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What are your least favorite companies?

edited July 2007 in Everything Else
Just thought I'd start a thread to rant about the companies doing the most to make our lives living hells.
Can be one or more, you don't need to do them all at once

Number #1 ATI:
ATI has been boiling my blood recently as apart from the ATI graphics card in my laptop It would be ideal. Especially including the huge educational discount I got it for (it was about 40% off) but in the same way a computer is as slow as it's slowest part it is also as annoying as its most annoying part. And the graphics card is oh so bad.
In Windows: In terms of performance I couldn't ask for better. I came from what was practically the same system but in desktop form so seeing slightly better graphics on a laptop was somewhat staggering and with recent driver updates look even better. Yet it was the most recent driver update that started the downward spiral into madness. When i tried using UT2k4 I immediately noticed a lag between when I released the keyboard and when I stopped moving. I spent a night trying to figure out the solution and ended up installing the old drivers which still didn't work.
In Linux: Then I saw posted that UT2k4 has a linux installer (games.. on linux?) which required you to use the proprietary ATI driver. I installed and switched over to the proprietary drivers and things didn't work, (some problem with openGL I found via command prompt). After another night trying to get things to work I just went to change back to the Xorg (the open source drivers) and the config crashed each time I went into it. I am now stuck with this and it has caused a series of errors so as I am speaking I'm burning Gentoo (previously using Kubuntu) and preparing to take the big step beyond.

Anyone else hate ATI? or even like them?


  • Speaking as a Canadian I should like ATI, but I actually hate them for the same reasons. Another thing too is that THERE ARE NO ADVANTAGES TO USING ATI CARDS IN ANY PRICE RANGE. The mid, low and high end Nvidia cards are simply much better for the money. Despite Nvidia not really having any competition they seem to manage to push and push for more powerful and affordable cards. This is truly an example of not needing competition to make progress. Also look at Nintendo and the DS.
  • Chick-Fil-A
  • Chick-Fil-A

    Any particular reason? I'm guessing it is probably the strong religious ties the company has.
  • edited July 2007
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • Chick-Fil-A

    Any particular reason? I'm guessing it is probably the strong religious ties the company has.
    . . . but tasty chicken.
  • Peta. Unless it is not considered a company; rather an NGO.
  • Crayola. They seriously need to stop making up colors.
  • Yahoo! Small Business Hosting.
    What do you mean, i can't make a .htaccess file?
  • edited July 2007
    Those associated with or owned by the Mormon church (including Marriott, several soda companies, and hundreds of others).
    After Hours Formal Wear - Rym can explain that much better than I can.

    The companies listed on the "Republican Boycott". These are companies that give substantial contributions to right-wing candidates.

    I also really dislike K-Mart. Since Ames went out of business, they have taken the "crappiest department store" title.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Nestle

    Hmmm. I'm sure there are companies whose entire business is telephone marketing. You know, the people the companies that are advertising their wares are subcontracting to. Whatever those companies are called, I hate them desperately.
  • Charter Communications - simply...Worst...Customer Service...Ever
  • SheepHerders Inc. (aka Apple).
  • Those associated with or owned by the Mormon church (including Marriott, several soda companies, and hundreds of others).
    After Hours Formal Wear - Rym can explain that much better than I can.

    The companies listed on the "Republican Boycott". These are companies that give substantial contributions to right-wing candidates.

    I also really dislike K-Mart. Since Ames went out of business, they have taken the "crappiest department store" title.
    Any particular reason you dislike Mormons?
  • In my opinion, I still search to find a reason to like most Mormons.
  • Seriously, I want to know what everyone's beef is with us Mormons. What have we done to you?
  • Seriously, I want to know what everyone's beef is with us Mormons. What have we done to you?

