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All-American quiz.



  • Nope, he can't declare war at all. He does have some power to send in troops for quick things though (Reagan and the bombing of Libya).
    This is correct. The president can send limited numbers of soldiers all over the world for limited periods of time. However, these things do not count as war. They count as police actions or what have you. For example, Vietnam was not a war in the most formal sense. Only congress has the power to formally declare actual war. It is something that has happened very rarely.
  • Like I said thats what I think is true. Isn't that what happen in the Vietnam War? For the US anyway, not the French.
    You are correct, though, that Johnson did have much more latitude in waging combat in Vietnam. That all changed with the War Powers Act in the early 1970s -- even though Congress had to override Nixon's veto to do so.

    Even as late as the mid-90s, when it was used by Congress to pull us out of Somalia, the WPA has been the source of controversy because Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution doesn't really define war or limit the president's military policing powers with regard to whether an engagement is a war.

    Old folks FTW with history and civics again today :D
  • Here's another test. I scored 100% on this one.
  • Here's another test. I scored 100% on this one.
    19/20. Woohoo! I've improved! I love the "Scooter" Libby option for #6. It made me lol. ^_^
  • edited July 2007
    On this new test I got 17 out of 20 again. What up with that. They had a couple of the same questions on this quiz has the All-American quiz.
    Post edited by N15PCA on
  • 18/20 on yours Scott. I got cocky and missed number 3 for reading recklessly. Typical high schooler.
  • 20/20 on Scott's quiz.

    Many of my coworkers failed it.
  • Got 100% on the new test, only 19 gave me any trouble.
  • edited July 2007
    20/20 yet again. See, you have to learn a lot of this "American History" stuff in law school even if you didn't learn it when you got your BS in history. . .

    Here's a question for you: Was there a real, actual, true-to-life "conspiracy" involved in the assasination of Abraham Lincoln?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • 100% on Scott's quiz. I think that it also has better questions and should be the one to taken more seriously, if you can take any internet quiz seriously.
  • edited July 2007
    Wow, I'm not a very good American.  I only got 10 on the first test and 13 on the second one
    Post edited by Rym on

  • Gasp! Scott actually explained something to someone?!!
    It's not something that can be looked up on Google.
    I asked you the same exact question once and you were so mean, you nearly made me cry:


  • I asked you the same exact question once and you were so mean, you nearly made me cry:
    Suck it up pussy.

  • I asked you the same exact question once and you were so mean, you nearly made me cry:
    Suck it up pussy.
    Yeah, that's what I did.

    All I'm asking for is that people get the same meanness for the same questions. The next time someone asks you how to put in links to a post, I want you to snap their heads off.

  • All I'm asking for is that people get the same meanness for the same questions. The next time someone asks you how to put in links to a post, I want you to snap their heads off.
    It depends on my mood. What can I say?
  • 16/20 on the first, 100% on the second (though that INS form question was a total guess)
  • 18/20 on the first one
    95% on the second. That Damn INS form question ....
  • 17/20 because I'm awesome despite, or perhaps because of, not being educated in the country of my birth.
  • 19/20 - I chose Johnny Cash's guy over the war movie guy in 16.

    ...and 95% on Scott's quiz. I fell afoul of the INS.
  • 20/20 FTW.
  • Didn't see the second one I got 80% however I protest the answer to selection of supreme court justices for being poorly worded and ambiguous.
  • I got 17/20 on the first one and 19/20 on the second one. I was born in the the devil should I know what form is needed for naturalization? Why should I care?
  • 19/20 on the first one, 100% on the second one.
  • I got 17/20 on the first one and 19/20 on the second one. I was born in the the devil should I know what form is needed for naturalization? Why should I care?
    Exactly my reaction when I read that question. I don't know, I've got my passport. One question in the proposed new test I was given in my American studies class was 'What is Abraham Lincoln famous for?', I wish I could take that test. Is being shot in the head the correct answer?
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