You need the full, plain URL, unfortunately. It's not very robust - doesn't work, neither do longer URLs like this one (link is to the above video).
The new YouTube layout removed the button for sharing the "long" link, unfortunately.
... "long" link? You mean just the fucking page URL that's on the top of the page? I still don't understand why anyone even uses that fucking share button for grabbing links. CTRL+L+C DONE.
Most of the time when you're being brought to a YT page via an embed on another web page, the URL you get has referral information in it and you have to futz with it in order to make a version that can be embeded here. It was much easier to get the correct link from the share button.
Was JUST about to post that. Don't know how I feel about it. It's a concept that seems like it should be a crappy fan game, but it's official Capcom shit.
[Edit] Oh ok. I guess the story is that it IS a fan-made game that was made official by Capcom.
Edit; Fuck sake I can't even get sodding youtube videos to embed. Im going to sever my thumbs off with some butter knifes.
[Edit] Oh ok. I guess the story is that it IS a fan-made game that was made official by Capcom.
Fuck your cat elevator we've taught dogs to drive cars. Science, bitches.
EDIT: The ad at the bottom when I went there was for a car company. Gotta love that juxtaposition.