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iPod Touch

edited September 2007 in Technology


  • Makes sense in terms of their line-up. People have been clamoring for the iPhone minus the phone. You basically now have the choice between an iPhone, or for the same price the iPod Touch minus the phone, plus 2x the HD. Granted for those that already bought the iPhone... crap. $200 gone. Pays to wait sometimes. Also very kewl is the mobile iTunes Store. Finally a usefulness for the WiFi
  • iPhone sans phone... Interested.
  • One question and one question only. Can it handle all podcasting needs without ever needing to sync with iTunes? If yes, the buying.
  • That's a good question.

    No more daydreaming about being able to plug iPod to PC and dump podcasts on it before leaving I can daydream about connecting iPod to wiFi and just downloading podcasts...w00t!
    This also sort of removes my need/desire for a smartphone. I'll take one iTouch and one shit [free] phone please!
  • "Search, preview, and buy songs from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store on iPod touch." - Very right box.
    That's an unconfirmed cert for Wifi podcastage. Most certainly the buying. I was looking at the Cowon D2 mostly for the screen but having 16gb built in is just about what I need.
  • edited September 2007
    This is pretty awesome especially with the wifi capabilities, and I really don't need a iPhone because I barely use my cell phone as is. However, my only thing is the space limit. 16 gigs is a little more than half of my 30 gig video iPod, however, I can see using this to put videos on there. Also most of my time during my normal day to day business are not in WiFi areas. So as much as I love pretty new toys, I probably will have to pass.

    Regardless, sexy.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited September 2007
    From what I've gathered the answer is a definate maybe. Since it has a web browser you'll always have the ability to listen to any audio that is online. But I have to disagree with Omnutia. "Music Store" sounds like it's going to be for music only. No videos. No podcasts. Now I hope that's not the case. I'd love to be able to get all my recent episodes and then have it sync (like it does with Music) when I get home with my computer. It seems stupid to have the ability to purchase music but not download free contact. But the ghost of Zune keeps popping up and shouting "Join the Social!". Hopefully Apple is smarter than that.
    Post edited by Tasel on
  • I don't see this as being a gadget that needs wifi all the time. I just keep it in my bag and when I go out again I have my podcasts up to date. What would rock considerably would be someone work out a way to use wifi for transferring music.
  • Oh I don't disagree with that. I'm just afraid the "purchase" featured iTunes Music Mobile Store will not allow for downloading podcasts.
  • Even if it doesn't ship with podcasting ability, I'm sure it is something that could be easily added. Is this iTMMS web based or software on the iPod?
  • I solved the iTunes at work problem with my own laptop hooked up to my Blackberry. The Touch is what I wanted except for the storage size. I have a 60 GB iPod. Having flash memory versus HD memory is no big deal to me. I'd rather have the storage. So, no touch for me.
  • Seems like a great thing for me. I own a Pocket PC for calendar, contacts, and the WiFi, so I don't always have to carry my Lap Top. And I always carry my iPod, seems that this is perfect for finally getting the 2 together in one product. Besides I barely have over 8 gigs in music and even that, I don't always listen to them all.
    Damn technolust, just something more to add to the things I want.
  • I think its really very cool, but its only 16 GB which is super lame. Obviously they don't want to undercut the "classic" iPod since there would be no point to have it if the touch was around 60 GB even if the classic is 80 and 160 GB. I'd love a little wifi computer along with mp3 player on it, but I'm not sure I want to get the touch yet.
  • I will buy this maybe in 3 years when the price goes down and it also the hd size goes up. I do not mind Itunes with my podcast.
  • Sadly from engadget's hands on review playing with the iPod Touch and the iTunes Mobile Music Store, it looks like only music is able to be downloaded. You can't download any other content (podcasts) or stream music from any of your other iTunes computers within the network (which I didn't even think of as a neat possibility until I read that it couldn't do that in the Apple Support Discussion boards). Luckily, as WIP stated, its something simple enough for Apple to incorporate in a ipod firmware upgrade as they've done many times before. The hardware is already there, they just need the software to make use of it. And for good measure, even if Apple doesn't supply, all those people that have hacked the iPhone can start creating apps for Touch as well since it uses the same UI!
  • After some thought I think I've sort of figured out the purpose of the Touch, its not meant as an iPod replacement, as the classic, nano, shuffle are, but its rather a supplement, a compliment to it. Its not an MP3 player, its certainly too small to be, especially considering the other iPods. The shuffle is for people who workout and only need a small space. The nano is for most people, offering a good amount of space at a good price. The "classic" is for those people who need a lot of space for music, or video, or just like watching video (since it has a larger screen.)

