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Things of your day



  • Wall-e computer case mod
    I see your Wall-E casemod and raise you THIS.

  • edited July 2010
    Image links to news article.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Dreadnought
    House VS Blackjack
  • jizzinmypants.jpg
    Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction when I saw the Dreadnought case, too.
  • Even in death I still surf.
  • D'AWWWWWWWWW /heart melting

  • I have some really good drugs and a really clever boyfriend.
  • I have some really good drugs and areally clever boyfriend.
    What did the doctors say?
  • I have some really good drugs and areally clever boyfriend.
    What did the doctors say?
    They said do the same thing you've been doing, except also take these awesome painkillers, and if not better in 5-7 days, go see these other guys.
  • Feel better! ^_^
  • take these awesome painkillers
    See what happens when you listen to me? You get awesome drugs.

    More people should listen to me.
  • See what happens when you listen to me? You get awesome drugs.

    More people should listen to me.
    You have my ENTIRE attention.
  • edited July 2010
    You have my ENTIRE attention.
    Sweet. I'll put that to good use.

    My thing of the day was that comic that Nuri drew. However, I've changed my mind. Nuri + prescription painkillers = my thing of the day.

    EDIT: Actually, Churba, you should give me a backrub. I could really use one.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I've changed my mind. Nuri + prescription painkillers = my thing of the day.
    I have no idea if this applies to your situation -- it probably doesn't -- but it amuses me when people who have a stick up their ass about "doing drugs" get high on prescription drugs, enjoy it, talk about how they enjoyed it, nothing bad happens, and they don't learn anything from the experience.
  • edited July 2010
    I've changed my mind. Nuri + prescription painkillers = my thing of the day.
    I have no idea if this applies to your situation -- it probably doesn't -- but it amuses me when people who have a stick up their ass about "doing drugs" get high on prescription drugs, enjoy it, talk about how they enjoyed it, nothing bad happens, and they don't learn anything from the experience.
    Nah, doesn't apply. I agree; I dislike those kind of complaints. I have no problem with people getting high responsibly, and I'm one of those crazy people who thinks that things shouldn't be illegal just because they get you high. Dangerous drugs, okay. Pot? Meh.

    Thing is, I don't seek to get high. It's nice to not care about/feel the pain, but that is the only reason I would take these drugs. My life is awesome enough that I can feel awesome without drugs most of the time. Plus, you know, masturbation. Super-cheap way to pump chemicals into your blood stream for a quick high. Much cheaper than buying drugs!
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I'm totally going to marathon the PBR OAV this weekend and top it all off with a game of "Booze: The Drinking."
  • Witness the power of suggestion...
  • edited July 2010
    When I was around 16, 17 years old, I was kinda into skateboarding. I was really never any good at it, but I really much appreciated the aesthetics of it and the abilities that good skateboarders have. I also very much enjoy skateboarding videos where these things are on display as well as the abilities of the people who produce these things. Think of it as kind of like an AMV, except that you have to create the footage yourself and have at least 10 people who are willing to hurl themselves down a staircase at regular intervals.

    To me it is kind of an art form that only few people that never tried skateboarding have even experienced. For this reason I'm going to put a link to my favorite skateboarding video from back in the day here and I hope a few of you guys are going to watch it. It's by the deck company Black Label and the name of the video is Label Kills. Enjoy.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Maryland names September 21, 2010 Sid Meier's Civilization V Day with an official proclamation.
  • Maryland names September 21, 2010Sid Meier's Civilization V Daywith an official proclamation.
    Hahaha, that's awesome.
  • edited July 2010
    Thing is, I don't seek to get high. It's nice to not care about/feel the pain, but that is the only reason I would take these drugs. My life is awesome enough that I can feel awesome without drugs most of the time. Plus, you know, masturbation. Super-cheap way to pump chemicals into your blood stream for a quick high. Much cheaper than buying drugs!
    Fair enough -- and like I said, I was fairly sure I wasn't describing you, it was just a situation that reminded me of a pet peeve. Personally, I've never done "feel good" drugs like opiates or cocaine, and I don't really have any interest.
    I'm going to put a link to my favorite skateboarding video from back in the day here and I hope a few of you guys are going to watch it. It's by the deck company Black Label and the name of the video is Label Kills.Enjoy.
    I remember that video -- Black Label always had some cool, old-schooly stuff in their videos. Is that the one where the dude almost gets hit by the bus?
    My favorite videos were Girl -- Yeah Right and Flip -- Sorry.

    Also: Jedi Assholes!

    Pretty much everything this guy makes is awesome.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I'm totally going to marathon the PBR OAV this weekend and top it all off with a game of "Booze: The Drinking."
  • Pretty much everything this guy makes is awesome.
    Same guy did an awesome pair of MW2 fan films, starting with Frozen Crossing.
  • image
    Aaaaand that pretty much sums up my dad's marriage to my mother.
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