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Things of your day



  • image
    The series really went downhill after Boob Goblins.
  • Eek, that took up more space than anticipated. Heh heh, don't hate me.
  • Wow, I didn't know the WBC dated back to the '80s. Also, that's not the worst of it. There's also the former which believed that AIDS was designed by Hitler (they have since taken a much less imaginative stance.)
  • edited August 2011
    God's gonna be SUPER pissed!

    GOD: Lets check in on that little project that I... WTF! They took my punishment for not hating homosexuals and used it to kill my punishment for wearing mixed fabrics and eye glasses!
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • I lol'd.
    The arm waving is what got me. It was lulz from then on.
  • I got payed for my sick day on a part time job
  • I'm sure that this rings some bells. I just love how he fills every stereotype there is. It is also that he is so full of rage, so much rage. He starts to hyperventilate at the end. He doesn't even make sense any more, 'Am boycottin'ay'games...gahhhhhh'.
  • I'm sure that this rings some bells.
    There a few legitmate complaints about the always on "durm" but it's so minute... The game is still going to make a mint. BTW, you guys are on your own for this Blizzard release. I was released from their service on Tuesday. It's still odd to say.

  • I lol'd.
    He needs subtitles.
  • He needs subtitles.
  • Evidence to my eternal claim of "Anything + Bollywood = GOLD"
  • If I were tiny, I would sleep on a marshmallow.
    This was posted in the random comments.
    This just made my day.
    I thought I should share.
    I also made it my FB status.
    Thanks Scott Gibbs, this thought will now be in my head all day.
  • I lol'd.
    Is that guy completely serious? The stereotypical nerd voice made me not think so.
    The arm waving is what got me. It was lulz from then on.
    He's Kermit the Frog if Kermit ate all of the other Muppets.


  • This shall be my "thing" for the next three days, since that's how long it takes to watch it.
  • edited August 2011
    Baby Tasmanian Devils are adorable.

    If that doesn't float your boat, here's a puppy tasting a lime.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2011
    Post edited by gomidog on

  • This is the trailer for an Indie RPG/Adventure Game called "To the Moon." The way the story is presented reminds me of Millennium Actress, and I'm loving the 16-bit Chrono Trigger-style sprites. I'm definitely going to check this game out once it's released.
  • I think I trolled Probability while playing D&D by getting a 64,000,000-in-1 outcome happen to me.
  • Isn't that the one where the premise is they can let you relive and alter any of your memories but the process kills you?
  • edited August 2011
    Create forum dating game, play as Churba.
    This is what really tipped it right over the edge, but seriously, the last little chunk of discussion in that thread has pretty much made my month, it's bloody wonderful, thanks guys, I've been needing that. Seriously, I love y'all.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I am still watching my thing. 34,651... 34,652...
  • edited August 2011
    I am still watching my thing. 34,651... 34,652...
    Fuck. No. Jeremy. y u do dis. The dude literally looks like he's writhing in pain.
    Post edited by Sail on
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