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Your personal Hell/Heaven

edited October 2007 in Everything Else
I had a conversation recently when we talked about heaven and hell. I thought what if hell and heaven if they exist wasn't a fire filled land the people think of or cloud angels. Instead it was a place where your eternal torture was something you personally hate constantly surrounding you or everything would be your paradise. In contrast heaven would be a paradise of a world or place you think is happy.

For me a hell would be either a world of nothing and nobody. (Like that episode of Twilight Zone when the guy breaks his glasses and can't read.) Or a world without art or animation of any kind.

Heaven would be a kick ass never ending fun anime con. Everyone is cool, the food and Pocky are plentiful and the anime is new everyday. Video and board gaming are always changing and interesting and I'm never bored.


  • I think both heaven and hell would be horrible. No matter how great it is in heaven you will get bored sooner or later. So imagine being bored for ever.
  • I think both heaven and hell would be horrible. No matter how great it is in heaven you will get bored sooner or later. So imagine being bored for ever.
    Such shallow thinking. If there really were a "heaven", as in a perfect paradise, it would be exactly everything you want. Don't want to be bored? Want some danger, some excitement, some randomness, some unexpectedness? You would get all those things.

    A Christian heaven on the other hand would be terrible. Rather rule in hell than serve in heaven as they say.
  • I was assuming Christian heaven.
  • edited October 2007
    The idea of heaven and hell is one dimensional. Besides, it's frivolous to discuss this type of stuff, neither exist.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • My Hell and Heaven:
  • edited October 2007

    WaterisPoison, seems like I count 3 dimensions. :)

    If you don't think either exist, what do you think happens when you die?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Hmmmm....Heaven....Hell....Earth....

    WaterisPoison, seem like I count 3 dimensions. :)

    If you don't think either exist, what do you think happens when you die?
    My body decomposes. Depending on how I die, my synapses may still fire for a few split seconds before I go brain dead, maybe giving me a feeling of bliss. That is about as close to an afterlife as anyone will ever see.
  • Nothing, sweet, sweet nothing,..
  • Personal heaven - The real world, only I have ludicrously strong wizardly powers.

    Personal hell - A machine is attached to my brain. It keeps me fully conscious at all times. It also constantly inflicts upon me the most intense emotional and physical pain that my body is capable of experiencing. The pain is such that it is all I ever experience. And in case I get used the the pain, it constantly changes it up, so it is always as bad as it can be.
  • Personal heaven: Lots of exciting things to explore, and lots of physical love.

    Personal hell: To be surrounded by people chewing gum 24/7. I really, really loathe the sight, sound and smell of chewing gum!
  • Personal Heaven - CTY, year-round.

    Personal Hell - A world that consists solely of people with blanketed eyes, who care for nothing but the ravaging effects of love.
  • I like the idea of heaven as put forth by What Dreams May Come, starring Robin Williams.
  • My personal heaven would be here and now, only every morning, I would wake up with a completely different magical ability that would make my day unique and exciting.

    My personal hell would be one in which I was in an airplane filled with people I despise that was constantly about to crash, the chairs would be made out of spiders, and I would be in a permanent state of nausea with varying degrees of intensity. Every once in a while, the flight attendants would come around and use crude instruments to cut off one of our limbs which they would then hand feed to us. They would later grow back only to be cut off again and repeated.
  • The idea of heaven and hell is one dimensional. Besides, it's frivolous to discuss this type of stuff, neither exist.
    Zombies don't exist either, but intelligent people enjoy discussing them. Its just an "imagine this" scenario.
  • edited October 2007
    For me heaven wouldn't be forever, sort of like a bonus stage before moving on. Things that exist can't go on existing forever. Hell would be everything I had ever wanted, for all eternity. I personally think oblivion would be a better option.

    Though, as an afterthought, I could probably liberate hell.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I was assuming Christian heaven.
    Did you read Viga's post? Or the title of this thread for that matter?

