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iPod Touch



  • Earlier post edited. I'll repeat it here.

    When Apple comes out with an ipod with new features (i.e. the video, the Touch), you want to get the new version because it's just better. Why settle for an ipod that can hold music when you could have one that could hold videos too? Why have an ipod with videos when you could have a touch screen? It just keeps going on.
  • edited September 2007
    You just keep paying ridiculous amounts of money to "update" your ipod every year. The apple trade in system gives you a 10% discount, but I just can't afford to spend that much every year. When Apple comes out with an ipod with new features (i.e. the video, the Touch), you want to get the new version because it's just better. Why settle for an ipod that can hold music when you could have one that could hold videos too? Why have an ipod with videos when you could have a touch screen? It just keeps going on.

    I think they should have a 50% trade in discount. That way I might be tempted to actually buy this new version. =/
    So, let me get this straight, you're against companies improving their products in a timely fashion? Apple comes out with a new iPod with new features and you want it, but can't afford it? Boo hoo. Why should everyone else suffer just because you're upset that you can't afford to keep up with them? Your old iPod isn't obsolete, it's just not as cool, besides, no one is making you get a new one. You need real currency if you want the social currency.
    Post edited by snookernet on
  • If you feel a need to always get the newer iPod when your current iPod meets your needs, you're a shallow, materialist, consumer whore. If you have a device that does what you need it to do, that's all that matters. Sure, it might be slightly nicer to have a device that does the same thing in a more shiny way. However, just because a shinier version of a device is available, or will soon be available, does not diminish the less shiny device.

    The only reason I even give two shits about the the iPod Touch is because it might be able to sync podcasts on its own over wifi. That is a feature that will have a significant impact on my use. If it can't do that, then it's no better than my current iPod nano.

    When you buy gadgets, especially ones that you are going to use a lot or ones that cost a lot of money, you have to consider your needs and the device's features first and foremost. If a cheap device meets your needs, don't be fooled by marketing and shininess into getting you to spend money on crap you don't need. Personally, my old iPod mini would still be my primary iPod to this day if it hadn't been broken and if the battery didn't die out. If we assume that the iPod Touch doesn't let you sync podcasts over wifi, then if I were forced to buy a DAP today, I would get the Cowon or the Sansa.
  • Back when I worked for Apple Store the advice I always gave people that were coming in when they would ask "should I buy now?" (typically when rumors were flying about possible new products) was this: "Do you need it now? If yes then buy it. If something new comes out, which always will, you won't feel bad because you needed it now, and waiting would have caused a problem. If you don't need it now, wait. Something better and/or cheaper will always come out. Then you will have saved money, and yourself some grief." Too many people don't understand that technology is always evolving, always getting cheaper. Even though it was retail, it was great to be able to give that sorta of advice to customers since it wasn't a "commission" or "sell-driven" environment. Granted that was a few years ago, and I have no idea what the Apple Stores are like now.

    That being said as soon as I finish my kitchen I will most likely be purchasing a Touch/iPhone to complement my perfectly working iPod shuffles (1st & 2nd gen) & nano.
  • iAnecdote: I had a friend ask me to help him buy his 13 y/o daughter an iPod. I went through my normal thing asking what she wanted as features, etc and I recommended a Creative player for price and features. She already had a large MP3 collection and the girl doesn't use computers (her dad even updates the MP3 player) so I figured it be less work for him to have one of those.

    Turns out she already had the player I recommended and didn't like the "generic" mp3 player. The guy says to me "we're not going with any of those generic pieces of crap, we're getting an iPod".

    I told him if he wants an iAccessory for his iDaughter, the the only decision he has to make is which price bracket is he in, and which color does he want.
  • That sounds made up, but funny nonetheless.
  • That sounds made up, but funny nonetheless.
    Haha. I wish it was made up! It's one of the main reasons I don't like to talk tech with non-tech people.
  • I am pretty sure that by the end next semester at least 75% of the students at my university will be using an iTouch. Why do you ask cuz most of them live in Northern Virginia (more specific Viena). I am not kidding as long as the iPod video came out almost everyone had it eventually I succumbed but I hold my flash mp3 player until the end of its life (rest in peace my good friend, rest in peace : (  .... )
  • I wouldn't get one until there is more space on it. I want an iPod with a lot of space, I even find my 30 gig iPod to be too small.
  • Wow, it looks like Jobs is rewarding every early iPhone adopter with $100 of in store credit due to the recent price drop.
  • edited September 2007
    An interview with Natali del Conte fromTeXtra ( stated that podcasts (both video and normal) will be available via the ITMMS. Which means you'll be able to download your podcasts on the go.
    Post edited by Tasel on
  • Okay, when I first saw the Ipod Touch announced, it was on CNN, and they reported the thing coming with either 80 or 160 gigs, and I was ready to buy one with a chunk of my Christmas bonus. However, with only 16gigs, MAX, I don't see me purchasing one. I would be much happier with a HDD based touch than a flash based one. And as for bunnikun, get over it. We all know how big of an Apple fanboy I am, but even I don't feel the need to buy every new iPod that comes out every year. Hell, I've had my current iPod (5g video 30gig) since about a month after it came out. And as for people not wanting a "generic piece of crap," I can't blame them. I mean, when you consider the quality of Apple's customer service, and because of the fact that almost everyone has one, if you want to buy a case, or any other sort of accessory, you can find the one you want, and another 40 to go with it, anywhere you go.
  • The new features on the iTouch, like the Wi-fi and larger screen are tempting, but that was not my point. I never really wanted the new iTouch, I'm just rather annoyed it is so similar to the iPhone. The iPhone already felt like it was turning into the iPod, and now the iPod is one step away from being the iPhone. Do we honestly need a phone/mp3 player/camera/video player/note holder? We really don't need to blend all these products into one. You might as well just buy a computer if that's what your looking for. I honestly thought that they had created the perfect mp3 player with the 60g video, and then they try to merge it into a touch screen.

    I'm still not going to get one. I'm fine with my video. I understand that Apple needs to continue making good products, but at the same time it's kind of annoying that the second you buy an ipod, they come out with a new generation. And 16G for $400? Not worth it at all. I found a rather interesting article on this while checking my e-mail.

    Pretty much explains my opinion on the iTouch.
  • I hate it when people complain like this. I mean, do you wish that Apple stopped making better products? If you didn't think it was better you wouldn't want it anyway, so you're complaining that they've come out with a product you want to buy. In addition, the last ipod update [When they introduced the 80GB model] was on the 12th of September 2006. That is one year ago!!! Don't complain about your product being outdated when it has been on the market for a whole year.
  • The only place I use WiFi is at home... Where my laptop is.
  • I might actually get one of these, mostly because I don't currently own an iPod and I'm in the market for a new MP3 player (the one I have is no longer supported).
  • I am defiantly getting one of these I-pods! This is everything my Zune should have been, and could have been. Plus I don't own one yet, and it looks like waiting to buy one is going to pay off either way ^.^
  • edited September 2007
    Does it have a microphone for VOIP use?

    Can I cobble together some software to make the iPod Touch into a peer-to-peer dream machine?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • You could most likely coble together some software to allow sharing (and I'm sure someone is already trying). As for the microphone, I don't think the iPod Touch has one. At least not directly. If you could create a piece of software that could access the bluetooth feature you could use a bluetooth enabled headphone and then jsut use that over Skype or the like.
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