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The Joker is dead.



  • edited January 2008
    And now there are (semi-) famous people (Eric-fucking-Roberts?) telling us how great he was.
    Dude, leave the great Eric Roberts out of this... he's an American treasure!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • I don't view celebrities as real people...
    I like where this is going. I don't see internet people as real people either. Therefore, you are not a real person.
  • Ha ha, but I don't see internet people as real people either. Therefore, I don't give a shit!
  • Jesus, cynical, you two.

    I just think he's an awesome actor and my friend adores (adored..?) him.
  • It would be "adores," unless their opinion has changed. He ceased to be, not your friend.
  • Ha ha, but I don't see internet people as real people either. Therefore, I don't give a shit!
    So, what, you don't feel that other people on the internet are humans, with their own lives, aspirations, hopes, dreams, and pain? Are they irrelevant to you because you cannot see them and therefore cannot feel emotions towards an abstract concept such as a person who is not physically present? Or is it because there is no immediate threat of physical harm, no unconscious warnings going off in the depths of your mind that the presence of another human being would engender?

    Please, be candid. I am honestly interested in your reply.
  • Of course. Wallybman isn't an actor/celeb, so he's MORE important. I think tragedy is a word that's thrown around too much - it's definitely sad, but it really doesn't affect me, still, I super sympathize for those close to him (Ledger).
  • I honestly want to know if wallybman considers other users of the Internet, as well as celebrities, as untermensch, beings beneath his own level and unworthy of his consideration. The alternatives are the two I outlined previously.
  • "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee"
  • edited January 2008
    Ron Glass was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He's a celebrity, not a super famous one, but he's a celebrity. I have no problem with individuals being able to breathe, I hate the idea of celebrity, or what it has become. I'm not more important than anyone else.

    The difference between celebrities and internet people is the fact that, for all I know, every single person on this board is nothing more than the different personas of a few individuals. Dave, Joel, Scott, and Rym, along with the folks from The Greatest Movie ever and Anime World Order, I can see them being real people with different personalities, hopes, emotions, and dreams.

    Why? because I can hear it in their voice. I have a limited amount of experience with military grade voice synthesizing, and I get to hear the new version every time a new revision of my aircraft hits our little airfield. Its getting pretty damn impressive, but it still doesn't get the emotions across, and it takes them so long to get an improvement on the last version, that I can't imagine anyone being able to get multiple voices working in a conversation in any decent amount of time. It's like the difference between the CG in Ultraviolet and the CG in Transformers.

    Almost every person I see in my day-to-day life I see as an individual, but I sometimes forget that my leadman at work is a living, breathing, individual. But that might be me trying to subconsciously dehumanize him, allowing me to feel less guilty for wanting to beat him to death with a baseball bat.

    People die every day. Sometimes I actually know someone who dies, but, more often than not, I have no emotional attachments to the people I don't know. An actor dieing because he took to many pills is not newsworthy, and it is not news. It happens. People do stupid shit, ending in death, all the time. They deserve no attention whatsoever. People die because of things that are completely out of control, those people deserve sympathy. People die of cancer, during childbirth, because of drunk drivers, being an innocent bystander in a drive-by shooting; THOSE people DESERVE to be sympathized with, to be memorialized, to be mourned. Not Heath-fucking-Ledger. Not some dip shit celebrity who popped too many pills. I feel bad for Britney's kids, but I could give a shit less about what dumb shit Britney is doing. The people around Heath? They didn't notice he wasn't sleeping? They didn't say "hey man, you ok?" , or "hey, you need to talk about anything?". No, they just lived their fucking lives.
    Ha ha, but I don't see internet people as real people either. Therefore, I don't give a shit!
    So, what, you don't feel that other people on the internet are humans, with their own lives, aspirations, hopes, dreams, and pain? Are they irrelevant to you because you cannot see them and therefore cannot feel emotions towards an abstract concept such as a person who is not physically present? Or is it because there is no immediate threat of physical harm, no unconscious warnings going off in the depths of your mind that the presence of another human being would engender?

    Please, be candid. I am honestly interested in your reply.
    It's a little bit of the first. I can feel emotions towards I cannot see. I tend to agree with Scott more than I do with Rym. I feel irked with Rym's need to fancify everything, or make everything different for the sake of being different (his grilled cheese sandwiches, his room arangement, etc), But I can't see them. I can, however hear them, so there is a small ammount of proof, to me at least, that they are real an individuals.

    I might make my point from earlier in this post to simply say that I don't see unproven internet people as "individuals." For instance, take yourself: I have heard your name, Katsu, mentioned in the podcast, but that doesn't mean that you aren't an invention of Rym and Scott simply to humanize a fake internet person of their making.

