GeekNights 071107 - I Wanted to Like Naruto
Tonight on GeekNights, we completely trash Naruto and the whole shonen fighting genre. In the news, Takeshi Kitano and Miyazaki are awesome, and anime is being brought to Russia.
Scott’s Thing - Awesome Pumpkins
Rym’s Thing - Ugly Mickey
But I will say that Scrym should really try Hajime No Ippo or Ring Ni Kakeru. Both are sport anime shows and can be considered fighting show because both of them are about boxing but I will just show the opening of each one of them.
Ring ni Kakeru
Hajime no Ippo
I'll say that Naruto is that one shonen fightings that I'm allowed to watch and what I have seen too much. Nartuo was one of the first anime series I saw and that I downloaded with fansubs. At then it was really cool and I kinda liked the way how it didn't go as a monster of a week but there was one big fight and I thought that they were pretty cool. But at some point I realised that even tough Narto was cool now and then most of the episodes were not, I always waited the end of long fight so I could know what clever trick Naruto used this time. And when the wall of fillers came, I stopped and even now when those have ended I just can't start to watch it again.
But then a word about Bleach, and I have decided to do this with other Shonen fightings I'm going to see (one peace). I just watched the first story arch of Bleach that was about two seasons. After that I have seen enough of it. It had some cool fights, main character developed some bad ass techniques and who cares that in the end the real bad guy got away. I'm not going to see that huge amount of episodes that doesn't really move "the real plot" more than a inch at time.
So my advice with shonen fighting series are, watch some of it and then stop when you feel like it and never turn back.
Manga is generally the preferable medium for such concepts as they rarely draw things out since there is no necessity for it and it takes by far less time. When a show gets into a stretch it often moves at the pace of a manga chapter per episode. Reading a chapter takes about 7 minutes if you read it very carefully, watching an episode takes 21 minutes. Although I must say that I am just on the brink of stopping Bleach since the most recent chapters have been dragging out two parallel fights for half an eternity and the mangaka keeps nonsensical pulling plot twists out of his arse to keep the reader interested.
I usually also download the episodes of the anime series of these shows and watch it if I can to see how things are animated, but if things drag on I skip or watch in fast forward. Bad filler episodes like the Naruto Filler Wall or the most recent Bleach filler episodes are regularly skipped.
My advice is to if you want to give a shonen fighting series a try, read the manga and if you liked it enough so you would read it again, watch the anime.
I'm looking forward to the Tuesday show next, I suppose it will be a show about game achievements ^^
If I get to pick one Shonen show it's Bleach. I love the character designs, it's light on annoying tag along characters, an I've made it through 40+ episodes so far without losing intrest.
I've not read enough manga to know, does the Manga of the shonen fighting genere spend entire volumes on one fight? Is this just a case of trying to streach out the Anime so they don't burn through a year's worth of manga in a couple hours?
Rym and Scott touched on this but the biggest crime is the character design is so wonderful and the stories don't to the characters justice.
Here's a link to an online reader
I was thinking about Claymore, I also enjoyed that show. I just finished ep. 26 and I thought the pacing was pretty good overall. It seems like they were constantly progressing the story not just moving from fight to fight.
Avatar > Naruto.