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Your personal Hell/Heaven



  • Of course. I'd be awesome to be said bird as well.
  • Now I'm curious. Wouldn't you find it interesting to, for example, fly like a bird? ( Although that isn't really the best example.)

    Yeah, but I don't want to have the brain of a bird, the pains and threats of a bird, ect.
  • Heaven - Being able to live my age, or any age before, my death, for all of however long Heaven is to last. Maybe 'til rebirth? Anyways, I'd be living with all my true friends, and I'd have unlimited resources to go whenever and wherever I want. And every weekend there'd be a party with anyone and everyone cool, and I'd get to "meet" all the people I've ever wanted to, like Dave and Joel, Rym and Scott, Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, etc., etc. And, my podcast wouldn't suck!

    Hell - Spending all of forever with everyone I loathe, making crappy podcasts. I'd be a very old man, with no hair, and could barely move because of the immense pain in moving, meaning I'd spend all my time on the computer. But, the computer would only be showing me crappy YouTube videos, and a bunch of the disgusting Hentai. Also, I'd have top listen to crappy podcasts with earbuds, the breaks in between filled with the sounds of nails on a chalkboard, each time they get louder and more evil. By the way, my ears will always have perfect... hearing?... so that the pain never reduces, only gets worse.

    Can you tell I've thought about this?
  • Heaven - Being able to live my age, or any age before, my death, for all of however long Heaven is to last. Maybe 'til rebirth? Anyways, I'd be living with all my true friends, and I'd have unlimited resources to go whenever and wherever I want. And every weekend there'd be a party with anyone and everyone cool, and I'd get to "meet" all the people I've ever wanted to, like Dave and Joel, Rym and Scott, Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, etc., etc. And, my podcast wouldn't suck!

    That's what we call the "heaven on earth"-con! :)
  • I always thought reincarnation sounded cool, but I never believed in it.

    Hehe, my wife thinks the same thing! I've thought before, "wouldn't it be nice just to be a dog. I could sit around outside all day and not have homework, sleep whenever I wanted. Life would seem so much easier than a human trying to make sense of everything, living up to everyone's expectations, not having so much responsibility, emotions, ect.". But I think I've grown past that point (changed quickly when I moved out of my parent's house).
  • Yep! Not sure what it says, but from what I know, it makes perfect sense and answered more questions for me. Although I had different questions after learning it, but hey, that's part of the plan....eternal progression! Master the knowledge/skill in one thing, and there is always another.
    If you've mastered all these skills in your past lives, have they manifested themselves in your current existence? If not, why could that be?
  • Yep! Not sure what it says, but from what I know, it makes perfect sense and answered more questions for me. Although I had different questions after learning it, but hey, that's part of the plan....eternal progression! Master the knowledge/skill in one thing, and there is always another.
    If you've mastered all these skills in your past lives, have they manifested themselves in your current existence? If not, why could that be?

    Not sure what you mean. Are you taking about reincarnation? I'm not sure how that conforms to eternal progression.
  • "Eternal" kind of implies that your soul is around forever. If you are always mastering new skills and knowledge, where did all of it go?
  • "Eternal" kind of implies that your soul is around forever. If you are always mastering new skills and knowledge, where did all of it go?
    Save data in your soul?
  • I'm not sure what you mean by "where did it all go?". You still HAVE the knowledge and skills, but by learning those, more opens to you. The skills and knowledge per say may not be the best example for eternal progression as there most likely will come a point to where you are omnipotent and omniscient. But you continue to progress through your creations. For example, (if you're ok with this belief) God created the universe, and in turn, created man. Recent studies or theories of the universe is that it is continually expanding or growing. This would indicate that God is not dammed, but that he continues to progress. His "kingdom" if you will, continues to grow. Furthermore, based on the plan of eternal progression, man has the ability to continue to progress eternally based on God's plan. Which means, we as his children continue to grow, as we learn how to create our own "kingdoms" as you will, and in turn, he progresses. Like going from Father, to Grandfather and so forth.

