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Favorite Drinks



  • Gin and Tonic with too much lime.

    Lately at trivia, I've ordered a drink called a Black Cherry. It's like a Black and Tan with Brown's Cherry-Raspberry Ale with their Oatmeal Stout. Their Oatmeal Stout is also by far the best I've ever had. I've also had it with their Ale mixed with their Cherry Porter. That is also good.
  • I love sparkling, mineral water. I drink one almost every day.
  • I love sparkling, mineral water. I drink one almost every day.
    0_o Penn and Teller may want to have a word with you.
  • 0_o Penn and Teller may want to have a word with you.
    To be fair, sparkling makes a real difference, even though I think it's a negative difference. Also, while water is water is water, mineral water is different. It tastes a lot different than just water. Next time you go to a restaurant and there is a bottle of that San Pellegrino on the table, drink some. If you must, buy a bottle of it and do a blind taste test. It does not taste like water. It is loaded with minerals.
  • Wow guys, way to read the first post. He said ONE drink, non alcoholic, disregard nutritional content.
    I choose not to limit my conversation to such a restrictive definition. I feel, if it gets us all talking more, why not move beyond the original poster's boundaries?
  • Alcoholic: Sake, good red wine, Baileys, Bacardi/ Havana Club Rum . Cuba Libre.

    Non Alcoholic: Green Tea, Water, Earl Grey.
  • Wow guys, way to read the first post. He said ONE drink, non alcoholic, disregard nutritional content.
    I choose not to limit my conversation to such a restrictive definition. I feel, if it gets us all talking more, why not move beyond the original poster's boundaries?
    In my opinion, if you can't come up with just one drink, you're being indecisive and thus making it harder to get a good conversation going.
    For example, I could say...well, I drink water the most, because it's the best thing for your body. I think Mountain Dew tastes best, though, but I dunno if Voltage or original is better. As far as alcohol goes, I've never had a beer that I've enjoyed. I had some rum once and it was pretty good. Other than that I'm really not much of a drinker, anyways. (that is all true, fyi)

    See, now really...if you can come up with one good solid answer, that proves you are decisive and can potentially lead to further discussions such as why a person picked said drink.
  • I love big, tall, cooooold glasses o' 2% milk. Ahhhh.
  • I love big, tall, cooooold glasses o' 2% milk. Ahhhh.
    Says the chocolate store worker. ^_~
  • Oh hush. It's been that way my whole life, way before I started working with chocolate. ;)
  • Capri-Sun (doubt you have these in the States, but maybe) and I drink more Coca~Cola Zero than I probably should.
  • edited September 2008
    Capri-Sun (doubt you have these in the States, but maybe) and I drink more Coca~Cola Zero than I probably should.
    You mean this, right? Yes, we have it in the states. I remember drinking this all the time during break at nursery.

    Today, they are so many flavors, back in the day there were barely any. I remember mostly drinking orange and fruit punch. You kids today got it good!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Yeah, I just drank two orange flavoured ones in a row. I love em'.
  • Capri-Sun (doubt you have these in the States, but maybe) and I drink more Coca~Cola Zero than I probably should.
    I remember them before they had the easy open straw hole thing.
  • Capri-Sun (doubt you have these in the States, but maybe) and I drink more Coca~Cola Zero than I probably should.
    I remember them before they had the easy open straw hole thing.
    So do I. I always had to get my mom to open them (I was like 5 at the time...).

    I like the cherry and lemonade ones. The rest are ok, but not spectacular.
  • Mango juice, and like apple juice, it has to be a high quality one, or it's not worth it.
  • Ah! Capri sun! I had one recently but it tastes like crap now. When I was a kid it was heavens drink!
  • See, now really...if you can come up with one good solid answer, that proves you are decisive and can potentially lead to further discussions such as why a person picked said drink.
    I don't see the connection between only providing a single answer and having a strong discussion. If anything, I would expect that naming multiple beverages would be more likely to draw more people into a conversation. To draw a crude analogy: it's easier to hit multiple people at once with a shotgun over a pistol.

    Also, when I was a kid, I drank more blue Kool-Aid than I did water. I loved that stuff.
  • Well, I guess later on in the thread (like now), it's fine that we're all talking about different drinks. But to start off, I really don't think that the original poster was asking too much.
  • Well, I guess later on in the thread (like now), it's fine that we're all talking about different drinks. But to start off, I really don't think that the original poster was asking too much.
    None of this matters. It's a thread about beverages, and we're talking about beverages. It's about the best you can hope for in any online forum.
  • edited September 2008
    It's about the best you can hope for in any online forum.
    Oh for fuck's sake. I think the best you could hope for would be responses to what the original poster asked for.

    This isn't fucking 4chan, for Pete's sake.

    I do realize that I'm being nitpicky as hell at this point...but still. Jcc clearly said one non alcoholic drink. I see no reason why people were like "oh either mikes hard or guinness" by the first couple of posts.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • It's about the best you can hope for in any online forum.
    Oh for fuck's sake. I think the best you could hope for would be responses to what the original poster asked for.

    This isn't fucking 4chan, for Pete's sake.
    An FRC imageboard might be pretty interesting, actually...
  • It's about the best you can hope for in any online forum.
    Oh for fuck's sake. I think the best you could hope for would be responses to what the original poster asked for.

    This isn't fucking 4chan, for Pete's sake.
    An FRC imageboard might be pretty interesting, actually...
    It would soon be the world's largest collection of homoerotic images ever.
  • edited September 2008
    It would soon be the world's largest collection of homoerotic images ever.
    8====> ((

    d ^_^ b
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • An FRC imageboard might be pretty interesting, actually...
    What prevents you from putting images in this forum? Nothing.

  • It would soon be the world's largest collection of homoerotic images ever.
    No, 4chan's yaoi board would still be bigger.
  • I shall make the one choice:

  • Water.

    I also like lemonade and fruit-flavored beverages, carbonated or not- I generally just like citrus-y drinks. I don't really like colas all that much, unless Dr Pepper counts, but the former CEO maintains that it isn't a cola so I suppose it doesn't.
  • If we were taking nutritional content into it (which the OP said not to), I'd choose water.
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