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Your first "Holy Shit" game



  • Age of Empires was the first game where I looked down at the clock after I finished a game and said, "Wow, did I really just play that for 5 hours? It certainly didn't feel like 5 hours."
  • I remember my mom and sister went to see family one weekend, but I was sick and couldn't go - My dad and I played 300 something multiplayer rounds of Mortal Kombat on the SNES before we got tired and played Ken Griffey. Ken Griffey on the SNES was the fucking BOMB!
    What a weekend that was.
  • The first time I saw FFVII A friend was playing it and I walked din on a cut sceen and I would believe him that it was a game until it was over.
    Also Shining Force 1 I have played that game so many times, its mechanics are just so balanced it great.
  • Final Fantasy IV and shortly after that, Super Mario RPG.

    Before those games I had decided RPGs were boring and pointless (before ever playing one, no less). I hated the "Epic Center" portion of my Nintendo Power! These games blew me away. They turned my head around.

    Hah, the day I rented Final Fantasy II (because that's what it was to me back in 6th grade) I pretty much abandoned my alto saxophone. It was a true turning point in my life, one towards the geek's path.
  • Speak & Spell. No, seriously. It was so frickin' cool when it first came out, and I was 8. (Yes, I'm that old.) It was probably what got me started into technology, computers and gaming.

    Actual videogames? Probably Star Wars (the vector-based arcade game).
  • Speak & Spell. No, seriously. It was so frickin' cool when it first came out, and I was 8. (Yes, I'm that old.) It was probably what got me started into technology, computers and gaming.

    Actual videogames? Probably Star Wars (the vector-based arcade game).
  • edited September 2007
    Final Fantasy 6 - the moment when (OMG Spoiler!) the main characters epically failed to stop the villain from destroying the world. That just wasn't supposed to happen.

    Chrono Trigger - after recovering the Masamune from some ancient cave, you notice that Melchior's name is on it. When take the sword to him ask him what gives, he sighs and looks out the window as the Kingdom of Zeal music begins to play softly. He says, "That... is a very long story." I really only appreciated that little exchange on the second play through.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • Speak & Spell. No, seriously. It was so frickin' cool when it first came out, and I was 8. (Yes, I'm that old.) It was probably what got me started into technology, computers and gaming.

    Actual videogames? Probably Star Wars (the vector-based arcade game).
  • Speak & Spell. No, seriously. It was so frickin' cool when it first came out, and I was 8. (Yes, I'm that old.) It was probably what got me started into technology, computers and gaming.

    Actual videogames? Probably Star Wars (the vector-based arcade game).
    That reminds me.... I have to try that Defcon game sometime. :)
  • Lemme reach back into my childhood to pull out some moments.

    Duck Hunt. No, really. I dare anyone to try to claim that game wasn't awesome. Never mind 15 years later I'm into animal rights, but that's another story.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 2. One of the first games I ever played.

    Shenmue. Definition of "Holy shit." That opening kicked ass.
  • After taking a small break from gaming around the N64 era, I finally got backing into gaming during my first year of University and decided to buy myself a Playstation. The first game I played was Resident Evil and for me the whole game was a "Holy Shit" moment. The leap in graphics and gameplay just blew me away. It was like someone went into my mind and made the exact game I would want to make. That game will always hold a special place in my heart.
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