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So a Baptist came to my door...



  • Wow, I don't even know where to start. Just hang up a sign on your door that says "No Solicitation".

    Abraham had 2 sons. Sarah was barren and God told them to be patient. Sarah didn't want to wait so she told Abraham to have a child with another woman. That child was Ishmael, Abraham's first son. Later just as he said God did give a child to Sarah and Abraham. That 2nd son was named Isaac. Ishmael became upset with Sarah and Isaac and was kicked out of Abraham's house. A Christian will tell you Ishmael was not the child that God promised to Abraham and Sarah. Islam will tell a different story. They come from the same root, but that deviation makes them two different religions. The vision of God is different from that point on.

    I feel the Jewish and Christian God is the same. God still cares for his chosen people even though they have not accepted Jesus as the messiah.

    The belief in Christ and understanding of what He did for us alone should make Christians better people. I mean better as in personally better, not better than you (holier than thou). This is one of the big mistakes Christians make. We are not better, we are still human. It takes a great deal of determination to even attempt to live as a Christian should. That leads us to the mistake that non-Christians make. Holding Christians to a different standard when they do something wrong. We all have problems and make mistakes.

    That it I'm done, if you want to discuss you can email me.

    Really the sign works, we use it because my wife is a stay at home mom and she was getting bugged by Mormons, Jehovah Witness people all day.
  • I'm sorry, Kilarney, but I completely side with the TC and Scott on this one. They came to your house and intruded on your schedule. The least you could do is to turn a complete waste of time into a potentially hilarious joke.
  • I'm sorry, Kilarney, but I completely side with the TC and Scott on this one. They came to your house and intruded on your schedule. The least you could do is to turn a complete waste of time into a potentially hilarious joke.
    You don't have to open your door. I'm pretty sure every door has an eyehole, try using it and stop complaining about people bothering you.
  • edited January 2008
    I'm pretty sure every door has an eyehole, try using it and stop complaining about people bothering you.
    What if they keep hammering the doorbell, like they do in our area? Even if we ignore them, we're still affected because they ring constantly for a good five minutes.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • edited January 2008
    By that logic, you shouldn't tell me off if I stand over your shoulder and keep saying "Hey!" loudly every ten seconds. After all, you can ignore me.
    If they are harassing you, that would be a totally different matter.

    EDIT: Way to edit that out of your post....
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I'm pretty sure every door has an eyehole, try using it and stop complaining about people bothering you.
    What if they keep hammering the doorbell, like they do in our area? Even if we ignore them, we're still affected because they ring constantly for a good five minutes.
    This is almost ALWAYS the case in my neighborhood.
  • edited January 2008
    I am, in fact, a christian(non-renominational, I tend to go to the local catholic church on the rare occasion I go to church), but I work nights. I explain that to people. They tend not to come back. I'm polite about it. Of course, it could be that they find the tattoos and piercings visible when I answer the door fairly scary. Or it could be that I'm a big, fat, hairy guy with tattoos and piercings answering the door in the middle of the day in my underwear looking like they woke me up.

    Either way.

    Of course, I always put on pants for the lady who delivers the mail. And she gets a smile. I love getting stuff off of ebay in the mail. :)
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • Nowhere did I say they were polite. That wasn't the whole conversation. When I told him I used to be Catholic, he said that I would go to Hell, and I argued with him a bit before saying that.
    Ok, fair enough, he got what he deserved. Insulting my religion (whatever it is) are fightin words.
  • edited January 2008
    Example, Bob here is not interested in architecture, yet he is very interested in airplanes. What do you think he will do?
    A) Waste his time finding stuff out about architecture, or
    B) Waste his time in a for him useful way by finding stuff out about airplanes?
    I think Bob will shut the fuck up when other people are talking about architecture and wait until they start talking about airplanes before he opens his ugly gob.
    Wait, because I do not go out of my way to research something I have ALMOST NO interest in you think I don't find anything out on my own? What about things I am interested in? Do you really think anyone would go find stuff out they DO NOT find interesting, when they can spend that time to find stuff out about things they ARE interested in?
    Listen kid, here's what you said:
    And besides, we didn't learn anything about the Jews or Muslims during History class.
    This is what I said: It's no excuse that you didn't study it in your sad little history class. If you're interested enough to talk about it, you should be interested enough to learn at least as much as you need to know so that you don't sound like an idiot.

