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GeekNights 080103 - Epiphanies



  • I never did the summer reading in high school: I had my own books to read. I'd slap an essay together just before school started and BS my way through the discussion.
  • I never did the summer reading in high school: I had my own books to read. I'd slap an essay together just before school started and BS my way through the discussion.
    I did the summer reading, because it was literature. I also did other summer reading.
  • I never did the summer reading in high school: I had my own books to read. I'd slap an essay together just before school started and BS my way through the discussion.
    Same. It's amazing how much you can BS your way through.
  • I never did the summer reading in high school: I had my own books to read. I'd slap an essay together just before school started and BS my way through the discussion.
    Same. It's amazing how much you can BS your way through.
    I BSed through the majority of my english class, and suffered in terms of grades. I managed to get by, but I was walking on a razor thin edge. I don't regret doing so as I was triaging.
  • I suddenly realized tonight that dating isn't that difficult or confusing, the only people I actually like are the ones that think I'm awesome, and that I don't care what the other people think anymore. It's like a big chunk of my life just snapped into place. This is a nice feeling.
  • edited August 2011
    Post edited by Sail on
  • The only problem with that particular epiphany is that sometimes, in the dark of the night, you wonder whether or not that feeling is just a way to rationalize why you're not dating anyone right now, why most of the women you know are just friends, why you're still lying in bed, alone, instead of with someone else.

    Man... I just depressed myself. *goes off to watch fail videos in an effort to feel better via schadenfreude*
  • edited August 2011
    I spend many nights a week lying in bed wondering if it would really be that bad if I decided to kill myself.

    Seriously. That's on a good week.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited August 2011
    I spend many nights a week lying in bed wondering if it would really be that bad if I decided to kill myself.

    Seriously. That's on a good week.
    I have a sort of top ten list of reasons not to killself. Among those are, of course, the pain it inflicts on family members. When my grandfather killed himself, it was very hard on all of us for many years. Many people will tell you about this, but I've experienced it firsthand.

    Other reasons include a fear of winding up maimed or brain damaged instead of dead and a desire to see new technology. Yes, you heard me. I would hate to be gone through my own choice right before they come up with actually good AI for instance, or, ironically, life extension tech. I think if you could be certain of living for 200 years or so, you could end up doing all the things you normally wouldn't have time to do, and that might give you some more reasons to keep going e.g., if you feel bad that you didn't go to Harvard when you were 18, maybe you can have another shot when you're 118. Also, gene therapy for depression is something I hope to see in my lifetime if I don't killself. On top of that, I really, really want to see that Avengers movie next summer.

    If I had killed myself in the 90s, I wouldn't have been able to get my iPad, and I fucking love my iPad. That might sound superficial, childish, and immature, but that's how I feel about it.

    So, I know how you feel, 'Nutia. I really do. I have often wondered if it wouldn't be just as well to step in front of a subway train (A method that doesn't usually leave people maimed. It usually kills with no problem), or at least really, really wishing that I could have a heart attack or stroke or something. I had a friend a few years ago who had a heart attack while playing golf. He died instantly. I was actually jealous.

    It's the depression. People without depression don't seem to understand that it's not just sadness. It fucking hurts. It hurts all the time. When I think of suicide, it's not because of despair or sadness for a specific thing. It's just that it would be a relief to not fucking hurt all the time.

    But . . . if I did do it, I might miss out on gene therapy, or cyborg implants, or being able to jack my brain into a computer, and I really want to be able to someday do that stuff, so I tolerate the pain.

    Finally, think of all the problems people would have trying to stuff your preposterous hair into a coffin. Would you really want to inflict that on anyone? That's a joke, son. Don't get cross with me.

    Sonic - I know you've probably heard all this before, and you don't want to hear it from me, but the women will eventually be there. Two quick things you've probably already heard - they fucking love self confidence, and they also love it when they think you're not interested -that you can just pick up and leave at any moment. If you want dates, work on incorporating those two things into your personality.

    However, cherish the time when you're in charge of yourself. I know I'll catch heat for saying this, but I don't care. When you live with a woman, no matter how geeky they may seem at first, they will eventually start to force you to live by some of their girly rules, like "Don't dry your hands in that towel. That's for guests." or "Take those stupid Star Wars posters off the wall. They're immature. Put up this painting of a horse instead." or "You smell like a brewery. I don't like it when you drink. You have to stop drinking." or the entire line of things that you're supposed to know to do or say because she thinks you should have the ability to read her mind and comply with her wishes before she can verbalize them. In fact, get ready to learn a whole new foreign language of facial expressions, body language, intonation, etc. that they use instead of just being simple and direct.

