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How do you JUDGE intelligence?



  • I think belief is something very important for human nature. It is the belief on one idea, person, value, regime, etc that can drastically change the course of humanity. Believes are so strong that people are willing to sacrify themselves for them. I think believes can propel humanity a next stage of evolution. Humans are scare of the unknown, I recently got to the conclusion that one should not be afraid of the inevitable, then why should you be afraid of death? , last week my sister was diagnosed with Lupus and for a second a was afraid but then I remember that it can be treatable and then I felt normal, I was more worry about my sister's reaction but after she read the literature about Lupus she felt more at easy. I am Catholic and yet I have being always interested in other religions, I want to get different point of views from different cultures.
    Not so much time ago Rym and Scott asked it audience why people that belief in faith would listen to them?
    My answer is easy because if I were to un subcribe the first time they started to say religion is for crazy people I would have missed out on Ubuntu, awesome discussions and many interesting comics/anime reviews.
    I do not know who said that the more I understand about the universe the closer I feel to God, and if we talk matematically there is the very small possibility that it might very well exist one.
    Well but then again I am one of those "crazy people":P
  • If his post doesn't get edited to shit, then it must be pick on only me day.
  • I can't speak for the other editors, but I personally am disinclined to read, let alone edit, any long post.  I tend to grab the low-hanging fruit.
  • edited August 2007
    "Elitest", if you are going to go into a Science field, than you best be havin' good grammar and spelling. Scientists need to have the ability to convey their research to others in papers. You better learn better grammar habits, or go hide behind your math.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Chrono speaks English as a second language. Ph33r him.
  • It all depends what you mean by intelligence.

    Are you trying to figure out how much information a person has the ability to store in their short or long term memory?
    Are you trying to figure out how much information a person has actually stored in their memory already?
    Are you trying to figure out how effective or efficient someone is at recalling information in their memory?
    Are you trying to figure out someone's aptitude at pattern recognition or logical deduction?
    I think you get the idea.

    Intelligence as a whole is such a complex and multi-faceted idea, that it will always be logically fallacious to boil it down to "X is smarter than Y". You must first determine which aspect of intelligence you are concerned with, and then come up with a method of measuring that aspect. If you wanted to, you could measure each and every conceivable facet of intelligence one at a time and add them up according to some method. That would be very interesting to see.
  • edited August 2007
    I suppose what I'm asking is which type of intelligence do you place more value to? I would say problem solving skills are more important than having a good memory, of course they do go hand in hand.
    Post edited by m16 elitest on
  • I suppose what I'm asking is which type of intelligence do you place more value to?
    I don't judge a person based on their supposed intelligence of any sort. Whether they got a 0 or a 1600 on their SATs makes no difference to me. I judge a person by their actions. If someone does awesome things, I respect them. If someone does crappy things, I look down on them. If someone does nothing, I ignore them.
  • edited August 2007
    Well can't you connect those actions to a person's basic logic or common sense along with their ethics and morals? I consider all of those things to be intelligence.
    Post edited by m16 elitest on
  • Well can't you connect those actions to a person's basic logic or common sense along with their ethics and morals? I consider all of those things to be intelligence.
    What if a braindead person saves the world? What if a genius kills us all?
  • I highly doubt that Terry Schiavo will save the world or Stephen Hawking will kill us all. Well Hawking might, hmm...
  • How do I judge intelligence? Arbitrarily and based on my own personal opinion. Thus I am always right.
  • Having faith based on knowledge acquired or proof or evidence found is not unquestionable. Ugh. There is no such thing as evidence-based faith. Faith,by definition,is the belief that a premise is truewithout evidenceand, quite often,in the face of contradictory evidence.

    There is Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.
  • edited August 2007
    How do you guys judge intelligence?
    By the number of not-guilty verdicts you've won.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I judge intelligence to be how much you know combined with your ability to articulate such information to others, be it through science, speech, art or writing. I consider morals not to be an indication of one's intelligence as morals are relative to each person, much like faith it is very personal making comparisons between people in such a manner difficult.
  • I don't judge a person based on their supposed intelligence of any sort.
    I call bullshit. I can't think of how many times you mention on the show or in a post how there are certain people with certain beliefs you will not tolerate. People who do not question their beliefs loose points in your book . . . and that is judgement.

    You judge, we judge, it's part of the human condition. I would argue it's how our brain works. I see a dog with teeth barred and frothing mouth, I assume it is not a friendly dog. You have someone witness to you about their experiences with the Lord Jesus and you judge them as lacking a critical aspect of intelligence.

    Just throwing that out there. [Flame On!]
  • I call bullshit. I can't think of how many times you mention on the show or in a post how there are certain people with certain beliefs you will not tolerate. People who do not question their beliefs loose points in your book . . . and that is judgement.
    Believing in something is doing something. It doesn't have to be a physical doing to be an action. A talented genius can choose to believe just as easily as a stupid person can choose not to. Even then, once someone chooses to believe, they will most likely act on that belief by worshiping or praying, etc.

    It's not about a person's capacity that gets respect, it's the results of the use of that capacity. You might have the ability to be the next Michael Jordan, but if you don't go win a mess of NBA championships, it doesn't mean shit. On the same scale, you might be missing a leg and still win a break-dancing contest. It doesn't matter what you might be able to do, it's what you do do.
  • How do you guys judge intelligence?
    By the number of not-guilty verdicts you've won.
    What if you're the prosecutor?
  • How do you guys judge intelligence?
    By the number of not-guilty verdicts you've won.
    What if you're the prosecutor?
    If you're a prosecutor, you're automatically not very intelligent.

    No offense, kilarney.
  • However you judge intelligence, I think we can all agree the person being questioned in these quotes doesn't have very much.
    In landscaping class:
    Classmate: I've never heard of Pong.
    Me: I should be allowed to hit you with this shovel right now.
    Me: What was the first Nintendo system?
    Classmate: Uhh, the Nintendo Color?
    Me: No, it was the Nintendo Entertainment System. What was the second Nintendo console?
    Classmate: Uh, the Playstation.
    Me: No, the Playstation was made by Sony and wasn't even released then. What was the third Nintendo console?
    Classmate: The Playstation.
    Me: *bangs head on desk*
  • To judge intelligence in a particular situation find someone can outsmart someone else and then rank people accordingly.
    You can't judge intelligence for every possible situation at once but you can get a general idea of how intelligently a person will react in a given situation based on how well they performed in that area.
    A judge may be considered more intelligent than Rym and Scott but thats only in the area a Judge is considered intelligent in. If there was say a madoss zomthebie outbshowreak I would consider Rym and Scott to be more intelligent.

    Just my theory. Anyone care to expand it, feel free.
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