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What are you buying on the Tuesday before Black Friday?

edited November 2007 in Video Games
The new releases this week are awe inspiring. At this point, I've pre-ordered Rock Band, I'll probably buy Mass Effect and I have my eye on the Wii Zapper. There's also an outside chance I'll pick up Time Crisis 4. What are you folks buying?


  • Mass Effect and the Rock Band bundle. I'm taking a half day at work so I can get some time tomorrow to actually play them.
  • Mass Effect.
  • Pheonix Wright 3 if and when I have the money, and if it's in store.

    ...So probably not before Black Friday.

    ...What's Black Friday?
  • Black Friday is the day after thanksgiving. It's the "traditional" start of the holiday shopping season and most stores have crazy sales. Like at comp usa they're giving away a 400 dollar gps with a purchase of any HDTV over 899. This is obviously in the states and all. has listings for a lot of stores black Friday sales
  • Mass Effect.
    Black Friday is the day after thanksgiving

    That would be Black MONDAY.
  • edited November 2007
    Black Friday is the day after thanksgiving

    That would be Black MONDAY.

    Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, so how the heck would the day after Thanksgiving be Monday?
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited November 2007
    Because Mitchy lives in Canadia, land of syrup and mounties. They celebrate wiping out an entirely separate group of natives than United Statesians did -- and they do it on a different date than in the U.S.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • ah, I see... Silly Canadians.
  • None of the above. All the games I want, I already got. Mario Galaxy, Phoenix Wright 3, Guitar Hero 3, Lego Star Wars. Though, I am still trying to get two copies of Worms 2 DS.
  • v.V Yeah, Thanksgiving is done and over with already for us, as well as Remembrance Day (your Memorial Day). ... I don't know when people start shopping here, though. I know I'll be starting December, after I get my paycheck. XD
  • I think Toys'R'Us is doing another one of those buy two Wii games get a third free deals.

    I Raving Rabids 2 out yet? My daughter wants Mario Galaxy for Christmas but I can't think of a third Wii game that is out (that I do not own) that I also want.

    I am almost done with Metroid Prime 3. I found all of the items so I get the longer ending. All I need to do is the final battle.
  • A Turkey, cranberries, and some stuffing. I would also really like to pickup Star Trek TOS in HD, and with the 20% off at it's like $110. I've bought that show so damn many times though...

    I'd really like to pick up Guitar Hero 3, I still haven't decided which system though. That Toy's R Us deal is good, and add the $25 Gift card I got with Mario last week. Picking out 3 good Wii games, that is the trick.
  • I would also really like to pickup Star Trek TOS in HD
    My Christmas list is more or less, "Buy me Star Trek: TNG, or I'll slice your tires, dammit."
  • I just bought "My Spanish Coach" for the DS. It's a title that will either make me think the DS is the best invention ever, or the cartridge will wind up in the trash can within minutes.
  • I just bought "My Spanish Coach" for the DS. It's a title that will either make me think the DS is the best invention ever, or the cartridge will wind up in the trash can within minutes.
    From what I've heard, the latter is more likely.
  • A Turkey, cranberries, and some stuffing. I would also really like to pickup Star Trek TOS in HD, and with the 20% off at it's like $110. I've bought that show so damn many times though...
    TOS in HD?! OMG!!! Thanks. I think that's another thing to add to the list. That show made a bigger impact on my life than Sesame Street.
  • TOS in HD?! OMG!!! Thanks. I think that's another thing to add to the list. That show made a bigger impact on my life than Sesame Street.
    You know you can catch the newly-remastered episodes on Fox 8 on Sundays at 2 p.m., right?
  • I did not know this. I watch so little TV anymore. But if I bought them, it would be in 1080p, not the inferior 1080i served by the cable company and I wouldn't have to fast forward through commercials.
  • I think I must be the only guy who actually likes the anticipation factor that non-time-shifted television brings. It's nice to have something to look forward to.
  • Black Friday?
    Oh yes the State version of Boxing Day, I rather doubt I'll get anything as I should be looking out for Christmas at this point.
  • For all you Europeans who don't know why it's called Black Friday, this Friday is typically the day in which most stores (historically department stores) start producing their first fiscal year profits (i.e they get out of debt and the numbers go from red to black).
  • Don't forget to add that people wake up at insane hours early in the morning to line up at the stores for their holiday sales. Where Wal Mart has stampedes of people fist fighting for that $20 DVD player, people get trampled, for the sake to save a buck or two. ^_~

    I'll be at work on Black Friday. Hopefully traffic won't be too bad because I pass many shopping centers on the way to work.
  • Depending on the province and how far U.S. chains have branched in, Black Friday sales (and ensuing insanity) can be found in Canada too. New Brunswick towns close to the Maine border get pounded pretty bad. A girl on my floor has a nasty twist in her pinkie finger, where she had it broken in three places after being knocked down and trampled working as a door checker at the Fredericton Wal-Mart last year.
  • Where Wal Mart has stampedes of people fist fighting for that $20 DVD player, people get trampled, for the sake to save a buck or two. ^_~
    Some how in the last year or two it's turned into stampedes of people going for the $1000 Flat Panel TV. Last year it was a 32" for $1000, this year it looks like a 42" for under a grand is the big draw. Thanks for the heads up on Fox playing Star Trek in HD, perfect use for that MythTV box I just built.
  • I am going to attempt to get Super Mario Galaxy for 35 bucks. (probably some of the cheap dvd's as well) my gf's family has some tradition of being nuts on black friday and running around so I might as well try and get something cheap.
  • For all you Europeans who don't know why it's called Black Friday, this Friday is typically the day in which most stores (historically department stores) start producing their first fiscal year profits (i.e they get out of debt and the numbers go from red to black).
    Ooooh, thanks for the info. When I first heard 'Black Friday' I thought store owners feared that day. XD
  • For all you Europeans who don't know why it's called Black Friday, this Friday is typically the day in which most stores (historically department stores) start producing their first fiscal year profits (i.e they get out of debt and the numbers go from red to black).
    Ooooh, thanks for the info. When I first heard 'Black Friday' I thought store owners feared that day. XD
    They do. Lol. One of my best friends' dad is the manager at our Wal-Mart. He was talking about it the other day, and said this is like the 7th Black Friday he's worked in a row. He hates them. Our Wal-mart actually doesn't have enough carts for all the people that come in, they have to go and get the carts people leave in the parking lot one by one to keep people happy. It's craziness.

    Also, because my friends' dad is a manager, I knew the black friday deals two weeks ago. I feel special. :P
  • Yeah, actually I've gone out a few times to see the aftermath. Stop by Target or Wal-mart about 4:00pm Friday afternoon. Everyone from that morning is tired and went home and the stores look like they were part of a riot. Empty shelves, crap in the aisles, the employees look like walking dead. I don't really like shopping in a crowd and stay away from black Friday for the most part but it can be fun to step back and observe.
  • I did the "get there 5 hours early and wait in line" thing one year for a toy my daughter wanted. After she got it she played with it for five minutes and that was it. Never again!
  • I did the "get there 5 hours early and wait in line" thing one year for a toy my daughter wanted. After she got it she played with it for five minutes and that was it. Never again!
    Lawl, how many parents do that? XDD
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