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Things you see everyday that others would find interesting



  • Which is more "important", D.C. or NYC?
    NY, easily.
    I have to say DC because that's my home, but NYC is more fun.
  • Kookaburras are best known for their unmistakable call, which is uncannily like loud, echoing human laughter — good-natured, if rather hysterical, merriment in the case of the well-known Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae); and maniacal cackling in the case of the slightly smaller Blue-winged Kookaburra (Dacelo leachii).
    Just a question but do you have the good natured or manic kind?
  • Kookaburras are best known for their unmistakable call, which is uncannily like loud, echoing human laughter — good-natured, if rather hysterical, merriment in the case of the well-known Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae); and maniacal cackling in the case of the slightly smaller Blue-winged Kookaburra (Dacelo leachii).
    Just a question but do you have the good natured or manic kind?
    It sort of alternates day to day but mostly the manic kind.
  • It's been fairly nice here lately, no rain. I find it surprising, however on clear days when I'm on my commute, I get to see Mt. Rainier, and think "Hmm. That's a volcano and could so blow up anyday. Thank goodness I don't live in the valley." I also work at the VA, so whenever I go walking on my break, I sometimes encounter veterans who are either really really old or have PTSD issues. Some of them forget to take their meds, so you can only imagine how those encounters go.
  • edited November 2007
    It's been fairly nice here lately, no rain. I find it surprising, however on clear days when I'm on my commute, I get to see Mt. Rainier, and think "Hmm. That's a volcano and could so blow up anyday. Thank goodness I don't live in the valley." I also work at the VA, so whenever I go walking on my break, I sometimes encounter veterans who are either really really old or have PTSD issues. Some of them forget to take their meds, so you can only imagine how those encounters go.
    My uncle lives in Oregon, and when I visit I can stand on his deck and see St. Helens smoking on the horizon. That has always gotten to me, especially when I was very young. It's like standing at the top of the Chrysler Building -- you know you're not going to fall, but you still get dizzy.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • edited November 2007
    My uncle lives in Oregon, and when I visit I can stand on his deck and see St. Helen's smoking on the horizon. That has always gotten to me, especially when I was very young. It's like standing at the top of the Chrysler Building -- you know you're not going to fall, but you still get dizzy.
    On an extremely clear day, you can see both Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens from my parents' house. I remember a few years, there was quite a big hub bub over some activity with Mt. St. Helens. Peoples' homes were evacuated and it was on the news nonstop. Good thing nothing really came of it, but at the same time, it would have been fairly interesting to see some sort of activity like lava spill out. >.>

    Also since it's fall, seeing the trees turn color on the many hillsides I pass by, it reminds me of Bob Ross paintings. He was the man
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • it would have been fairly interesting to see some sort of activity like lava spill out. >.>
    Which cycle is it on now? Big boom or overflow? I guess I could Google it.
  • I honestly have no idea. I should probably know this sort of stuff. Just in case. >.>
  • It's like standing at the top of the Chrysler Building -- you know you're not going to fall, but you still get dizzy.
    How did you go to the top of the Chrysler Building?
  • How did you go to the top of the Chrysler Building?
    LOL, sorry. I meant the Sears Tower, but am working on a news story about UAW contracts.
  • How did you go to the top of the Chrysler Building?
    LOL, sorry. I meant the Sears Tower, but am working on a news story about UAW contracts.
    Yeah, the Chrysler Building doesn't really allow tourists.
  • Well, I see Finland every day.
  • Man, I feel really plain right now.

    Although we're going through my wife's grandmother's things. Finding tons of national geographic magazines back to the '80's, old nostalgia objects and gadgets from the '50's - '70's. This weekend, I found her grandmother's pictures, letters, assignment papers and badges from her enlistment as a nurse during WW2.
  • It's like standing at the top of the Chrysler Building -- you know you're not going to fall, but you still get dizzy.
    The CN Tower is the best with its glass floor awesomeness.  I didn't get dizzy or anything, but some of my friends totally flipped out and refused to go anywhere near the glass--some even stayed on the ground.
  • Well, I get to see the Boll Weevil Monument a couple times a week, mostly when I go downtown to get to the comic shop or the bank.

    I also get to see other interesting things at work.
  • I woke up early Sunday morning to see nothing...because the power was out because of Hurrican Noel. And the power would be out for the next 26 I never felt so out of touch.
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