I know this stuff is old, but considering that the series is now finished I want to know what people think of the series. I find the series to be hilarious and AMV Hell 0 to be the most horrifying piece of animation ever to be seen on the Internet and one that will scar you for life.
I haven't watched 4 yet but I love this series a lot. It's Robot Chicken except anime instead of figures. It keeps you interested too.
This series is much better when watched in a group of friends. Yes...even 0.
If you watch it alone the you're doing it wrong, newfag.
Sorry, I had to pay my daily tribute to the evil communist society of chanada.
Yes it is! Unless you're bored and already watched it in a group.
True, *almost* anything is acceptable when bored.
...Shuddup, I know, total newfag. =<
...plus I got a video into AMV Hell 4. Shameless self Promotion!
I downloaded all of the AMV Hells, watched them by myself, then proceeded to get my friends to watch. It was defitinely interesting, especially AMV Hell 0. I had my face in my palms pretty much the whole time, while my friends laughed. Even once I explained it, they wanted to watch it, but.. It meant I had porn on my computer.
.. The corn one, Boku no Sexual Harassment.. my friend made me download that one. >>; So now, I just have to burn two copies for my two friends... And then delete it. Oh god. v.v
Have many people seen the oft forgotten AMV Hell: Championship Edition?
I've seen 3 a million times and 0 too much as well. I showed others and after seeing the corn part...
Also, five of my vids were selected for AMV Hell CE as honorable mentions (which actually put me as the person with the third-highest number of videos in the project overall). I think the people who participated in the challenges leading up to CE ended up appreciating the final project more than the general populace did, but whatever. I still like how it turned out. XD;;;
Oh, and all those videos are credited under the name Strawberry Key, which is my username on AMV.org.
Ah, I really didn't like CE. I saw it last, of all of them, and it just did not meet anywhere near my expectations. I haven't rewatched it more than twice...
The SuperGALS/Clueless parody from 3. Trogdaaaarrrr!/Spirited Away, Deathnote/Candyman, and Deathnote/Hot Topic from AMV Hell 4. Plus the entire AMV itself made to be an AMV to Black Parade.
There's more. I just can't think of them right now.
Oh, there's another one I liked.. I can't remember which one it was in, but it had a Star Trek remix in it, and the anime had a catboy..thing... XD It was well-done anyway.
There was another Star Trek one, where it actually looked like an animated Star Trek. It was Picard remix. =3 That one ...was okay.