    And as for the immediate threat of harm feeling mentioned as the second possibility you offer, I really don't threaten easily. I'm a friggin huge guy, a gun owner, and liscensed to carry concealed. Plus, I really don't give folks any reason to want to threaten me. I, believe it or not, actually try to be as nice as possible to everyone who deserves it. And you have to really try to prove to me that you don't deserve it.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • Ow, block of wordz needz paragraphz...
  • edited January 2008
    Oops, sorry. I'll edit it some. Ok, it are is edited. :)
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • I see all of the people on this forum as human individuals (except for maybe Reimu) and would love to consider some of you as actual friends.
  • edited January 2008
    But that might be me trying to subconsciously dehumanize him, allowing me to feel less guilty for wanting to beat him to death with a baseball bat.
    Why so mad?
    Post edited by spiritfiend on
  • But that might be me trying to subconsciously dehumanize him, allowing me to feel less guilty for wanting to beat him to death with a baseball bat.
    Why so mad?
    Rather, why so guilty?
  • For some reason, wallybman comes off as some lonely guy that tries to come off as "tough" on the internet in order to mask his lack of personal self-confidence.

    But that's just me.

    Nothing against you, wallybman.
  • Everyone can call me "Wally," seeing as its my name. And no offense taken, SD. I'm not lonely at all. I've got a bunch of co-workers that I'm friends with, my girlfriend and I spend a lot of time together, and I'm pretty close with her family. I don't have an overabundance of self confidence, but I think that I've got enough, and everything I say is my honest, and usually vocal, opinion.

    Spiritfiend: because he is one of those people that acts like he knows more than anyone else, and talks to me like a fucking child. I have more than double the experience with our airframe of the rest of the crew, him included, combined. He's one of those people that makes going to work a dreaded event. I think we have caused him enough grief to make him put in his paperwork to give up lead, though. Hell, the shit has been run off of 4 different crews in the last 4 months.

    Katsu: why do I feel guilty? The man is a pain in the ass, but he hasn't actually harmed anyone in any real way, and I want to bash his fucking skull in. Not something I usually feel.
  • edited January 2008
    Hm. Now wallybman is coming off as an arrogant person who is divulging too much information about his personal life in order to sate his undying desire for personal acknowledgment and acceptance.

    Still, that's just me.

    And again, nothing against you, Wallyb. Your viewpoints are perfectly valid.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited January 2008
    Not at all. I was asked questions, I gave answers, and I gave a little more insight as to, perhaps, some of the reasoning behind those answers.

    Plus, one I get typing, I don't usually realize just how much I put down in 1's and 0's. ;)
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • edited January 2008
    As usual the Crazy Religious Nuts have had their say. This woman is incredibly tactless and just damn ignorant, apparently she runs
    Post edited by Linton on
  • *deep breath*
    Everytime I hear things like this make me want to do something horrible. Go die in a fire!
  • Her arguments have no merit whatsoever and I hope that one of her ELEVEN CHILDREN has some sort of intelligence and understands that their mother is a complete and total raving lunatic and if none of them do, I agree with Viga, they can die in a fire. I love the guy who interviewed her, he's great.
  • edited January 2008
    *Sob* Do you think I can get custody of her children and save them? My god...

    America is doomed! Australia is doomed! We're screwed! .. is this because of these people or because of 'fags'?

    EDIT: I love that reporter. Make him President or whatever they have in Australia.
    Post edited by kage_rod on
  • So, I have one thing to ask this woman:

    It's a grave sin to claim to be Jesus, so is it sinful for a Catholic school student to portray Jesus during a Passion play? Just curious.
  • What exactly is wrong with being gay? I have never quite understood this. Sure it's not biologically natural, but what is the big deal?

    Oh, and if I were to ever meet this woman, I would be sure to tell her that I am an athiest. If (and when) she would tell me that I am a horrible person and that I am going to hell. I would use the quote about ruling hell and tell her all about that beautiful first ammendment and tell her to shove off and leave people the fuck alone.
  • So, I have one thing to ask this woman:

    It's a grave sin to claim to be Jesus, so is it sinful for a Catholic school student to portray Jesus during a Passion play? Just curious.
    Could be. There are some protestant types that take that graven images thing way seriously. The Amish, for instance, make their kids these faceless dolls because they don't think they should have be a representation of even a normal person. Some protestants believe that the Catholic belief in the saints is idolatry. So, I can easily imagine some Protestant religion thinking that playing the part of Jesus in a play would be sinful.
  • What exactly is wrong with being gay? I have never quite understood this. Sure it's not biologically natural, but what is the big deal?
    I think it has to do with a single line in some bronze age document. As a point of context, this same document spends its first 10 chapters explaining how to properly sacrifice animals, and for what purpose said sacrifice is necessary.
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