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Things of your day



  • Kitty error messages.

    I'm going to modify my .htaccess file right now.
  • Louis C.K. gets it when it comes to DRM, but fails slighty to making money on the web.

    Live at the Beacon Theatre
  • Louis C.K. gets it when it comes to DRM, but fails slighty to making money on the web.
    What exactly do you mean? He's made about $200k in profit so far...
  • Louis C.K. gets it when it comes to DRM, but fails slighty to making money on the web.
    What exactly do you mean? He's made about $200k in profit so far...
    He would make even MORE money if the cost is free and added some advertisement support for the site/stream. $5 for interested person vs. giant pile of cash for ANYONE who has an hour to kill.
  • I didn't pay 5 dollars to watch an hour of comedy now, I paid 5 dollars to support Louis CK directly and personally for the hours of comedy he's provided me with in the past and hope he will again in the future. I want support him and others like him do personal projects like this that don't need advertising support.
  • So adorable.

    Aww he thinks he people!
  • I didn't pay 5 dollars to watch an hour of comedy now, I paid 5 dollars to support Louis CK directly and personally for the hours of comedy he's provided me with in the past and hope he will again in the future. I want support him and others like him do personal projects like this that don't need advertising support.
    This. I'm far more willing to pay money for a product with the knowledge that I'm not the product being sold.

  • I pay for Pandora One because of how much I hate ads.
  • He would make even MORE money if the cost is free and added some advertisement support for the site/stream. $5 for interested person vs. giant pile of cash for ANYONE who has an hour to kill.
    If he did this, I (and many others) would torrent a version with the ads cut out. I'd rather pay, thanks.
  • Louis C.K. gets it when it comes to DRM, but fails slighty to making money on the web.

    Live at the Beacon Theatre
    Never heard of this guy before. Watched the outtakes clip, totally happy to give him $5 for the rest.

  • Louis C.K. gets it when it comes to DRM, but fails slighty to making money on the web.

    Live at the Beacon Theatre
    Never heard of this guy before. Watched the outtakes clip, totally happy to give him $5 for the rest.

    I've only heard one Louis CK, though that seems silly how much I love it.

  • image
    Animators are assholes, sometimes.
    Glorious, hilarious assholes.
  • What did I even just look at.
  • edited December 2011

    How do you make the Expendables better? ADD CHUCK NORRIS AND JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME!
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited December 2011
    Rugrats Storyboard WTF? That's screwed up. I suppose animators need to blow off steam somehow. That's why they do stuff like sneak nudie pictures in the windows of Disney movies.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Rugrats Storyboard WTF? That's screwed up. I suppose animators need to blow off steam somehow. That's why they do stuff like sneak nudie pictures in the windows of Disney movies.
    Googled and found the story behind it from Rugrats animator Steve Ressel:
    A Storyboard Jam isn't common on shows that allow people to get out frustrations in the actual work, but on cutie kid shows, everyone draws naked women going bonkers on giant cocks in their spare time. Inevitably, through loathing of the project, they start a storyboard jam where a continuous story evolves from artist to artist as they hand around the papers. Everyone gets a turn to do their worst with the characters.

    At Klasky, on Rugrats, they started this Jam in 1998 I think. The first page had Angelica being a bitch to Tommy, so Tommy gets her a drink in the kitchen and puts in dog food and draino, then toddles back to Angelica. This is where the story should have heated up, but I saw someone was intervening. I found this lone page yesterday and can't find the rest. When the Jam was handed to me I disgustedly pushed it away, and after seeing it unattended on another artist's desk for 2 days I had the idea to step up the lameness a notch by having Stu come in and be utterly abusive to everyone. The artists who saw my treatment of the characters after their refined, cultured story were getting pissed...

    I began the next page (I was on a roll, most people did 3 or 4 panels and I was doing 12 or so in a fervor of home filth) with a close up of Stu's crotch (on model) and then a cut away showing his entire pelvis is in fact two tight and well rounded testicles with a tiny cock dangling from above. Lightening was bouncing around and words appeared saying 'BALLS OF THUNDER!', or something to that effect. After that, the next artists really took it to it's low as Angelica's hands came in to stroke Stu's balls and then incest sex scenes flew all over the pages. I was disgusted, even, when I saw what had become of the comic.

    Someone was taking the things between buildings, to dump it on the Thornberry crew when an executive snooty-draws producer saw it, was disturbed, and confiscated the jam... and thus it ended
  • Thing of my day... Going to deliver something my great aunt left at my home last Saturday and ending up celebrating with her and her family our team's qualification to the finals :3
  • How do you make the Expendables better? ADD CHUCK NORRIS AND JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME!
    Pfft, Chuck Norris is a little bitch next to Dolph Lundgren.

  • I'm seriously considering doing a Daily Video Log starting New Years, mostly to get myself started and I can actually show off something interesting early on. (MAGFEST) I'm mostly just weighing on people's opinions of VLOGs at this point and what to do, try, be prepared for, and AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE.
  • image
    What my RA drew on our chalkboard yesterday.
  • Choreographing an Army of Elmo Robots: Adrianne Wortzel
    The performance itself:
    Artist interview:
  • The new Financial Advisor Kid meme is fucking hilarious.

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