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I got something weird in my mail



  • Might I recommend 419 Eater. It has much LOLZ on the 419 scammers.
  • edited April 2008
    That chart's not quite right. Orthodox should be included as a separate bubble stemming from "Christians", not from "Catholics". The Orthodox and RC churches split in the eleventh century, 500 years before the Protestant Reformation.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I keep getting those "we need an invisible third party to transfer money for us" emails. The idea is good, however getting involved can be lethal. I could easily steal all the money, but I want to live, so I just delete those e-mail whenever I get one.
    You do realize that there is no money, right?
    This is how I've heard the scam works. The scammers make a fake auction and has the "third party" collect the funds. The person takes their cut and transfers the rest to the scammer, not realizing where the money is coming from or going. The real victim is the person that "buys" from the fake auction and never gets their product.
  • I keep getting those "we need an invisible third party to transfer money for us" emails. The idea is good, however getting involved can be lethal. I could easily steal all the money, but I want to live, so I just delete those e-mail whenever I get one.
    You do realize that there is no money, right?
    This is how I've heard the scam works. The scammers make a fake auction and has the "third party" collect the funds. The person takes their cut and transfers the rest to the scammer, not realizing where the money is coming from or going. The real victim is the person that "buys" from the fake auction and never gets their product.
    Here's another way the scheme works: You give your bank account information to someone in Nigeria. You then wake up with an empty bank account.
  • Catholic is a subset of Christian.
    I thought that Christians, didn't believe in the Virgin. Either way whatever is in a chain letter, religious or not should no be take seriously
    Quite ironically, my mother happens to be a Catholic.

    My mother has started distributing copies of that letter to churches everywhere around town to warn other people about it. I just don't understand why she takes it so seriously. This is not a dumb woman, but yet she does all of these moronic activities. I can't wait to graduate. As soon as I get my degree, I'm moving somewhere more secular.
  • Have you tried sitting down with her and explaining non causa pro causa?
  • Have you tried sitting down with her and explaining non causa pro causa?
    My mother once said to me that "Critical thinking is not reality." I cannot argue with her rationally. In fact, whenever I have tried to do so in the past, she tells me that she doesn't want to hear my bullshit.

    Hence why she doesn't know I am an atheist. If my family were to find out, I would be disowned. At this point, I cannot afford her to become wary of the nature of my skepticism.
  • This is not a dumb woman
    Then with all respect to you, this statement cannot be true.
  • This is not a dumb woman
    Then with all respect to you, this statement cannot be true.
    Touche. I find it sad, though. I have had learning disabilities most of my life, and thanks to her hard work and willingness not to give up on me, I am able to have them under control. People can barely tell now that I have ADD. I guess people can be part smart and part dumb.
  • Don't ever confuse kindness with intelligence. I am glad she has been able to help you, and frankly, I'm proud of you, too, for overcoming your disability. But in my experience, kind people are much easier to manipulate, which is a reason that I find religion so dangerous. Kind people want to help; they want to bend themselves to achieve success for others. That makes them the perfect tools. In this case, it appears, sadly, that your mother has been so bent by her religious indoctrination that she's been warped into a delusional state.

    On the other hand, your mother didn't give up on you. You shouldn't give up on her, either. Put yourself on the line and try to explain this to her. Use a lot of rhetorical questions. Don't use Latin.
  • Hence why she doesn't know I am an atheist. If my family were to find out, I would be disowned. At this point, I cannot afford her to become wary of the nature of my skepticism.
    On the other hand, your mother didn't give up on you. You shouldn't give up on her, either. Put yourself on the line and try to explain this to her. Use a lot of rhetorical questions. Don't use Latin.
    It's a difficult situation. link should undoubtedly be careful.
  • edited February 2013
    No idea who this guy is.
    Hi Starfox,

    My name is Vineet Agarwal. I saw your profile on Github.
    I am working on a rss reader project for a while and i have just
    completed the first fully working version.
    I'd like to invite you to have a look. Do you mind if i share the demo with you.


    Born developer
    Yes, his email signature is "Born developer." What should I do with this? Let's have some fun, FRCF.

    Whoa, I may have busted out my jump to conclusions mat early. Someone by that name claims on twitter to be founder of Feedspot, which I have never heard of. There is a techcrunch article naming one "Anuj Agarwal" founder. Googling "vineet agarwal feedspot" yields a link to a Linkedin profile for "Anuj Agarwal" that lists Vineet Agarwal as co-inventor on two patents. Maybe not too early though: neither patent number returns any results searching in the US patent office. Curiouser and curiouser.
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • If he tries to get you to build an RSS synching solution, run for the hills.
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