    That's not to say it's not worth it. All of the above is to tell you that I know what it's like to be alone and wishing to be in a relationship. I've been married now for eighteen years. I wouldn't want to go back to being alone, but there were enough good things about being alone that make it good enough that you shouldn't just wish it away.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • The only problem with that particular epiphany is that sometimes, in the dark of the night, you wonder whether or not that feeling is just a way to rationalize why you're not dating anyone right now, why most of the women you know are just friends, why you're still lying in bed, alone, instead of with someone else.

    Man... I just depressed myself. *goes off to watch fail videos in an effort to feel better via schadenfreude*
    I spend many nights a week lying in bed wondering if it would really be that bad if I decided to kill myself.

    Seriously. That's on a good week.
    Yeah, I hold no illusions as to this realization actually improving things when I have one of my mood swings, but I think it's solid enough that I'll be able to come back to it when I'm in the right frame of mind. I've learned that no matter how lasting a state of happiness might feel to me, my mood always swings back to suicidally depressed within a week or so. That's another epiphany I've had recently; the fact that, for the most part, I'm not actually in control of my mood. It's made it a lot easier to step back and deal with it, instead of wondering what I'm doing "wrong" to always go from top-of-the-world to the fetal position in a dark room every week and a half.
  • Sonic has that confidence shit on lock.
  • edited August 2011
    I spend many nights a week lying in bed wondering if it would really be that bad if I decided to kill myself.
    Seriously. That's on a good week.
    Killing yourself is the only way to fail at life because, until that moment, you have been beating everything in the world that was trying to kill you. Don't let anything but time and circumstance beat you, omnomnutia.
    Sonic has that confidence shit on lock.
    Nah, but I fake it, sometimes well enough to convince myself.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • When you live with a woman, no matter how geeky they may seem at first, they will eventually start to force you to live by some of their girly rules, like "Don't dry your hands in that towel. That's for guests.
    I would say the same is true of all people living together. I know people with neat freak roommates who are male and very particular. People have different standards for cleanliness, so that may be where some of the nagging comes from. You have to have claimed territory (which is how I want to live if I live with roommates. I need my own room or at least own corner I can claim.) that you can do whatever you want with and put up posters and strew clothes, for the common areas have to be in a state where everyone can feel comfortable in them.
  • I would say the same is true of all people living together. I know people with neat freak roommates who are male and very particular. People have different standards for cleanliness, so that may be where some of the nagging comes from. You have to have claimed territory (which is how I want to live if I live with roommates. I need my own room or at least own corner I can claim.) that you can do whatever you want with and put up posters and strew clothes, for the common areas have to be in a state where everyone can feel comfortable in them.
    Yea, i was going to say this as well. Anytime you partner up with someone you make a few sacrifices on your behavior.
  • I would say the same is true of all people living together. I know people with neat freak roommates who are male and very particular. People have different standards for cleanliness, so that may be where some of the nagging comes from. You have to have claimed territory (which is how I want to live if I live with roommates. I need my own room or at least own corner I can claim.) that you can do whatever you want with and put up posters and strew clothes, for the common areas have to be in a state where everyone can feel comfortable in them.
    Yea, i was going to say this as well. Anytime you partner up with someone you make a few sacrifices on your behavior.
    . . . Which doesn't negate my point in any way whatsoever. My point was that you have to make many compromises in a serious relationship. Be grateful for the time you are alone and don't have to make nearly as many compromises.

    The point is supposed to be that there is a bright side to living alone. I said this to Sonic in an attempt to commiserate with him and to try to be cheerful, supportive, and somewhat humorous. This doesn't require a "Let's all dogpile on Joe and tell him how wrong he is" series of comments. Sheesh.
  • . . . Which doesn't negate my point in any way whatsoever. My point was that you have to make many compromises in a serious relationship. Be grateful for the time you are alone and don't have to make nearly as many compromises.

    The point is supposed to be that there is a bright side to living alone. I said this to Sonic in an attempt to commiserate with him and to try to be cheerful, supportive, and somewhat humorous. This doesn't require a "Let's all dogpile on Joe and tell him how wrong he is" series of comments. Sheesh.
    Nah, was just pointing out it had nothing to do with Women and instead about partnership :-p Just a fine adjustment, not a punch Joe in the gut.
  • edited August 2011
    . . . Which doesn't negate my point in any way whatsoever. My point was that you have to make many compromises in a serious relationship. Be grateful for the time you are alone and don't have to make nearly as many compromises.

    The point is supposed to be that there is a bright side to living alone. I said this to Sonic in an attempt to commiserate with him and to try to be cheerful, supportive, and somewhat humorous. This doesn't require a "Let's all dogpile on Joe and tell him how wrong he is" series of comments. Sheesh.
    Nah, was just pointing out it had nothing to do with Women and instead about partnership :-p Just a fine adjustment, not a punch Joe in the gut.
    Well, not to put too fine a point on your admirable PC patrol, but I happen to remember from past experience that the lad wishes to have a sexual relationship with a woman. That's why I was trying to be funny about the inconveniences of living with women. If he was interested in having a sexual relationship with a boll weevil, I would have tried to be funny about the inconveniences of living with boll weevils. See how that works?