    Anyways, personal heaven: Awesome
    Personal hell: Horrible
    Don't have a clear idea yet. Still have so much to experience in my life. HECK, I have never been to an anime con. Or university. Or all that other awesome stuff.
  • My hell would be just becoming deaf.
  • Hell - Can't really think of something that's SO bad that I would call it hell, aside from evil and anarchy.

    Heaven - Now. This is great. Of course the only thing that would make it better is magical powers, no evil, immortality, and lots of money.
  • Heaven: Puppies
    Hell: Being denied access to puppies
  • Heaven: Continuing on with life, with all the troubles and problems of life.. But maybe with a lot less worrying about material things.

    Hell: That time between grade 5 and grade 8, continuously being repeated, including all those stupid overwhelming fears, except a lot less good stuff, like the Roll Page (a Megaman roleplaying forum), my friend (emphasis on -friend-), and my dog in the later years..
  • Heaven: Puppies
    Hell: Being denied access to puppies
    Now my short form seems less original. Aw shucks.

    Heaven: Pooping
    Hell: Too much pooping
  • You know how they always say good people go to heaven and bad go to hell. In theory, heaven and hell are more a state of mind than a place. Those who have learned how to "make" happiness out of life have learned how to "get to heaven". The difficult part is for those who haven't quite learned how to find the happiness in life, or are finding conflicting issues: addictions or pleasures that conflict with other aspects you believe or want.
  • Am I the only Christian on this board?

    Personal Heaven: Rev 21:1-27

    Personal Hell: Matthew 25:30
  • I think both heaven and hell would be horrible. No matter how great it is in heaven you will get bored sooner or later. So imagine being bored for ever.
    Such shallow thinking. If there really were a "heaven", as in a perfect paradise, it would be exactly everything you want. Don't want to be bored? Want some danger, some excitement, some randomness, some unexpectedness? You would get all those things.

    A Christian heaven on the other hand would be terrible. Rather rule in hell than serve in heaven as they say.
    After thinking it over I do think every heaven would get boring. If you had to live for 1 trillion years I think anyone would get bored. You could argue that you would die in heaven and thus not get bored, but I think that would defeat the purpose of a heaven.

    So for me the only "heaven" would be, as strange as it may sound, rebirth. That way you always "reset" after one life and can't get bored because you think you'll just die.

    In the end I' m perfectly happy with having one life and the only reason I would want to live longer would be to still my curiosity.
  • I think both heaven and hell would be horrible. No matter how great it is in heaven you will get bored sooner or later. So imagine being bored for ever.
    Such shallow thinking. If there really were a "heaven", as in a perfect paradise, it would be exactly everything you want. Don't want to be bored? Want some danger, some excitement, some randomness, some unexpectedness? You would get all those things.

    A Christian heaven on the other hand would be terrible. Rather rule in hell than serve in heaven as they say.
    After thinking it over I do think every heaven would get boring. If you had to live for 1 trillion years I think anyone would get bored. You could argue that you would die in heaven and thus not get bored, but I think that would defeat the purpose of a heaven.

    That's why there is what we call "eternal progression".
  • edited October 2007
    The Mormon Plan of Eternal Progression? (I just googled it.)
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • I think both heaven and hell would be horrible. No matter how great it is in heaven you will get bored sooner or later. So imagine being bored for ever.
    So for me the only "heaven" would be, as strange as it may sound, rebirth. That way you always "reset" after one life and can't get bored because you think you'll just die.

    In the end I' m perfectly happy with having one life and the only reason I would want to live longer would be to still my curiosity.

    No offense, but reincarnation sounds pointless to me.
  • I always thought reincarnation sounded cool, but I never believed in it.
  • Now I'm curious. Wouldn't you find it interesting to, for example, fly like a bird? ( Although that isn't really the best example.)
  • The The Mormon Plan of Eternal Progression? (I just googled it.)

    Yep! Not sure what it says, but from what I know, it makes perfect sense and answered more questions for me. Although I had different questions after learning it, but hey, that's part of the plan....eternal progression! Master the knowledge/skill in one thing, and there is always another.
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