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Zombie Strongholds

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
If you could pick any location (accessible to average civilians) what would you choose? Scenario is thus: Electricity is on and not expected to go out. It's not a permanent location, just someplace you can hold up for a 6 months or so. You know until things blow over. Normally I'd say a Mall, but most of the larger malls have too many entrances and are too... obvious. I'm thinking maybe a HomeDepot or the like. Just need a way to get food into all those fridges they have there. You already have all the makeshift weapons you would need as well as perfect items to barricade or protect on your trips out into the world.


  • Top suite in a highrise apartment building, with the stairway 'sploded, the fire escapes pulled up, and the elevator deactivated.
  • RIT.
  • As I learned recently in "The Walking Dead" a prison is a great zombie stronghold, as long as you clean out all the former prisoners. If you are lucky, it will be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
  • Assuming I have power of fiat and can assume that any place I want is avalable, then a millitary base. Ample supply of weapons and food, and its made to be easily defended.
  • That's why I said places where a normal civilian can get to. The assumption would be the military would still be in charge of the military bases. Granted it would be very protective (since you're surrounded by soldiers), but defeats that whole "It's me (and maybe a small group of people) verses the Zombies." You'd be a bystander verses a participant.
  • If I could drive one, a truck.
  • I'd head on over to an island and hope there are no zombies there. >_<
  • Nobody knows what this is unless they're Albertan, but the Calgary tower. Think Seattle Space Needle.
  • Wal-mart. There's a limited number of enterences, plenty of weapons and ammunition, a garage for repairing vehicles, a large selection of tools, and food. Plus, you could cobble together a barricade easily out of all the racks and such. Despite your feelings about it, Wal-mart is an ideal location for survival in case of zombie apocalypse. Wal-mart FTW.
  • Hmm. Yacht Club. It's fenced in, and contains a kitchen, store, bathrooms, and a lot of boats. Boats would be ideal for getting around.
  • can zombies swim? or even if they can't can they go Curse of Pirate style and walk along the bottom?
  • Zombies can't swim, but they can walk along the bottom... I forget what movie I saw that in. So escaping to Atlantis is out cause it wouldn't be out of a zombie's reach. I like the WalMart idea, though.
  • A brewery of course. Drunk zombies are much easier to deal with than sober ones.
  • here's a limited number of enterences
    Wrong move, sucka. You'll have to keep the auto shop closed, the garden center fenced off and watch your ass at the back warehouse. You could always use product to bar it off, but there's a TON of entrances in and out of that joint. If you cleared Electronics out, you'd have a perfect "U" shape though, and you could dispatch of Zombie's easily.
  • here's a limited number of enterences
    Wrong move, sucka. You'll have to keep the auto shop closed, the garden center fenced off and watch your ass at the back warehouse. You could always use product to bar it off, but there's a TON of entrances in and out of that joint. If you cleared Electronics out, you'd have a perfect "U" shape though, and you could dispatch of Zombie's easily.
    Of course you'd block off the auto shop and garden centers. They provide great places to hold off the zombies. The auto shop almost always has a little office seperating the garage from the rest of the store. That provides a great place for the zombies to bottleneck. The garden center does prove a problem, but I guess you could build a barricade out of the soil and dog food. Or you could just secure the fence around the garden center. Plus, think of all the shopping carts an average Wal-mart has! Those can make a great barricade in a pinch.
  • Oh, and the auto-shop would have a mad set of tools both for melee usage and projectile ability. No doubt a tire-iron would keep anyone who got too close at bay. I would open up all the dog food so as the Zombies, be they fast or slow, slipped on the marble like Pedigree.

    Good call on the carts. You could bottleneck them with that if it came to it. Also, don't forget to block off the McDonald's.
  • I think the ideal close to me is Alcatraz, the only problem with that being supplies.  It would combine the best aspects of "prison" and "island" for one super awesome fortress, as long as I stock up on canned food first.
  • If the various supplies aren't a problem then I'd say somewhere in the subarctic, probably in the North West Territories. It's nice if you can see them coming at you for three days.
  • I'd have to say a WWII Flak Tower would be my choice. Stocked with food and ammunition, they're almost impenetrable, good against attack by zombie and human alike.
  • Don't forget to book your plane trip to Vienna. By then you're dead! :O
  • I think the ideal close to me is Alcatraz, the only problem with that being supplies. It would combine the best aspects of "prison" and "island" for one super awesome fortress, as long as I stock up on canned food first.

    The problem with alcatraz is that it is not an in-service prison. Sure, it has the defenses of a prison and an island. However, it does not have the armory or the food supply, the laundry rooms, etc. that a working prison has.
  • Would you be the only person in there (and risk insanity unless you had an internet connection) or would you need to keep as many people alive as reasonably possible?

    I'd choose the top of a block of flats packed with food and supplies providing sniper support for others. Would need a large flat roof too so I could turn it into an evac station and not have people around too long leaching my supplies.
    Stairs would be blown out and replaced with rope ladders.

    Also why would it take six months? If a zombie is a walking dead human then it should only take a week before it dies of starvation and even if it can survive for longer six months surely isn't feasible.
  • How long do zombies, uhm, survive? Six months was an arbitrary timeframe I proposed just to avoid the whole "survive till dawn" scenario. How does a zombie die (if such "official" info actually exists). Do they gain food, and therefore energy, from eating warm flesh? They are animated dead bodies, so I guess bodies would keep moving so long as the muscles don't decompose. Granted in most zombie movies they seem to be working pretty well even if partly decomposed. So it could be months I guess before normalcy takes over (excluding outside forces).
  • The problem I was posing was that if the zombies move they must be using energy which means that energy comes from somewhere and if a zombie has roughly the same energy requirements as a human then what happens when the food runs out? Even if it took several months for the zombies to infect everyone in order to survive that long by eating people would require a very small number of zombies compared to people. How many people would you have to eat to last six months?
  • Zombies seem to be rather hardy. It varies from movie to movie, but you can cut off an arm, or any other part and the rest of it still works. It's only when the head/Brain gets separated that it dies. It also doesn't need to stop (which may actually work to our benefit in terms of an energy equation), and also is strong than their living counterpart (although this could have more to do with the lack of feeling pain)Anyone know of an "official" rules for zombies?
  • Even if it doesn't stop until its dead its still going to die from starvation if it can't get its energy from somewhere; that's the point I'm trying to make.
  • I agree. Any thoughts an an estimated time for an infestation to burn itself out?
  • I would guess it burn out in about 2 weeks. About twice the time it takes for a normal human to starve.
  • That's assuming that the Zombies need energy at all. What about Zombies brought to life by black magic? Those type of Zombies run on evil and everyone knows evil never sleeps.
  • That's assuming that the Zombies need energy at all. What about Zombies brought to life by black magic? Those type of Zombies run on evil and everyone knows evil never sleeps.
    True. I guess it depends on what "type" of zombie your talking about. I was thinking more of the "Resident Evil" type.
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