    So maybe you should be more like your friend Bob.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited January 2008
    Example, Bob here is not interested in architecture, yet he is very interested in airplanes. What do you think he will do?
    A) Waste his time finding stuff out about architecture, or
    B) Waste his time in a for him useful way by finding stuff out about airplanes?
    I think Bob will shut the fuck up when other people are talking about architecture and wait until they start talking about airplanes before he opens his ugly gob.

    The last person I expected to side with on an argument was Scott, but in this case, I think that he has a right to say whatever he wants. When people say that you aren't allowed to be mean/ugly to someone who was mean/ugly to you, because somehow it makes you as bad as them, I think that's total bullshit. He decided to be ugly to me, so he can suffer the consequences, be them me cussing him out, insulting him back, or throwing water balloons at him. It doesn't make me any less of a person when I choose to do those things to him. The reason I'm doing these things is so that he can feel the pain/humiliation/sadness that I had to feel when he decided to come insult me, whatever the situation. I think that's only fair.

    If you don't agree with this, think about this. If a man comes into your home and kills someone in your family, are you going to let him go and "be the bigger man"? I know I would prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. I know that this is a LOT more extreme than what we are discussing here, but I think that the rule still applies to the door-to-door religious people.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • non-renominational
    Zoinks, Scoob! I knew it is was Old Man Joe all along! What with the way he talks and all:
    before he opens his ugly gob.
  • Posted By: Apreche

    The Mormons act all nice at the start, just like good salespeople. Of course, they woke up these guys at the crack of dawn multiple times, not so nice. The guys retaliate in a clever way. I may be an asshole in terms of my manners, but I think in my heart I have almost no darkness. Think about what I would do if I were put in the situation of being ballooned. I'd probably initially be surprised, but then I'd laugh it up with the cool dudes who pulled the most excellent prank. The Mormons on the other hand, when they come into contact with water, the darkness of their hearts are revealed.
    I'm not making generalizations about Mormons or anything like that at all. I'm just saying that acting nice doesn't count for shit with me. Anyone can present themselves with nice manners. It has no relation to whether you are truly nice on the inside.
    I'd just like to point out that they were NOT Mormons; they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Mormon missionary wear name tags and go out as a pair of women or a pair of men, no mixed 'teams' for obvious reasons. I was raised in a Mormon home and could probably fight any point you made about them being a cult or what not. I personally don't believe in their mumbo-jumbo but I, nor my family, will not be compared to Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • I'd just like to point out that they wereNOTMormons; they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Mormon missionary wear name tags and go out as a pair of women or a pair of men, no mixed 'teams' for obvious reasons. I was raised in a Mormon home and could probably fight any point you made about them being a cult or what not. I personally don't believe in their mumbo-jumbo but I, nor my family, will not be compared to Jehovah's Witnesses.
    As far as I'm concerned both groups comprise of people who believe crazy batshit, and also go to peoples doors and annoy them. Any differences within their particular batshit really don't concern me. I will take your word that the people are Jehova's Witnesses, but the title of the video on YouTube says otherwise.
  • edited January 2008
    As for Jews, Christians and Muslims worshipping the same god, okay, didn't know that, but their believes differ a lot.
    If you don't know something as basic as this, maybe these boards are not the place for you. It's not just history we're talking about. It's current events. Having the most basic understanding of world religions is vital if you are going to have any comprehension of the world we live in.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • Example, Bob here is not interested in architecture, yet he is very interested in airplanes. What do you think he will do?
    A) Waste his time finding stuff out about architecture, or
    B) Waste his time in a for him useful way by finding stuff out about airplanes?
    I think Bob will shut the fuck up when other people are talking about architecture and wait until they start talking about airplanes before he opens his ugly gob.
    Now, what if Bob states an opinion of his, i.e. he thinks the Sagrada Família church is an ugly thing and a waste of time to build. Then someone reacts to that with something similar to "OMG YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE GREAT ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF GAUDI SO YOU SHOULD STFU!", now Bob will most likely want to defend his position, no? This is the same as me stating that I find the different branches in Christianity bollocks these days. I mean, Catholics telling Mormons they will burn in hell for not being Catholic? And to shut this stupid discussion with you up by Godwin's law, it's like Hitler wanting to kill all Jews.
  • edited January 2008
    Nineless, you are talking about subjective opinions in the above example. There is nothing subjective in the fact that Christians, Jews and Muslims recognize the same God. Learn the difference. You're really embarrassing yourself.