    I have a problem with the Mormons just like I have a problem with every other religion. They teach lies and belief in imaginary friends without any supporting facts.
  • Seriously, I want to know what everyone's beef is with us Mormons. What have we done to you?I have a problem with the Mormons just like I have a problem with every other religion. They teach lies and belief in imaginary friends without any supporting facts.
    But why is everyone's dislike directed towards Mormons? Why cant it be Catholics?
  • edited July 2007
    But why is everyone's dislike directed towards Mormons? Why cant it be Catholics?
    Mormons annoy me because of their attempts to recreate releatively recent history. Writeup.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • But why is everyone's dislike directed towards Mormons? Why cant it be Catholics?
    Why Catholics?
  • edited July 2007
    But why is everyone's dislike directed towards Mormons? Why can't it be Catholics?Why Catholics?
    You know, I can say the same thing about Mormons.
    Post edited by iSuck on
  • Basically, Mormons make up a bunch of complete bullshit. I do not waste my time with bullshit, thus I do not waste my time with Mormons.
  • You know, I can say the same thing about Mormons.
    Umm, no you can't. I dislike all religions equally. It sounds to me you are just like the people who dislike Mormons.
  • edited July 2007
    But why is everyone's dislike directed towards Mormons? Why cant it be Catholics?
    Catholics can at least restrain their sex need to one or fewer women. Sadly I cannot say the same thing about Mormons.

    //On paper anyways.
    Post edited by Zeehat on
  • I'm just going to stop. I'm not good at backing up my religious beliefs, and people who aren't even a firm believer of the Mormon religion.
    But why is everyone's dislike directed towards Mormons? Why cant it be Catholics?Catholics can at least restrain their sex need to one or fewer women. Sadly I cannot say the same thing about Mormons. //On paper anyways.
    That's because, we believe in purity. Saving ourselves for the one that we one day will marry. We, or at least I, can control myself. I don't go running around with a pocket full of condoms, restraining my sexual needs to my girlfriend, because that's not what life is about. It's pretty much about staying pure, and I really haven't been following the rule. But other than that, You guys just got to respect me and everyone here for our religious beliefs. Our religion is something we believe in, and we don't harm you in the process, so why look down on us, if we really did nothing to you?
  • Umm, no you can't. I dislike all religions equally. It sounds to me you are just like the people who dislike Mormons.
    Guys guys guys, its doesn't matter if you hate all religions 'equally', because anytime you criticize just one in a forum where that follower will receive the criticism, you're immediately assumed to strictly ostracize particularly that follower.

    I mean seriously, haven't you ever spoken to one of those chaps in youth group back in high school? Fun stuff.
  • edited July 2007
    I'm just going to stop. I'm not good at backing up my religious beliefs, and people who aren't even a firm believer of the Mormon religion.
    If you cannot truly back up your religious beliefs, why are you a believer?
    But other than that, You guys just got to respect me and everyone here for our religious beliefs. Our religion is something we believe in, and we don't harm you in the process, so why look down on us, if we really did nothing to you?
    Why should the act of blindly believing anything, let alone some ancient myths, be respected? I think it is ridiculous how religion is given this free pass in society. Why can't we discuss religion like politics or science? Why is it considered rude to call someone out on their "beliefs"?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited July 2007
    You guys just got to respect me and everyone here for our religious beliefs. Our religion is something we believe in, and we don't harm you in the process, so why look down on us, if we really did nothing to you?
    I believe that people should take untested and potentially dangerous herbal supplements. This belief is not harming you. So why can't you respect my belief?

    /Jason's green sarcasm font

    The reason is that this belief is not only intellectually dishonest to myself, it is also potentially harmful to the masses, if not you directly. This belief I hold goes against evidence that has been firmly laid many times over. And, left unchecked, can be both physically and mentally poisoning to others.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • This situation reminds me of a quote that I earnestly used as leverage in arguments over whether or not I was right in a situation. Basically, what I argued was, out of sheer impatience with my peer's really shallow understanding of things is this,

    "What many people may take long to find, or sadly perhaps never at all, is that there is a strong difference between the person you are, and what you believe in."

    Now, this made sense to me, at one point in time (Some of it still holds true). I should also point out this was a little before I discovered reason (i.e.) so I never dreamed to consider peoples indignation and down right misinformation as a part of that equation.

    But that is the equation.

    In the case of people like, say the presidential candidate Romney, it really is just mad to take his legitimacy and competence seriously if his core beliefs in faith are not only drastically radical to a laymen of sound mind, but even disagreeable with much of the Christian community as a whole.

    Hell, Sails my age, and he and WiP basically laid down the points. I think this a rather harsh way to put it, but it (Mormonism belief) is intellectually dishonest in a forum of debate, a forum which is not laughing with you.
  • Doesn't EA enslave their employees?
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