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The PSP 2000 (aka Slim).



  • The only reason I would get a PSP would be for the remake of Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea.
  • edited September 2007
    The only reason I would get a PSP would be for the remake of Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea.
    I can't wait for them, I will pre-order if necessary.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Hmmm, I want a PSP, but I didn't know they were making a new one..! To be honest, I probably won't buy it.. I'm still playing on my old DS (which swings on it's one lil hinge, the poor thing x.x) simply because I have no money for a DSLIte... plus i don't know the difference, other than the smallness, apparantly the backlit screen.. and that's about it. O.o And I hate it when things are small. What's the difference between PSP and PSP2000?

    ...and it's sad that I never thought about the portable porn-playing capabilities... hehehehe.. portable porn...
  • The psp2000 is faster.
  • ...that's it? o.O
  • It's not faster.
  • It has the same processor but double the memory. The increased memory allows it to keep more stuff in RAM so games run faster (or perhaps more accurately: load faster). I'm going to blog about my experiences soon, but I definitely give this device a thumbs up. It's funny, because in a way, it has some things in common with the PS3. It's terrific for watching movies and handling media. The graphics and the sound in games are an order of magnitude better than the DS but, strangely, that doesn't mean it's a better gaming system. It's like the PS3 and the Wii. Sony gets media, but Nintendo gets gaming. If you have the cash and you already have a DS, I highly recommend getting one of these. It's a heck of a toy.
  • It's still too big.
  • It's still too big.
    You're the only one who says that. Most people like the fact that it's big. I have big hands so I don't mind.
  • It's still too big.
    You're the only one who says that. Most people like the fact that it's big. I have big hands so I don't mind.
    The iPod classic is too big.
  • The Nano was too small for me, both size and memory. I can barely read the screen, and it also feels so frail...
  • ......
    edited September 2007
    It's still too big.
    Scott. Have you seen a PSP slim for real? I saw a PSP slim and a DS lite next to each other in the store earlier today. The PSP was a bit wider, but thinner (from what I could tell). So what makes you say the PSP slim is too big?

    EDIT: Let me add specs here:
    DS Lite:
    * Size (closed): 133 millimeters (5.2 inches) wide, 73.9 millimeters (2.9 inches) long, 21.5 millimeters (0.85 inches) tall.
    Approximately 6.7 in (W) x 2.9 in (H) x .9 in (D)
    PSP Slim difference:
    The new PSP will be 33% lighter (reduced to 189 grams from 280 grams) and 19% slimmer than the original PSP system.
    Post edited by ... on
  • So what makes you say the PSP slim is too big?
    For gaming, nothing.  It's fine.  For listening to podcasts, it's WAY too big.  Having that thing on and in your pocket to listen to something is just too much to bear.
  • edited September 2007
    Thats the reason I am sticking with my usb mp3 player. Its great for wearing around at work and I don't have to worry about breaking it.

    Should have taken a trip down here to Akron there is a lot of them down here.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Yes, Rym has it right. For a gamin device, the PSP slim isn't that big. It could stand to be smaller, but it doesn't need to be. For any other purpose, it is ginormous. It just so happens that the only interest I have in the PSP is for its podcasting functionality. Seeing as it is ginormous, there is no way it will ever actually be practical for that purpose.
  • It's still too big.
    You're the only one who says that. Most people like the fact that it's big. I have big hands so I don't mind.
    The iPod classic is too big.
    For 160 GB, it's definitely not too big.
  • It's still too big.
    You're the only one who says that. Most people like the fact that it's big. I have big hands so I don't mind.
    The iPod classic is too big.
    For 160 GB, it's definitely not too big.
    Wtf do you need 160 gig for?
  • edited September 2007
    So what makes you say the PSP slim is too big?

    For gaming, nothing. It's fine. For listening to podcasts, it's WAY too big. Having that thing on and in your pocket to listen to something is just too much to bear.

    Yeah, he's right on that one. But, this fact applies when you use your PSP more as a iPod like myself.

    Plus I never knew anyone who used all 160 gigs in a iPod.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • O.O Dude. I got an 8G mini iPod, and about 820 songs (including podcasts, I believe)... but it's still not full. Half of these songs I never listen to! =O Why would you pay so much money for that size..?
  • I guess I don't "need" the 160 gigs, but it's so awesome not having to split up my library and try to guess what genres I'll be in the mood to listen to.
  • Well you can save other files on it besides music and podcasts. I'd use it more for a portable hard drive with music capabilities rather than just music.
  • Hmm... I think I found the problem here, correct me if I'm wrong.

    People want a gadget that does everything they dream off. But they realize there is no such gadget in existence atm. Thus they gather the things they want most, taking Rym and Scott as example, like handheld gaming. And they being Nintendo fans, Sony haters and/or just preferring the games and technology of the DS over the PSP. Got a DS for their handheld gaming purposes. Then they seek something to play audio and perhaps video. The iPod nano is most awesome for that, small, cool looking and holds a decent amount of songs. (I know you guys would by a different player these days, but I'm just drawing this from your rants and tom foolery) Then at some point they wish to download podcasts with a gadget. The PSP is capable of this, but it's main purpose is gaming. On a (relative) big and awesome screen. And Sony being Sony the PSP sports funky technology where games are on in plastic encased mini Cd's. Making the PSP bigger then it needs to be for the main purpose Scott, and possibly Rym, wants it for.

    As for the 160 gig iPod classic. People want it for its brand and its music/video playing capabilities. But they don't necessarily need 160 gigs, or 80 gigs for that matter. And without thinking about the potential said 160 gigs has, they start complaining that it's too big and nobody needs something with that much capacity in a music player and that it is making the iPod pricier, etc, etc, etc...

    Any thoughts/comments on my thoughts/comments?
  • I'd have to agree with Scott though the psp and ipod classic are both to big.

    The slim psp is definitely nicer then the old version but still it's not really worth it especially since currently you can only get it, from gamestop at least, in the 200 dollar bundle with Daxter, the gig memory stick, and the family guy movie. I'm not trying to say those things aren't worth it but personally I have no interest in Daxter or a family guy movie I've probably seen more times then I could count. The umd slot on the slim isn't spring loaded anymore either and is definitely gonna end up having some breakage issues. Maybe once some used ones get traded in at work I'll give it a shot just like I did with the normal one. It would be nice to have a podcatcher at school while I'm trying to block out being told things I've known for years.

    On a side note has anyone who has the slim psp tried knocking the firmware back a few versions to get the fun emulators and what not working on it? A guy I work with did it with the old model and we're both pretty curious if it's possible with the slim or if sony fixed there problems.
  • I finally got around to writing a full review on the Slim.
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