    Yes, if you want to be a politically correct, humorless robot, all of the inconveniences I spoke of could be possibly be attributed to both sexes, but that wouldn't be funny. Funniness sometimes has no regard for PC.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Well, not to put too fine a point on your admirable PC patrol, but I happen to remember from past experience that the lad wishes to have a sexual relationship with a woman. That's why I was trying to be funny about the inconveniences of living with women. If he was interested in having a sexual relationship with a boll weevil, I would have tried to be funny about the inconveniences of living with boll weevils. See how that works?

    Yes, if you want to be a politically correct, humorless robot, all of the inconveniences I spoke of could be possibly be attributed to both sexes, but that wouldn't be funny. Funniness sometimes has no regard for PC.
    It's cool we know your sexist Joe :-p

    //Really I was just backing Emily up for once, because usually I'M making the sexist remarks to troll her.
  • edited August 2011
    I wasn't picking on you! Geepers! I think that there is plenty are freedom in living alone, but you also miss the things like eating dinner together at the table, bundling in blankets together on the couch when it is cold, telling each other cool stuff. I actually have been very happy at different points living alone, so sure, I will agree that it's got a certain degree of comfortable freedom. That is great. It's a tradeoff, just like almost everything in life.
    Well, not to put too fine a point on your admirable PC patrol
    I'm just sayin' whether or not the lad dates someone and sleeps with them, if he has roommates, they will either be messy or bitch about the towels. I'm saying it's not just chicks that rain on your parade, and sure, it's a bit annoying having your gender singled out as the sole bossy party in relationships.
    That's why I was trying to be funny about the inconveniences of living with women.
    es, if you want to be a politically correct, humorless robot, all of the inconveniences I spoke of could be possibly be attributed to both sexes, but that wouldn't be funny. Funniness sometimes has no regard for PC.
    Bigotry! LOLs!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Granted, my experience is that of the IB, I wouldn't have to do a 12 page essay if I didn't take the IB. the essays and commentaries and all that were still part of the curriculum. I also took IB Chemistry. FUCK that class, with a chainsaw nun-chucks. I think we have another person doing IB here that can agree with me.
    Oh god, fuck that class. It is the bane of my life, I think I am going to go insane if I get another lab report back that has failed the planning section.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm saying it's not just chicks that rain on your parade, and sure, it's a bit annoying having your gender singled out as the sole bossy party in relationships.
    Yeah, guys are usually the bossy party in relationships. I often make my wife go out at 10:30 p.m. on a rainy night to a grocery store to get me some male hygiene products because I feel too fat and bloated and it's raining and everything's just a mess and I don't feel pretty.
    Bigotry! LOLs!
    Actually, bigotry is very funny. It's funny because it relies on one of the foundations of humor, exaggeration. Exagerrated statements are often funny because of the difference between the exagerration and reality. Reasonable, factual statements like, "We are all responsible for making compromises in relationships and we need to support our partners in our cooperative efforts to establish a pleasant, fair, just, and equitable home environment for our family units, regardless of how we choose to structure those units." are usually not very funny.

    When was the last time a politically correct, reasonable person made a politically correct, perfectly reasonable comment that was funny?

    Oh God. I just realized that I've opened myself up to a flood of anecdotes about times when Melissa Etheridge said something "funny" at Lilith Fair.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Yeah, guys are usually the bossy party in relationships. I often make my wife go out at 10:30 p.m. on a rainy night to a grocery store to get me some male hygiene products because I feel too fat and bloated and it's raining and everything's just a mess and I don't feel pretty.
    This is true.
  • edited August 2011
    My greatest epiphany came around the age of fourteen. I realized that there was no great meaning to life other than what an individual decided to imbue. This was both overwhelming and freeing in the extreme.

    Also, Joe, in most cultures men are still the "bosses" and they control their women via violence, degradation, deprivation, fear, and forced ignorance. Isn't it great that we live in a culture where, for the most part, when a romantic partner asks the other to do something one has the option of saying "no?" Doing nice things for your partner isn't/shouldn't be the purview of any one gender and if someone attempts to be that overbearing, one can usually choose to leave.

    Bigotry, like any topic, can be funny. However, skill at being humorous and knowing one's audience are key elements to a joke actually getting a laugh. That being said, I giggled at your line about male hygiene products. ^_~
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • That being said, I giggled at your line about male hygiene products. ^_~
    Of course you did. I'm fucking hilarious once you get to know me.
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