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Your first "Holy Shit" game

edited September 2007 in Video Games
Way back in 1998, a year after I got my PS1, my cousin brought a bunch of his games down from his place, and a demo disc. On this disc was the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid. Up until this point, I didn't realize what the system was capable of, or where games were going... I was 10. Metal Gear Solid was the first game that made me think "holy shit, this is a video game?" because it included full voices (though Japanese) as well as detailed 3D environments... I hadn't been so much of a PC kid and the first MGS game totally changed me. When I got the English demo a month later, I was floored all over again - the VO were so natural and I relived it all again - seeing my footprints in the snow, being caught on camera, and snapping necks. Holy shit.
What game were you in to when this epiphany came to you?


  • I'd say it's a combination of a few games. First is Wolfenstein 3D which I saw my uncle playing when I was 11-12 and he was 5 years older than me. I just remember being completely awestruck that there was a little guy in the computer that my uncle was moving around and shooting stuff. Another game I can remember from this same time frame was Impossible Mission on the NES. That game was fucking hard but it just had a certain mystique around it. I'm actually worse at that game now then back then.

    The final game probably fits the profile a lot better. Final Fantasy X. That game continues to boggle my mind to this day. Sure playstation was a big leap from the NES and SNES days but FFX continues to be the most artistically beautiful and amazing game I've ever seen. I bought this game the day it came out, I just couldn't help myself...I didn't even own a Playstation 2 yet.
  • I think that FF7 and MGS were probably both the "holy shits" games for me. But both in their own way. FF7 being just the amazing multimedia experience it was at the time, and the incredible depth of it. MGS really opened my eyes to how a story could be told in a game, especially with all the voice acting.
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Doom. Ironically I played Doom and Doom 2, before the Wolfensteins. Those would come second.
  • Age of Mythology.

    I played tiny bits of Starcraft before, but it was the first time I really got into an RTS and custom maps.
  • Zelda: Links Awakening
  • Multiplayer Quake 1 and then the Team Fortress on it.
    It was basically mulitplayer FPS games for me, playing over modem because multiplayer gaming was sooooo much more fun than the single game and added strategy, team talk etc.
  • My first computer game all-nighter was on my friend's H89 in 1983. It was an ASCII dungeon crawler. The H89 was a kit computer put out by Heathkit. It ran on Benton-Harbor Basic. After that, it was probably Ultima Underworld in 1992. I have to say, Bioshock is giving me some "Holy Shits" too. So it's nice that 24 years later games can still surprise and delight.
  • edited September 2007
    Bioshock is giving me some "Holy Shits"

    That is EXACTLY where this spawned from. That game makes me fuckin' wet.
    Post edited by MitchyD on
  • Star Control II.

    Played through it 4 times, and still mothafuckin' AWESOME.

    (Spathi FTW)
  • edited September 2007
    The Empire Strikes Back for the Atari 2600.


    I remember I was four years old when I first played it, and I was raised to adore Star Wars. While licensed games are pretty much shit today, that was one of the first times you could actually take part in the experience of a movie on a console system. I was amazed that I could fight ATATs in a snow speeder. Years later (still in the pre-Internet days), I spent a lot of time trying to hunt down that game at yard sales and flea markets. I finally found it again in 1992. I spent most of summer camp that year in a tent with a hidden electrical cord run to the counselors' lodge so I could use my Atari. I made a shit-ton of cash letting other kids play for $.25 per game.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Super Mario 64
  • Pitfall on the Atari 2600, I think that's the game that got me in videogames. I was maybe 5 or 6 and my uncle had this Atari videogame thing, he wasn't around so I turned it on and just plugged in the first cartridge I found. Let me tell you that the first time I jumped on the rope and heard that little sound I was "what is this thing, this is epic."
  • edited September 2007
    My first computer game all-nighter was on my friend's H89 in 1983. It was an ASCII dungeon crawler. The H89 was a kit computer put out by Heathkit. It ran on Benton-Harbor Basic. After that, it was probably Ultima Underworld in 1992. I have to say, Bioshock is giving me some "Holy Shits" too. So it's nice that 24 years later games can still surprise and delight.
    1981. Star Trek on a Commodore PET. It was so huge that only the 32K RAM version could run it. It was teh awesome.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Ocarina of Time had a huge impact as well, and I never liked RPG's until a friend and I spent every night for a month playing Suikoden 2 one summer. That was fucking amazing.
  • Empire Earth
  • Final Fantasy 9 cut-scenes. Those were frickin unbelievable, especially for Playstation.

