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Things of your day



  • Trader Joe's Cookie Butter.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm drying 7 pounds of salami in my living room.

    GTFO, amateurs.
    Nope. Just because I can. Also, pork shoulder was on sale.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Someone added a soundtrack to a Jehova's witness ASL anti-masturbation video.

    From there, I also learned the signs for Abortion and Misscarriage. I'm having fucking giggle fits for miles over here.
  • That video is too powerful.
  • Trader Joe's Cookie Butter.
    What. What is this witchcraft.
  • Someone added a soundtrack to a Jehova's witness ASL anti-masturbation video.


    From there, I also learned the signs for Abortion and Misscarriage. I'm having fucking giggle fits for miles over here.
    He kind of looks like Justin Long. Also I wish it was subtittled so I knew what he was actually saying. Is that really the sign for jacking it?
  • A set of postcards from the 19th century depicting life in 2000. For the record, this is how warfare should've developed:
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2012
    I was playing through the remake of Space Quest I (having never played any of the SQ games) and I stumbled upon two awesome references to geek culture in it. The second one is the best one of all and it shocks me that the employees at Sierra were aware of his work back in 1991.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • He kind of looks like Justin Long. Also I wish it was subtittled so I knew what he was actually saying. Is that really the sign for jacking it?
    Yep. I'm not sure I want to know the signs that look like he's shooting his bolt on his own chest and rubbing it around in ecstasy before becoming horrified at himself, though, I think it would ruin the magic.

    Rough sign translation that I would put behind spoiler tags if I could be bothered looking them up -

    First guy

    Now explain to you why masturbating (man) and masturbating (woman) bad, can fight to stop


    Hi, some of you are used to male masturbating or female masturbating, may feel nothing wrong

    Oh, Jesus is looking and is disgusted, why? Masturbating is inherently selfish and is all focused on your inner wants.

    What is sex for? Sex is for men and women who love each other.

    Some people are overcome by lust and say they need to masturbate for relief. They can hold that back. People that masturbate will be overcome by more feelings of lust and will be compelled to masturbate more. They will have sex on the brain constantly.

    They will look at men and woman with lust. Here's what Paul said

    Third guy - Corinthians

    It's important to keep your mind and body pure. Any thoughts that sully the body, Jesus is against it. Purify the body for the sake of being the same as Jesus.

    Back to second guy

    It's important to keep the mind and body pure. If you've been masturbating for awhile, it may be tough to stop even if you want to. If you have failures, you may feel like you're failing in the eyes of Jesus. But, Jesus won't view you like that. Jesus knows you through and through, and understands your travails and struggles. If you beg for forgiveness, Jesus will understand and forgive. Don't be afraid to ask Jesus for help and understanding. The relationship between you and Jesus is like a father and children. When children do something wrong and ask their father for forgiveness, the father is understanding and comforting. Just like the father, Jehovah is forgiving.

    But, is it enough to just do wrong and ask for forgiveness? No. You must also act the part. If your friends confess to masturbation, cut them out of your life. Don't watch porn. Put your computer in a public place so that you're not tempted to look at porn. If suggestive ads bother and tempt you, buy a blocking program. They aren't perfect, but the blockers can help.

    If you still struggle with masturbation still, tell your mother and father (unclear here. Strict translation is Jehovah Mother Father, or Jehovah Witness Mother Father).

    Or tell a brother and sister (same issue here).

    Bible Quotes - If you're having trouble, confess to your brother and sister and they will help. Or you can look at Awaken Magazine, Nov 2006, Page 18-20, or IPA Young People can ask book first page 205-211. There are a lot of good points there to help you.
  • This dumb show is one of my dumbest favorite things right now.
  • Disney is going to start selling Oswald the Lucky Rabbit ear hats. I has an excite.

    I have never owned an ear hat (I know, surprising right?), but it's always been something I have wanted. I now think I'm going to get one of those Oswald hats before I get one of the standard ones.
  • They were handing those out at PAX. I saw them on a lot of people.
  • edited September 2012
    My oldest will be excited. She's very big on Disney history for some reason.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it!
  • This dumb show is one of my dumbest favorite things right now.
    Metal is my man. I feel his pain.
  • Whelp, fellow Forumites. I have a job interview today and I need to blast this shit out. Please hope that I receive a favorable bouncing of atoms during the process. I'll follow up when I return, and hopefully not in the fail of the day thread!
  • Disney is going to start selling Oswald the Lucky Rabbit ear hats. I has an excite. I have never owned an ear hat (I know, surprising right?), but it's always been something I have wanted. I now think I'm going to get one of those Oswald hats before I get one of the standard ones.

    I knew they were giving those out at SDCC, but my contacts there failed me so I couldn't get them. So glad that they're making them for everyone now.
  • A crazy computer programmer in Cambridge came up with an enormous Magic card combo that generates a 2-state, 3-color complete Turing Machine.
  • I'm convinced that geeks can make a computer out of anything.

    (Excuse me, a "State machine" or "Turing machine". Still, though.)
  • I wonder if there's anything they can't make an analytical machine out of.

  • Forgot if I posted this already or not but whatever. I could listen to Joe Rogan talk about how awesome fighters are all day, he should do that more and talk about weed less.
  • New episode :D
  • Topical Hockey Talk, old school Hip-Hop Parody and NES aesthetic, all rolled into one.
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