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Favorite Soundtracks

edited September 2007 in Everything Else
What are your favorite soundtracks (whether it be anime, video game, movie, ect.)?

I love the soundtracks to The Incredibles, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XII, Kingdom Hearts I + II, Fantasia, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Corpse Bride


  • All the GiTS soundtracks.
  • edited September 2007
    For movies, it would have to be Lawrence of Arabia, Lord of the Rings, and School of Rock.

    Video games... maybe Dragonball Z Budokai 3. I don't listen to songs in games that often...

    And lastly, TV. My Name Is Earl. Hands down.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • All the GiTS soundtracks.
  • Movies: Lord of the Rings
    Games: Kingdom Hearts I & II
    Anime: I like a lot of anime music, but Witch Hunter Robin has the best overall soundtrack for me
    TV: I don't watch much tv.
  • Movies:
    Star Wars movies , The Lord of The Rings movies, Rocky movies, Serenity
    Video Games:
    Final Fantasy VI, Shadow of The Colossus, Final Fantasy IX
    Tv Series:
    Firefly, MD. House, Dr. Who
    Giant Robo OAVS, New Getter Robo, Change Getter Robo, Astroboy,  Cyborg 009, 009-1, Phoenix, Cagliostro, Saint Seiya.
  • Not an exclusive list, but the first that come to mind
    Anime: Cowboy Bebop
    TV: Battlestar Galactica
    Movie: Little Miss Sunshine
  • Anime: Azumanga Daioh

    Game: LoZ: Ocarina of Time and Phoenix Wright
  • I tend to only listen to the compilation-style soundtracks. Orchestral and movie-specific music just doesn't do it for me.

    With that in mind, the 1996 William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet soundtrack was excellent, as was the Lost Highway soundtrack, the Pulp Fiction soundtrack (now that I mention it, that one is loading up), and the Forest Gump soundtrack is terrific, except that everyone should already own all of those songs on MP3 anyway. They're classics.

    Surprisingly enough, the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack got a lot of play in my stereo. I don't typically like gospel, but the bluegrass portions were really catchy.

    In the guilty pleasures bin, I fucking love the cheesy 1998 Godzilla soundtrack with the (then) Puff Daddy remake of Kashmir, the Top Gun soundtrack has been known to make its way into the rotation, and I own not one but two copies of the (good lawd) Night At the Roxbury soundtrack.

    I also have a childish and indefensible love for the original Muppet Movie soundtrack. It's not a guilty pleasure, because I don't feel guilty about it.
  • edited September 2007
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited September 2007
    The main ones that come to mind are Cowboy Bebop and Katamari Damacy. ^-^
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited September 2007
    I can't believe no one said the Utena soundtracks.

    I abso-fucking-lutely love these CDs.

    I listen to them constantly, and i'm searching for artist that have similar music styles as the chorus rock utena musters.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • The FLCL soundtracks. And the Sonic Adventure: 2 soundtrack.
  • You're all crazy. Initial D soundtracks FTW!
  • Definitely all of the many Lupin III soundtracks!
  • Right now, the Gurren-Lagann soundtrack.
    Sorairo Days and happily ever after for the win.
  • FFVIII's soundtrack. However you may feel about the game, the soundtrack is good stuff.
    You're all crazy. Initial D soundtracks FTW!
    Haha, yes! STREEEEETS ON FI-AR!
  • Oldboy and Lady Vengeance have great soundtracks!
  • Repo Man soundtrack.  Some really great punk songs, and it's really well fit to the movie, too.
  • Game(s): Resident Evil 1, 2, 3
    TV Show(s): Battlestar Galactica (especially the song playing in that episode where the chief is talking to the Cylon Preacher about his nightmares and about him thinking he is a's right after he hits Kelly after waking up from his nightmare).
    Movie(s): Return of the Living Dead, Airheads
  • The most recent one I've been listening to is Black Snake Moan. Soundtracks have to have real music on them for me to listen to them but that basically means they're just cool playlists.
  • Soundtracks have to have real music on them for me to listen to them but that basically means they're just cool playlists.
    Define real music.
  • Soundtracks have to have real music on them for me to listen to them but that basically means they're just cool playlists.
    Define real music.
    Okay okay. Allow me to rephrase: Soundtracks have to have music that isn't just ambient sound from the movie for me to listen to them but that basically means they're just cool playlists.
  • edited September 2007
    Anime: It's a toss up between Cowboy Bebop, The Vision of Escaflowne, and Samurai Champloo.
    Movie: The Saint OST & Score along with Romeo & Juliet OST & Score
    Game: Kingdom Hearts 1 (>.< I have yet to play KH2 >.>) & Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
    Show: None, at the moment, however I just might look into getting the Firefly/Serenity OSTs
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I completely forgot about FLCL, I love The Pillows.
  • Anime: Yoko Kanno is the bomb.
    Movie: Garden State OST. That actually got me into The Shins, Thievery Corporation and Nick Drake.
    Game: Aki Kuroda, Final Fantasy X Piano Collection.
    Show: Contrary to many people, I love the Firefly ST.

  • Movie: Little Miss Sunshine
    That was a great OST. Gotta love Sufjan Stevens song "Chicago".
  • The music from Cowboy Bebop is pretty fantastic. I really like the Donnie Darko soundtrack and the Fight Club soundtrack, too.
  • Boondock Saints. 300.

    Carry on.
  • edited September 2007
    The soundtrack to 300 was fantastic.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Game: Legend of the Dragoon, Chrono Cross, FFX, and LoZ: Ocarina of Time ftw!

    Anime: Hmmm. Probably GitS and Witch Hunter Robin. I don't really like to say it, but FFVII: Advent Children's soundtrack was amazing.

    Movie: Pirates of the Carribean. Hanz Zimmer is good with music.
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