    Now this may not be spot-on, but it is the best way I can put it in our understanding to help grasp the plan of eternal progression
  • Save data in your soul?
    I'd want a multi-slot soul, then.
    Every time i fuck up, *bam*, back to ten minutes ago.
  • edited October 2007
    Hell is an obligatory Half life 2 patch that puts poisonous head crabs everywhere.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Hell is an obligatory Half life 2 patch that puts poisonous head crabs everywhere.
    Don't forget the fast zombies.

    Fuck the fast zombies.

  • Don't forget the fast zombies.

    Fuck the fast zombies.
    At least they go down easily, the fucking combine zombies take fucking forever to kill...
  • When I was young I thought that maybe you started life again as someone else who lived in the same time period. You would then get to see the entire world from everybodies point of view.
  • @Cramit - I would -love- that. =D I wish that was true.
  • And don't forget, in hell, everyone in mario kart has blue shells that aim for you no matter what position you are in.
  • Heaven: magical world
    Hell: Becoming deaf, dumb, blind, and paralyzed and not being able to get the mercy kill.
  • When I was young I thought that maybe you started life again as someone else who lived in the same time period. You would then get to see the entire world from everybodies point of view.
    Sounds like it would be a cool TV show.
  • I remember telling my mom that and she said it was silly...Obviously we go to Heaven (or Hell).
  • edited October 2007
    Sounds like it would be a cool TV show.
    We'd best get Gonzo right on this. What do you say, 5 good episodes?
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited October 2007
    Sounds like it would be a cool TV show.
    We'd best get Gonzo right on this.
    Noooooo! Gainax! Kyoto Animation if you want super high animation quality.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • For hell I would say being stuck in Security forever with a mounty hat glued to your head. @.@ In all seriousness though heaven, and hell is something I would like to take a page from H.P. Lovecraft about which is "the world is full of things we can not even possibly comprehend." and that says it all right there. Yea Heaven could be this place where everything is perfect all the time, and eventually gets boring, and Hell could be dipped in fire, and brimstone with bodies burning everywhere while demons do their evil things to people. In truth though only the dead know what is beyond life, and death. Hell with wishful thinking heaven would be a lot cooler then we would give it credit for. Think about it all the greatest minds, and inventors (with wishful thinking) are up there right now still inventing things. So it would be this crazy futuristic world where all technology is just perfect, and just works.
  • Heaven: Apple store filled with hot apple fan girls!
    Hell: Being surrounded by stupid people..... Wait thats work *sob*
  • edited October 2007
    Hehe, out of sport:

    Heaven: Being the only man left on earth full of beautiful women.
    Hell: Being on earth full of men and only one woman.
    Post edited by bodtchboy on
  • ......
    edited October 2007
    Hell: Being on earth full of gay men and no women.
    FIXED! Since there's no hope in hell.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Hehe, out of sport:

    Heaven: Being the only man left on earth full of beautiful women.
    Hell: Being on earth full of men and only one woman.
    Lemme just touch that up to suit myself.

    Heaven: Being among all the hottest lesbians around
    Hell: Being anywhere with only men.

    >> Although, I'd get bored easily of not having guys around. They're fun to hang out with.
  • Fine... haha -___-
    Heaven: I don't know what, my life is pretty damn good right now. I don't think I would know what heaven would be like.
    Hell: Living with an eternity of regret. Lovers not loved, feuds which lasted too long, missed opportunities, mistakes made from poor judgment...
  • Heaven: Magical elimination of all of the routine facets of life that take up too much time: Sleep, showering, taking out the garbage, washing dishes, raking leaves, commuting, shopping for toothpaste....
    Hell: Visiting NYC and seeing Scrym making out with each other in Central Park.
  • Hell: Visiting NYC and seeing Scrym making out with each other in Central Park.
    OH GOD! AAAAH NO X_x *scoops out his eyes* Darn you! Ah God ewwww...
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