He has an event at the Meadowlands center in NJ on Monday. I would love to go, but stupid work. I was really hoping to hear him speak, but I guess I won't be able to anytime soon.
He has an event at the Meadowlands center in NJ on Monday. I would love to go, but stupid work. I was really hoping to hear him speak, but I guess I won't be able to anytime soon.
This from a guy who has paid to go to concerts? Why not just download the bootlegs?
Live music is completely different from recorded music. Live talking is not.
Of course it is because of the atmosphere with all the people getting excited and cheering because they believe in this guy, just as the crowd adds to the enjoy of live music. You wouldn't enjoy a concert so much if you were the only one there.
In reality i doubt that much will change but it feels good to be swept up in the emotion of it all.
Of course it is because of the atmosphere with all the people getting excited and cheering because they believe in this guy, just as the crowd adds to the enjoy of live music. You wouldn't enjoy a concert so much if you were the only one there.
In reality i doubtthatmuch will change but it feels good to be swept up in the emotion of it all.
I don't mind being swept up in a crowd for purposes of entertainment, be it sports or music. I do mind being swept up in a crowd for purposes of political propaganda.
This will make South Carolina very interesting.
In reality i doubt that much will change but it feels good to be swept up in the emotion of it all.