For those of you who care -- which should be everyone -- the AP newswire just called it for Obama in the Iowa caucus. It looks like he's pulled 37 percent of the vote with Hillary and Edwards grabbing about 30 percent each. We're getting live wire updates every 15 minutes or so, and Obama's had a steady 4-6 point lead over the course of the night.
I think my favourite candidate right now is Biden, but it's looking like the best contender might be Edwards. Those two seem to be the only ones (on the Dems' side) that aren't blatantly corrupt.
2) Her desire to take oil company profits and use the money for government projects. Why is she picking on oil? Why is she trying to confiscate money? Banks make a bigger profit (percentage wise) than the oil companies, why not go after them?
If a billion dollar company makes 10 million dollars a month no one considers that profiteering but, if a trillion dollar company makes 10 billion dollars a month in profit it is seen as profiteering. Percentages are the same but somehow earning billions is seen as bad.
3) Her inability to debate without accusing the other "boys" of ganging up on her. I will not elect someone who plays the "gender card" or "race card" when their ideas are threatened or challenged in a debate.
4) In that same debate she was unable to clearly state her view on the issue of "licenses for illegals". An issue that the other candidates had no problem taking a position on.
First, I doubt that the founders of our country wanted two families to rule for 28 years. I don't like the idea either.
Second, I truly believe that she will say whatever it takes to get elected, no matter what she actually believes. Therefore, I don't trust anything she says.
Having said that, when Bill was president, things weren't so bad. He was awful at foreign policy, but we did great domestically. He was even fairly moderate. I don't see any reason why Hillary would be so different.
I'm not a big fan of Edwards, but it has to do with my disdain of people who choose to get rich as a personal injury lawyer more than anything else. I could write a whole essay on that. It's not that I disagree with the theory of tort law - but spend a day in that world and you'll see how the theory was forgotten a long time ago. To me it says that you value money and power more than what is right and wrong.
Huckabee is too far to the right to win. But... if he goes up against Obama, how many white southern Democrats are going to vote for Obama? I'm not really sure. I'd like to think that it's not an issue, but I suspect it is.
Overall I like Obama, although I will be the first to admit that there isn't much track record there. Call me naive, but I do believe that he's not as beholden to special interest groups as Hillary and Edwards.
A random thought about Obama: Are you familiar with the way the office ages people? Well, Obama is not exactly pretty right now. If he was elected, he'd end up looking like he was rode hard and put up wet. On the other hand, You could just listen to his audio and he'd still sound statesmanlike - unlike some others I could name. WHAT?!!
In all seriousness, it bothers me that we live in a world where a strong, successful woman would still feel the need to surgically alter her appearance.
Although, let's face it, at some point aging comes into play. It definitely had an effect on Ronald Reagan.
Of course I don't. I'm just sayin' . . .
If you look at him just the right way though, he looks a little like Lincoln. If he was aged just right, I think the resemblance would come out more. Even if he did age considerably, he'd still be young. If McCain or Thompson aged much more they'd be dead.
I predict:
Republican: Romney (McCain second)
Democrat: Obama (Hillary second)
As for the GOP, I'm really not sure. They're in the situation the Democrats were in last time around, in that they have a bunch of also-rans on the ballot but no real frontrunner.
I will bet on one thing solidly, however: whoever wins the majority of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina will win the nomination.
You do also realize that it is southern Democrats who will be voting for Obama in the primaries? What you are saying here is that southern Democrats are racist.
I could care less what color Obama's skin is. He has not made race an issue so far so I do not believe he will make it an issue if he gets elected. Hillary, on the other hand, has had no problem playing the gender card and trying to get votes just because she is a woman.