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Things of your day



  • edited November 2008
    Sort of reminds me of a particular Ace Attorney...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Barack Obama being elected president

    and Zombies in plain english
  • Sorry, I have to post another one. I was looking for Ann Coulter clips on YouTube just to a) determine how crazy she really is (very very very crazy) and b) to find out how long my brain can take a raving right-wing lunatic.

    I found this little clip of Ann Coulter and Al Franken (who will hopefully win Minnesota) professing which person in history they would like to be and what they would change:
  • edited November 2008
    Re-discovered this five-minute One Piece special that I saw fansubbed way back in junior high. I'm not really a One Piece fan, but the dance in this made me grin (it's very well-animated). Another anime dance for people to learn for cons, maybe? ;)

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • My little project is now in beta F#$% Yea!

    Northeast US Map

    Let me know if you see any glaring errors or have a suggestion on how to make it look better, I could always use a second opinion. Now I got one pocket done, 670 more stores to go..
  • Let me know if you see any glaring errors
    you missed the Play 'n' Trade in the Walpole Mall.
  • Reading over a Wiki Article, this comment came up -
    In mid-2000, Grant Gillon, then a New Zealand Member of Parliament, caused controversy when he asked the following question during a debate on genetic engineering:

    "I want to ask the minister whether, no pun intended, it's appropriate in this case for a woman's body parts to be inserted into a sheep when that has normally been the domain of Tory males?"
  • My friend sent me this sonic song and I love it. It's just a song, but it's freaking awesome.

    NSFW because of swearing.

  • John Williams a capella.
  • image

    If you don't get the joke, it's based on this.
  • edited November 2008
    The best professional wrestler in the world, Obasan, the demon possessed girl:

    Seriously, this video cracks me up every time.
    Post edited by edifolco25 on
  • The best professional wrestler in the world, Obasan, the demon possessed girl:
    Does she only have one move?
  • The best professional wrestler in the world, Obasan, the demon possessed girl:
    I love the fakeness. x3 they all jump into the air for her. Also: lil girls should not do pro wrestling in skirts. :/ very baaad.

  • I want moves like that!
  • I want moves like that!
    I would also like to have some of those moves.
  • "We are not enemies, we are friends."

    That's pretty cool.
  • Deadpool will feature in the upcoming X-men Origins: Wolverine movie. Even better - he's being played by Ryan Reynolds, whom I have great confidence is one of the few actors who could pull it off.
  • I'm on the last hole on my old belt... Going in! :3
  • My thing of the day is the second part of the second chapter of Gears of War 2. In this you are practically navigating through the innards of a city eating dune wurm (20 stories tall and about a landscape wide). One of the most awesome video game sequences I ever played, even though it's a real heartbreaker at the end.
  • In this you are practically navigating through the innards of a city eating dune wurm
    Whu? Who or what is eating dune wurm? You? The city?
  • That is why hyphens are important.
  • ......
    edited November 2008
    That is why hyphens are important.
    Yup. Now I must admit though: I now want to navigate through a city-eating Dune worm.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Erm, you put the wrong name on that quote. Neito said that.
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