    Lastly, your Hitler analogy is offensive at best. First of all, Catholics don't declare who will and who won't go to heaven. They believe that only God can make this determination. Yes, Catholics have what they believe are the criteria, but they won't make a prediction as to any one person. Secondly, no Catholic is advocating that Jews or Protestants should be killed as Hitler did during the Holocaust. To suggest this is absolutely offensive and says a lot about the type of person you are.

    I will be the first to admit that, historically, there has been far too much blood shed in the name of religion. Had you been criticizing historical events, I might have agreed. But to suggest that the present day Catholic Church seeks the extermination of Jews is completely ignorant.

    I've yet to see you make an argument based on fact. Maybe you should just quit until you learn how to do so.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • Now, what if Bob states an opinion of his, i.e. he thinks the Sagrada Família church is an ugly thing and a waste of time to build. Then someone reacts to that with something similar to "OMG YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE GREAT ARCHITECTURAL WORK OF GAUDI SO YOU SHOULD STFU!"
    Bad analogy. Bob is stating his personal preference and taste. There's nothing wrong with that. It would be more along the lines of what you're doing if Bob said, "Oh, Notre Dame has flying buttresses and gargoyles, I didn't know that because they didn't spoon feed it to me in school, but I still want you to hear my opinion of why Notre Dame is crappy."
    Do you understand what the Protestant Reformation was all about? The United States and The United Kingdom share the same/similar culture, also. Why shouldn't we abandon our government and submit to the crown? It seems like your argument recommends this type of action.
    Yes, the people did not like how the church acted, wanted to reform it and then became protestant. And I do not recommend to abandon your government at all.
    Yeah, that's a pretty good assessment of the Protestant Reformation, aside from that whole Thirty Years War thing, the Counter-Reformation and the Inquisition, the freedom of thought that inspired the Enlightenment and led to the Industrial Age, and the unpleasantness that's occurring to this day in Ireland.
    And to shut this stupid discussion with you up by Godwin's law, it's like Hitler wanting to kill all Jews.
    You soooo don't know what you're talking about, it's painful. You do make me feel better about the state of education in the U.S. though. If you went to some super-genius school in Europe and can still be so dense, maybe our kids aren't so dumb after all.
  • edited January 2008
    I'd just like to point out that they wereNOTMormons; they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Mormon missionary wear name tags and go out as a pair of women or a pair of men, no mixed 'teams' for obvious reasons. I was raised in a Mormon home and could probably fight any point you made about them being a cult or what not. I personally don't believe in their mumbo-jumbo but I, nor my family, will not be compared to Jehovah's Witnesses.
    As far as I'm concerned both groups comprise of people who believe crazy batshit, and also go to peoples doors and annoy them. Any differences within their particular batshit really don't concern me. I will take your word that the people are Jehova's Witnesses, but the title of the video on YouTube says otherwise.
    I thank you for your understanding but I'd just like to point out what youtube is and who uses it. If some one doesn't believe me on that particular issue I suggest you look as some you tube comments.
    Post edited by Sir_Xander on
  • I thank you for your understanding but I'd just like to point out what youtube is and who uses it. If some one doesn't believe me on that particular issue I suggest you look as some you tube comments.
    I believe you. I just don't think that mistaking someone who believes in the tooth fairy for someone who believes in purple dragons is a big deal.
  • Nineless, you are talking about subjective opinions in the above example. There is nothing subjective in the fact that Christians, Jews and Muslims recognize the same God. Learn the difference. You're really embarrassing yourself.
    Eh, I was arguing about interest in History being subjective. Not about Christians, Jews and Muslims basically recognizing the same god. I accept that since it alligns with what I do know.

