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Zombie Strongholds



  • I think the ideal close to me is Alcatraz, the only problem with that being supplies. It would combine the best aspects of "prison" and "island" for one super awesome fortress, as long as I stock up on canned food first.
    The problem with alcatraz is that it is not an in-service prison. Sure, it has the defenses of a prison and an island. However, it does not have the armory or the food supply, the laundry rooms, etc. that a working prison has.

    Yeah, that's why I would need to get supplies first.  I mean, nowhere is perfect.
  • Want to survive the zombie apocalypse? Watch this DVD series. Also, Chris Costa is soooo dreamy.

    Not right now, though, I mean when the zombies come.
  • edited September 2010
    The Engineering Building of CSU Northridge. Specifically the main server room on the second floor, which is separated from the rest of the building by two heavy, steel, keypad coded, fire doors. Potable, running water is available (the cooling for the super computer), plenty of tools for weapons, lots of floor space, and air filteration/conditioning. Also, it's a brick and steel building, which means it's pretty fire retardant.

    Now, If we want to seal off the whole second, third, and fourth floors from the outside (first floor), it only involves closing two firedoors and barricading two elevators. That would give us access to the whole nursing department, the helicopter UAV lab, 12 computer labs, 120 offices (for living space), 3 kitchens, 12 bathrooms, roof access (including access to the solar panels, as well as cell and microwave antennas) and we could probably work out a zip line to the top of the johnson auditorium, which is 1 story high, so we could access the satellite dishes.

    If we can retake the rest of the building after that, then we're in business. If we can do that, we'd have access to bioengineering labs, physical therapy labs, xrays, MRI, Workshops, CNC machines, welding and milling tools, 4 Formula SAE cars, 2 boats, 3 motorcycles, multiple trucks of varied size and storage capacity, Robotics labs, fluid dynamics labs, Autonomous Land Vehicle Lab, Fixed wing UAV lab, Lego Robots lab, Microwave communications lab, as well as a ton of industrial equipment, tools, bathrooms, electric carts. In addition, we would have taken the whole of the following departments: Physical Therapy, Environmental and Occupational Health, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science. And the entire building is wired with video cameras that we can monitor from the server room.

    Also, I already have the blueprints for the building. Found them sticking out of the recycling bin as I was walking by one day.

    After retaking Jacaranda Hall from the zombie infestation, we can go and reclaim the rest of the campus, little by little. We start with the arbor grill (food) complex next door, then sequoia hall (food sciences/IT office) and meet up with redwood hall (Kinesiology) for support. First thing we do is save the education majors and business majors and hole them up in jacaranda hall. From there we go south; USU, Chaparell Hall (biology), oviatt library (food, books, IT offices), Science buildings, and matador complex (Food). Then we move west: Music department, Manzanita Hall. And then north:(media and communications), The sierra complex (liberal arts, food), university hall (administration), and then bayramian hall (administration). We will avoid the police department, as it is likely to be deserted and stripped of all firearms.

    After regrouping with all the rescued survivors at jacaranda, we will send two UAVs, piloted remotely, to perform reconnaissance on the E6 Parking Lot and PPM. If all is clear, we'll send send three teams north: two contingents to go to E6 and scavenge as many solar panels and cars as is safe to do so, the third contingent will be sent to rescue the art department and to survey the status of PPM. All three teams can be clearly monitored from the fourth floor.

    PPM is a key facility. It is the Physical Plant Management facility. All electric cart parts are stored there, as well as a wide variety of tools, vehicles, and supplies. Unfortunately, it will also very difficult to take due to the 30' high walls surrounding it as well as the accompanying solid metal gates. The survey team will focus on locating the easiest, safest, and fastest way into PPM.

    Following the teams' return, we will send a team to the top of sierra tower (9 stories tall) to quickly survey the status of the surrounding world. If their reports indicate it is safe to do so, we will send a caravan of vehicles to the indoor firing range down the street (where I am a member). following procurement of weapons, we will move to Ralphs and Albertsons in search of food and survivors.

    But thats just, you know, just a rough plan I've been kicking around.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Offshore oil rig. Zombies can neither swim nor climb and oil rigs got plenty of supplies to last a long time. Heavy machinery that is unnecessary for survival must be turned off to prevent accidents, but that doesn't really matter.
  • Nathan Fillion linked to this on twitter. It's a fantastic idea, but contingent on electricity.
  • An oil rig was my ideal location too, but given that it's not necessarily feasible, the next best thing is someplace up north that's very very cold.

    Even though they don't feel it, zombies must still be subject to things like frostbite and exposure that would physically slow or harm the body itself, thus making them easier targets in the first place.

    Along with that, the population up there would tend to be much smaller to begin with, and the fact that it's so remote means there's less reason for zombies from more populated places to venture up there.
  • edited March 2012
    There's no sense in a zombie situation. They're powered by the magic of plot device. You only want to be "somewhat" prepared. If you're too prepared, some convoluted [plot device] will happen. You have to be just above average, and relatively protaganist-like to have a chance.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I think I need to just make some prepper "friends" who I can then murder and steal all their shit if the zombies ever come.
  • I think I will just find a lot of these type of people.

    Personally I would probably head into a swamp with a very large alligator population and try to find some way to secure a location. That is if alligators will eat the zombies; if not then I will have to change plans.
  • I more worried about what would happen to the aligators that eat the zombies. Would they become zombies too, like the crows in the resident evil movies?
  • edited March 2012
    They might eat zombies. Gator hunters use "beef melt" as bait which is basically just raw beef that they let rot out in the sun, and I would imagine zombie meat would be fairly similar. Hmm, maybe a gator farm would be a good place to put a stronghold.
    I more worried about what would happen to the aligators that eat the zombies. Would they become zombies too, like the crows in the resident evil movies?
    I can't imagine zombie gators being much more dangerous than regular ones.

    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • I don't think so. I think a better place would be one where you don't have to deal with the zombies at all. Someplace remote, but with plenty of supplies and guns.

    An aircraft carrier.
  • Really just a decent island would work fine.
  • edited March 2012
    I don't think so. I think a better place would be one where you don't have to deal with the zombies at all. Someplace remote, but with plenty of supplies and guns.

    An aircraft carrier.
    Or a massive tree-house. Scratch that, we'll just start living in the trees. Zombies can't climb trees! It's the perfect cultural evolution in response to zombies.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Yeah, but the zombies might knock down the tree house.
  • edited March 2012
    Yeah, but the zombies might knock down the tree house.
    Fuck your zombies.


    I live in a goddamn tree house.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited March 2012
    Really just a decent island would work fine.
    Islands have depletable resources. If you live on an aircraft carrier, you can just send out helicopters with a few people to go pillage a supermarket.

    Admittedly, though, the thought of living in a treehouse is pretty rocking.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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