    The touch has two main differences from the others aside from hard disk size, thats wifi and a big screen. Which means that the purpose of this is for just internet really. There isn't really enough space for it to be a great music player (especially the 8GB) and there definitely isn't enough room for video. Even though the screen is perfect for video, there just isn't enough for disk space or battery life for that though. So it is at its core a portable web browser, and when you look at it like that its pretty cool. But whether someone chooses to buy it or not should be based on whether or not they need a portable internet browser, since you can get a better MP3 player iPod that has more room and is cheaper with the Classic, let alone the Nano.
  • Wow, I just watched the keynote, and I really want an iPod ("classic," 80GB, black). Even more. Sure, I would never be able to fill it all up, but I'd get at least half way through. I think I have about 5-10 Gigs of podcasts, and that's really all I listen to now, so I should fill at least a forth of it up eventually.

    Also, iPod Touched doesn't look that awesome. I guess having the web in my pocket would be nice, but I wouldn't be able to take advantage of that because I'm usually at home in front of the Mac. Also, I don't think I'm willing to put out $400 (?) for a bunch of extra stuff I won't use.

    So, it looks like the iPod is the way to go for me. Unless there is something else out there that's better.
  • edited September 2007
    Actually now I think both the classic and the nano have the same size screen, Just different physical and HD sizes. I'd much rather get a new nano than a classic considering the only reason I turned them down in the first place was because of the movie playing incapably.
    Post edited by coolbrow on
  • I'd love a touch for the web browser alone, so that when I'm at work or something I'd be able to surf the web, and not have to be at home to do it. But I'm in sort of a rural area so there are all that many wifi hotspots. It seems ideal if you work in a city or college campus, since there tend to be a lot of wifi spots there.
  • I would love to have an IM client with it. Wishful thinking I suppose...This iPod sounds like the ultimate college campus gadget though.
  • I would love to have an IM client with it. Wishful thinking I suppose...This iPod sounds like the ultimate college campus gadget though.
    Meet Trillian Astra:
    Sooner or later they'll release it...and if it works on the iPhone it should work on the iTouch
  • edited September 2007
    One question and one question only. Can it handle all podcasting needs without ever needing to sync with iTunes? If yes, the buying.
    Getting podcasts the moment they come out would be the awesomes. That would sell it for me completely.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2007
    It's confirmed on the wifi podcast capabilities.

    Post edited by dopievoli on
  • It's confirmed on the wifi podcast capabilities.

    Confirmed yes or no? If yes, is it yes through the iTunes wifi application or yes through the web browser?
  • My point "rating" system for the ipod:
    • Holds a LOT of music = +200 points
    • Holds a ton of videos = +200 points
    • Holds photo's, podcasts, and contacts = +200 points
    • Has a ton of features that you don't need but are teh cools = +100 points
    • Comes out with a new model every single year making your old one "outdated" = -19784392793479327982649396439879324 points
    Total points = - a lot.

  • Ummm, welcome to technology?
  • They don't really make the old ones outdated. I have an iPod video (6th gen I think?) and the only difference between it and the new "classic" is that the classic has double the space, cover flow (which is cool looking, but pretty lame,) those images next to the menu, and a new design. That's not really outdated, thats just sort of a general refresh as Steve Jobs put it. And I've had this iPod for about 2 years now, and I don't see any reason to get a new one... expect for maybe the Touch, but as I said before its not really a replacement but a compliment.
  • edited September 2007
    Ummm, welcome to technology?
    You just keep paying ridiculous amounts of money to "update" your ipod every year. The apple trade in system gives you a 10% discount, but I just can't afford to spend that much every year. When Apple comes out with an ipod with new features (i.e. the video, the Touch), you want to get the new version because it's just better. Why settle for an ipod that can hold music when you could have one that could hold videos too? Why have an ipod with videos when you could have a touch screen? It just keeps going on.

    I think they should have a 50% trade in discount. That way I might be tempted to actually buy this new version. =/
    Post edited by bunnikun on

  • You just keep paying ridiculous amounts of money to "update" your ipod every year. The apple trade in systems gives you a 10% discount, but I just can't afford to spend that much every year.

    I think they should have a 50% trade in discount. That way I might be tempted to actually buy this new version. =/
    You're not supposed to buy every version. You buy one and then skip one or two generations. My iPod right now has lasted me about three years and is still going strong. I don't really need to buy a new one, but I might because the touch just seems to be the awesomes. It's just like with computers, you don't buy a new processor every time a faster one comes out, nor do you buy every new series of vidjecards from nVidia.
  • As a Nano owner, I can honestly say that I'm not jealous of the new Nanos. I don't watch video, and even if I did such a small screen would be useless. I also like the shape of my old Nano. Since battery life is the same, I'll stick with what I've got.

    Apple has a smart strategy. If you hang onto to an IPod for a couple of years, you'll eventually need to get the battery replaced. For Nano and Shuffle owners, isn't it really just as easy to spend a little extra $$$ for a brand new player? Clever indeed.
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