    Just recently, I saw Gran Turismo 4 on a PS3 in target, and the graphics were shocking. Its hard to explain, but it was just crazy.
  • Mine was Legend of Legaia for PS1. It was the first RPG I ever played and it got me into them. I would play that all day and night if there was no school and done so four times of me owning it. I got at least 96% of everything and could never find the last of it even though I used cheats the 3rd+4th time.
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was the first game that really blew me away.
  • Hmmm... I would have to say either Star Wars : Jedi Outcast or Super Mario World.

    I remember seeing the 2 at basically the same time. I think I was 7-ish, and my friend James had his SNES out and was playing SMW, and he let me play it. I was like... "OMG! There's a green thing! I can ride him! And I can fly!!!"

    Then, he took me over to his PC and showed me Jedi Outcast. I had some knowledge of Star Wars, really only enough to know that a game where I could play as a jedi would be awesome. So, James turned it on, and I was running around with force powers and killing everything.

    Quite possibly the greatest day of my life (so far).
  • Super Mario World kept me inside even on the nicest days, my parents had to drag me out.
  • I'd have to say FF7. I was in 2nd grade at the time, and this 'cool 4th grader' showed me FF7 and 5 (could have been 6, I'm not sure). The first thing I actually saw was Aerith's death scene. That and the airships were what got me into videogaming.

    I think the only recent "Holy Shit" moments have been in Call of Duty and Bioshock. In CoD (the original), the start of the Russian campaign floored me. I was unarmed, fighting up a hill in Stalingrad. Wow. In Bioshock, I couldn't step out of the Bathysphere for some time, I was too frightenned to explore without any weapon. It is really an amazing game.
  • I was too frightenned to explore without any weapon

    I was literally shaking. It took five fucking seconds for that game to scare me.
  • As far as fear, the Resident Evils have always made me feel uneasy, especially the original GameCube remake.
  • Resident Evil 4 made me scream the first time I saw a Regenerator. I didn't hear it and when I found the note about it, I turned around after a room investigation, and kapow, the mother fucker was RIGHT THERE standing there.
    A buddy and I shouted in FEAR.

    Also, I can't play survival games like Silent Hill - I do NOT play scary games, they freak me out.
  • Those Regenerators . . . . . . Jeez, they have a creepy smile.
  • Also, I can't play survival games like Silent Hill - I do NOT play scary games, they freak me out.
    I owned Silent Hill 2 for the PS2 for a short time...I was never ever attacked in that game but I had to sell it. The anticipation of being attacked just kept building and building and I started imagining more horrible things that would inevitably jump out at me. It was fucking terrifying for a game that NEVER attacked me EVER.
  • Oh my, I played computer games for over 15 years, but my first real OMG experience was during Max Payne 2.

    The first kill when you shoot the guy the game cuts into slow motion and shows the body ragdolling into physics controlled items, causing the guy to be covering in shelving and boxes.

    I'd seen ragdolls, I'd seen physics, but this was put together and so perfectly and in slow motion, I've loved game physics over graphics ever since.
  • I saw that in Max Payne 1. Loved that shit.
    Sniper kills FTW!
  • My first "zomg" game would probably be Legend of the Dragoon for the PS1. If I haven't ranted about this game before, it's amazing. Amazing movie sequences, voice overs, characters, story plot, and music. It was even better for its time. The only thing is that it has crappy "normal gameplay" graphics. But those I can live with.

    Zelda: Ocarina of Time was definitely another one too. Except for Navi. Navi can go burn in a fire.
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