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Pope Criticizes Atheism. (wow, so surprising!)



  • How about those crazy people who believe you don't have to pay income tax in Ohio.
    Okay... this has been mentioned twice by you guys and I just have to fix it. It's not people in Ohio who refuse to pay taxes. The anti-tax people allege that Ohio was not made a state in the correct manner prior to voting for the 16th Amendment. Therefore, people from all over the country argue that the income tax is unconstitutional. They just base the argument on an issue involving Ohio.
  • How about those crazy people who believe you don't have to pay income tax in Ohio.
    Okay... this has been mentioned twice by you guys and I just have to fix it. It's not people in Ohio who refuse to pay taxes. The anti-tax people allege that Ohio was not made a state in the correct manner prior to voting for the 16th Amendment. Therefore, peoplefrom all over the countryargue that the income tax is unconstitutional. They just base the argument on an issue involving Ohio.
    I have the book from that guy in Stamford who says we don't have to pay taxes. If you read the book you find his argument is not that you do not have to pay taxes but that it is the government's responsibility to send you a bill for taxes due and not your responsibility to file an income tax report and do the work for them.
  • Also, I would like interest for refundable taxes, please. If the government took too much, it should pay for my lost opportunity cost.
  • I have the book from that guy in Stamford who says we don't have to pay taxes. If you read the book you find his argument is not that you do not have to pay taxes but that it is the government's responsibility to send you a bill for taxes due and not your responsibility to file an income tax report and do the work for them.
    Also, I would like interest for refundable taxes, please. If the government took too much, it should pay for my lost opportunity cost.
    I think I agree with both of these.
  • Someone who is unknown or has no answer, is less likely to be someone with this kind of rationality.
    The unknown/no answer means that they did not answer the question(ie: just left it blank), or answered that they have no religion. Not answering does not mean that they are not atheists, it just means they did not answer atheist when their religion was polled.
  • I have a diatribe I wrote this morning after thinking more about the movie The Golden Compass. I'll save it for when I'm finished writing out my thoughts fully.

    The gist though is easy: I hate preachy atheists as much (if not more) as I hate preachy fundamentalists. At least I expect the fundies to preach to me. Preachy atheists don't think they're preaching. I submit Rym and Scott as an example. Anytime religion is brought up, there's never a real discussion. Every post is a veiled attempt at conversion and nothing more. Constantly putting forth the idea that believers are illogical and can't think for themselves is a poor way to have a rational discussion. You can no more disprove the existence of God then I can prove it. To be honest, I don't care if anyone has faith, doesn't, shares my faith, believes in the FSM or whatever. I will never mind discussing what religion is about, but the whole "religion is the worst thing ever" bit is getting tired.
  • edited December 2007
    Constantly putting forth the idea that believers are illogical and can't think for themselves is a poor way to have a rational discussion.
    But but, it is illogical. Isn't that the point ^_^ (Faith is all about being illogical, otherwise you won't believe in it) That being said.

    Now for my rant.

    When are you guys ever going to figure out the reason people get all up in your religion is that you make claims. Like if you say that Prayer helps heal people, this is a claim that can be tested. When it comes to beliefs I'm all good with you believing whatever you want, just don't make claims that your religion somehow fits with science. As long as religion stays out of Science and Politics I don't give a crap what it does. Fat chance that will ever happen.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited December 2007
    You can no more disprove the existence of God then I can prove it.
    If this is the reason why you believe in the Christian god, then why don't you believe in Allah? Or any of the Hindu deities? Or Thetans? You can't disprove them either. What do you define as a discussion? I'll gladly discuss religion, but I don't understand what constitutes "conversion" by your words. I didn't know that stating ones opinions meant you were trying to convert people.
    I have a diatribe I wrote this morning after thinking more about the movie The Golden Compass.
    I bet you loved The Chronicles of Narnia though...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited December 2007

    But but, it is illogical. Isn't that the point ^_^ (Faith is all about being illogical, otherwise you won't believe in it) That being said.
    Ok, I'll give you that one. Faith is illogical. That's why it's faith.

    When are you guys ever going to figure out the reason people get all up in your religion is that you make claims. Like if you say that Prayer helps heal people, this is a claim that can be tested. When it comes to beliefs I'm all good with you believing whatever you want, just don't make claims that your religion somehow fits with science. As long as religion stays out of Science and Politics I don't give a crap what it does. Fat chance that will ever happen.
    Here's one of those generalities that I love. I don't make claims. I think prayer helps me feel better. That's it. If that's a psychological change, if it's God telling me that he's there, whatever. I think prayer as meditation is a positive thing. Don't have anything to back that up. I also don't make claims that my "religion somehow fits with science." I think that religion tries to explain things that we don't understand. Genesis? Story. Anyone who thinks that thousands of years of translation and the work of people can't change words in a book is touched in the head. That's reality. But, I don't think that things happen by accident. I don't see how a belief that God created the universe in any way contradicts scientific knowledge.

    You are very, very right about religion and politics, though. Civic work is based on the rule of law. That's it. Morality is a personal choice and as long as it is not harmful to others should not be legislated.
    I bet you loved The Chronicles of Narnia though...
    Actually, I enjoyed 75% of The Golden Compass. I thought the unnecessary digs were a real poor way of making an audience happy to see your movie (probably why it only made $26 mil this weekend). I really want to read the books. Hearing the author say that he wrote it to counter-act Narnia irritates me just as much as Narnia being written as a thinly-veiled Christian allegory. That makes him just as bad as CS Lewis. But The Chronicles of Narnia are even worse as an allegory. I mean, Santa Claus shows up to give them weapons? (Thanks Robot Chicken!)
    If this is the reason why you believe in the Christian god, then why don't you believe in Allah? Or any of the Hindu deities? Or Thetans? You can't disprove them either. What do you define as a discussion? I'll gladly discuss religion, but I don't understand what constitutes "conversion" by your words. I didn't know that stating ones opinions meant you were trying to convert people.
    My not being able to disprove anything's existence is not why I believe. I consider myself a practicing Roman Catholic because it is what is right for me. I'm not very good at it (which is why I'm still practicing) but nothing else fits for me. Not a logical argument, no. Is it right for you? No idea. That one's on you. I think the Thetan thing is just plain retarded, but that doesn't mean I have any right to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong. Now, Scientology as a "religion" is a money scam, but that's not about belief, it's about greed.

    I guess what I'm trying to get across talking about "conversion" is that I've always seen religion as a very personal thing. I love talking with people about their religion (or lack thereof), but hate when that discussion turns to "here's why you're wrong." I don't think there is a right and wrong when it comes to religion. I also don't get people's motivation to try and change someone else. I'm happy being Catholic and believing in God. Why does it matter to an atheist that I believe? I know there are bad people in every religion. I see that dickhead from the Catholic League get up on Fox News like he speaks for all of us every time he thinks someone is oppressing a Catholic and it pisses me off. First, don't no one know how to oppress like a Catholic. We've had practice. And secondly, he's as much a spokesman for Catholics as Jesse Jackson is the Emperor of Black People.
    Post edited by Sparkybuzzed on
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