time.
  • My first "real" job was as a golf ball picker at a driving range.
  • My first "real" job was as a golf ball picker at a driving range.
    You got to drive the magic golf ball plow? Awesome.
  • My first "real" job was as a golf ball picker at a driving range.

    You got to drive the magic golf ball plow? Awesome.

    I'll think of you next time I'm in the driving range trying to hit the kart.
  • My first real job was when I was 14 years old. I worked the summer at my school doing grunt maintenance work. (cleaning floors, mowing lawns, etc.) I think I got about $4 per hour. Needless to say, I've come a long way since then!

    I worked full time every summer from freshman year in high school until I graduated from college. For 6 years I worked at a railroad during the summer. That was a total blast.

    Now compare this to Rym who got to sit on the beach all summer!
    WOW, you too? I did the same thing from 15 to 17. They say you go back to your first job when you get old and retire....I most definitely will NOT go back to scraping gum out of lockers. Although I did get a nice TI-89 thanks to this job. Perhaps I'll go back to my second job when I retire, working at a pizza place in some capacity. Delivering pizza's in an old junker? Sounds good to me.
  • I did not get to drive the tractor, I was one of the kids with the hollow golf ball picking tube and a bucket walking all over the range.
  • Grill-jockey at Hardee's
  • I was a state certified pool operator. Basically I managed all the lifeguards and made sure the pool was up to county health standards.
  • First real job was Tesco Extra (uk supermarket chain), it was so much the balls because everything was done perfectly "by the book" it was annoying, somewhat the opposite of mac dees I thinks. That and the fact a poorly trained monkey could have done it made it a nasty place
  • My first job (and current one to this day) compared to the jobs listed here kicks everyone else's ass. I work at a video store which is VERY similar to the video store in Leroy (if I remember correctly) that Emily described in the origins episode about anime. This means I can any movie I want (anime) whenever I want for FREE!!!
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