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Things you see everyday that others would find interesting

edited November 2007 in Everything Else
I was thinking it would be cool to start a discussion about the things we see everyday that we kind of take for granted, but that others would find interesting. These could be anything really - people, animals, places, things etc.

I'll start us off:

1) Quite frequently I drive by the place where Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone (it's about 30-40 mins from my home).

2) Almost everyday I see bald eagles.

3) I live next door to the deepest ice free port in North America. I could throw a rock in the water from my door step.

I can't wait to hear from the rest of you.


  • I see corn on a regular basis. Cows. Pigs. Farms. You get the point.
  • Shootings. Fatal car crashes. Medical helicopters. Drug busts. Stupid criminals getting caught stupidly. A huge, undereducated class.
  • Every morning that I look out my bedroom window I see 3 trees, with hundreds of red berries in them. It looks awesome compared to the boring red brick houses and street. -__-
  • The San Francisco Bay? I work on the 10th floor of an office building in Emeryville, CA, so on a clear day, I can see pretty much the entire bay, the Golden Gate bridge, etc.

    I see Priuses, too. Lots of them. Tons of them. It's like a fricking Prius convention. I'll show them all when I get a Tesla Roadster! (And a million dollars.)
  • I see the White House and the monuments around the National Mall nearly every day. One office I worked in for about 6 months was two blocks away from the White House. Another office was right across the street from the Old Post Office, about three blocks from the Capitol. Yet another was only a block away from the Capitol on the other side.

    I walk down to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore about 4 times a week.

    When I lived in Louisville, I drove by Churchill Downs on my way to work every day.
  • I work at the Immigration Museum in Melbourne, so every day I learn new things about who people are and where they come from. There's a similar museum on Ellis Island for you USians. I also get free entry to the other museums here and to IMAX.
  • I live in the UK; therefore Chavs.
  • dead people.

    seriously though, my pet hedgehog, probably.
  • edited November 2007
    I see all the creatures and people I made up in my mind.

    Until I wake up. I think the only unique thing to see is my room and my friends. All weird and wild.
    I live in the UK; therefore Chavs.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I look to the top of the mirror in my room to see a small statue of Anubis and a small rabbit lives in my kitchen.
  • Have you not listened to the very first guest host special by Richard and Alison? Chavs, pathetic teenaged punks in the UK who think they are rad nigga's, but really are just little white brats.
  • I work in an eye hospital, so I get to see eye surgeries on a regular basis.
  • Eye surgeries and bald eagles. Now I feel boring. Well I have both a cat and a dog so I very often see my normal sized cat fighting a dog twice his size, and winning magnificently.
  • I wouldn't normally see this guy every day, but I did see him today:
  • I see 2 feet of snow in the winter at least once a week on average and still walk home from school.
  • edited November 2007
    @Xenomouse: Zorak!

    Back in the day they said finding one on your door was good luck, but when I was a kid and saw one there I didn't want to leave the house.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Draino Bombs, well nearly everyday. And a morbidly obese guy who I actually feel coming from the other side of the building while I'm at school.
  • Whoa! I see this really obese guy who has a butt on his stomach. I mean he's so fat his stomach is two fat pockets next to each other and it looks like a butt. The second butt! In the front! WTF!
  • edited November 2007
    Shootings. Fatal car crashes. Medical helicopters. Drug busts. Stupid criminals getting caught stupidly. A huge, undereducated class.
    Feeling cynical and pessimistic yet? Give it time. Soon you'll be just like me.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2007
    I see corn on a regular basis. Cows. Pigs. Farms. You get the point.

    Meh. I'm in Alberta... The only farm province out there, :( so this stuff is common for me too.
    Post edited by MitchyD on
  • The sun in the wintertime.

    A family of redtailed hawks live on my street.

    I didn't take this picture, I stole it off my town's Wiki page =P
  • Gillete Stadium. Where the Patriots football team plays.
  • edited November 2007
    About 30 minutes from my town is the house of Joseph Priestley, the scientist who "discovered" oxygen.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • about 30 minutes from my house is where George Eastman created the Eastman Kodak company.
  • About 30 minutes from my house is a Point made of Cedars. I hate it.
  • The train station I go to twice every weekday is on the shore of the Hudson River. I also go to the most important city in the world almost every day, passing through Grand Central Terminal.
  • edited November 2007
    I also go to the most important city in the world almost every day . . .
    Which is more "important", D.C. or NYC?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Every morning I wake up to the laughing of a Kookaburra, it pisses me off.
  • Which is more "important", D.C. or NYC?
    NY, easily.
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