    And I did not say Catholics wanting to exterminate the Jews, I said that there are people, for example Catholics, who, even if their Church doesn't agree with it, tell other people they will burn in hell just for being part of a different Christian church. I mean, not every quarter or eighth Jew wanted the worst for other Jews.
    Yousoooodon't know what you're talking about, it's painful. Youdomake me feel better about the state of education in the U.S. though. If you went to some super-genius school in Europe and can still be so dense, maybe our kids aren't so dumb after all.
    You just don't see the analogy. And if I recall correctly I told you before that I never claimed to be in a super-genius _school_, only an above average IQ class. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE. And, also I have told you that the majority of my peers in said class scored higher than me on average since all I did was do enough (aka study 1-2 hours the day before the test) to get an average grade, enough for passing. In other words, stop clinging on to your idiot beliefs that I went to some super school which only allows people with an IQ of over 180 or something ridiculous like that.
  • Nineless, you are talking about subjective opinions in the above example. There is nothing subjective in the fact that Christians, Jews and Muslims recognize the same God. Learn the difference. You're really embarrassing yourself.
    Eh, I was arguing about interest in History being subjective. Not about Christians, Jews and Muslims basically recognizing the same god. I accept that since it alligns with what I do know.
    I thought you were arguing that all Christians are the same.
    And Baptists are stupid, so are Catholics, Protestants, Mormons and the dozen or so other branches of Christianity. YOU'RE ALL CHRISTIANS! Believe in your God and stop claiming to be different!
    Ignorance of history doesn't change facts, no matter how little you care about it.
  • [S]top clinging on to your idiot beliefs that I went to some super school which only allows people with an IQ of over 180 or something ridiculous like that.
    Whatever, man. You still make me feel better about the competetiveness of American kids. If there are enough kids in Europe as dumb and misinformed as you, we're still in pretty good shape.
  • I just don't think that mistaking someone who believes in the tooth fairy for someone who believes in purple dragons is a big deal.
    Would you care if the government only supported policy that advanced the cause of purple dragons?
  • Would you care if the government only supported policy that advanced the cause of purple dragons?
    That would be awesome! Go purple dragons!
  • edited January 2008
    Would you care if the government only supported policy that advanced the cause of purple dragons?
    That's not the argument at hand, but I'll fight you on it.

    The 'thing' of it is that the checks system we use in our legislative branch prevent most laws that would target one group of beliefs as 'bad' or to advance that of another group; especially in the case of religious groups. If Romney; for example; wanted to pass a law that made all Christians read the Book of Mormon once a decade or whatever, congress would shoot that law down faster than you could say "holy shit!" The same thing goes for any type of religion oriented law. And if someone did manage to pass a law like that, the supreme court would be the next to point their proverbial shotgun at it.

    I'm not saying that things like this don't happen, I'm saying, there is a system to prevent or remove it. In a perfect world this discussion wouldn't exist...
    Post edited by Sir_Xander on
  • edited January 2008
    Would you care if the government only supported policy that advanced the cause of purple dragons?
    Haha, they wouldn't unless the majority of Americans were purple dragons, unless there was a minority of bigger red dragons. They spend too much time trying to get elected and stay in office to do much.
    Post edited by Infinity on
  • First of all, Catholics don't declare who will and who won't go to heaven. They believe that only God can make this determination.
    Actually the Catholic Church does declare who will go to heaven. The Catholic Church declares people as saints, and saints are essentially people who are already in heaven. However, the church does not declare that any particular person is going to hell.
  • However, the church does not declare that any particular person is going to hell.
    That's what I meant. You just said it better. ;-)
  • However, the church does not declare that any particular person is going to hell.
    That's what I meant. You just said it better. ;-)
    When I was a child, I heard about someone in the community who died. This person didn't attend our local Baptist church. I remember people talking in church about the person and I remember the pastor saying that the person was in Hell right now. I remember thinking, "Gee, that's pretty harsh. How can you know that?" That's pretty much the time when I began thinking that maybe this wasn't exactly the religion for me . . .
  • edited January 2008
    The 'thing' of it is that the checks system we use in our legislative branch prevent most laws that would target one group of beliefs as 'bad' or to advance that of another group; especially in the case of religious groups.
    Policy != Legislation. For example, let's say a President develops a policy to veto every bill that's sent to him that doesn't include some provision forcing people to wear purple. During his term, only laws that force people to wear purple will pass, unless 66% (more than a majority) of Congress supports it.
    Post edited by spiritfiend on
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