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Things of your day



  • Or how easily it can be foiled by a baguette.
  • That was hilarious.
  • the This American Life tv series season 2, episode 2. In it an Iraqi who left Iraq after the war, now living in NYC, decides to travel America answering any questions people have for him. (Awesome someone put it up on youtube.)

  • My father had an operation today to get a pacemaker installed. I was mostly worried because I didn't think his body would make it through the procedure, however he did and he should be coming home tomorrow. I am relieved.
  • Congratulations, Ro! That's so awesome. Did he get to see the Pacquiao fight?
  • My father had an operation today to get a pacemaker installed. I was mostly worried because I didn't think his body would make it through the procedure, however he did and he should be coming home tomorrow. I am relieved.
    Yay! The most risky part is over, then? I hope his recovery and health continue to go well.
  • edited November 2009
    Congratulations, Ro! That's so awesome. Did he get to see the Pacquiao fight?
    No, but my mom has it saved on the DVR box, so he'll get to watch it this weekend. And also, huzzah for the thrilla from Manila! Flip pride represent! :P ^_~
    Yay! The most risky part is over, then? I hope his recovery and health continue to go well.
    Yes, I believe so. My mother told me that he seems to be a changed person and that there was a moment to where my father was just touching my mother's face when he woke up from the surgery because he was so happy to see her. Made me tear up a bit when she told me that.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So I shall soon be able to pet a dog, cat and bunny, all at once!
    No you won't. You don't have three arms and therefore not three hands to pet with. You can pet any two of that set at the same time though, enjoy.
  • edited November 2009
    No you won't. You don't have three arms and therefore not three hands to pet with. You can pet any two of that set at the same time though, enjoy.
    I dunno, man, Omnu's got some pretty big hands. He could propably pet a Cat and a bunny at the same time.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2009
    You can pet with your feet. A cat probably wouldn't put up with it, but most dogs are down for it.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • He could propably pet a rabbit and a bunny at the same time.
    I think most people could do that.
  • I already posted some hockey things as FOTD, but whatever. This just has to be seen to be believed.
  • You can pet with your feet. A cat probably wouldn't put up with it, but most dogs are down for it.
    Cats will put up with feet petting until they see the foot in my experience. So as long as keep your foot out of the cat's eyes it should be fine with it.
  • I think you're all forgetting the use of forearm and/or face.
  • I think you're all forgetting the use of forearm and/or face.
    Oh my god. Just the thought of petting a cat with my face makes my nose run.
  • I think you're all forgetting the use of forearm and/or face.
    Cuddling is not petting. But it works.
  • edited November 2009
    Booneh has arrived, rating in at about 100 decibels on the squeeometer.
    Booooooooooneeeeeee! (Pix PLZ)
    Also of kitty. You have a very cute cat.

    I pet my bunny with my foot all the time. When we are eating dinner, she will sit under our chairs and be cuddly with our feet. She is actually nervous of hands but not feet. I don't know why. She's a neurotic animal, that one.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Jon Stewart talks about the kid not pledging allegiance until there is freedom for all (it starts at around 1:50.)
    Great stuff! Also Mick Foley! Professional wrestling sucks ass, but Mick Foley is one awesome dude.
  • edited November 2009
    You can follow the "switching on" of the LHC on twitter right now!

    Edit: beam 1 already made 500 laps.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • IT'S OVER 9000!
  • So when are they doing the first collisions? 2010?

  • Crowbars ready everyone.
  • So when are they doing the first collisions? 2010?
    Fuck that! Beams are up, it's already 11PM, and we're sitting on the franco-helvetic border; IT'S GO TIME!!

    Sorry about that, I'm just a little pumped right now. But seriously though, first collisions are planned for this year and the machine will be kept running through the winter at reduced energy. Full energy after a scheduled maintenance shut down next year.
  • the LHC has OVER 9000...magnets.
  • Full energy after a scheduled maintenance shut down next year.
    Next year? But the LHC is going to destroy us all! That's awfully optimistic for someone who lives near a doomsday machine.
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