I got something weird in my mail
Ok, this is creepy today I got a "letter"about how if I send a dollar to 6 different person and then I send 200 letters and my name at the end of a list I will eventually get 800 thousand dollars, the werid thing is that according to posibilitites eventually that might happen, they kind of explain their matematics in one of the pages the person send. It sound dumb but it would be and interesting experiment, I would post the pages but I am not sure how legit they are, It looks like begging but instead of being in one specific place you kind of are all over the USA.
Anyhow, have anyone of you ever got a letter like this and has anyone seen this on 20/20 and Oprah?
In other words, it's either a scam or dumb, respectively.
(...'Defenestrate' is an awesome word and needs to be used more often in regular conversation.)
What do you all think I should do about this?
It's definitely a scam. Granted, if you're only gonna be out 6 bucks, it's not really fucking you over a whole lot if you do choose to go for it.
Salvation Army too? I just always thought of them as the thrift store chain.